=== Run information === Scheme:weka.classifiers.meta.FilteredClassifier -F "weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove -R 1" -W weka.classifiers.rules.JRip -- -F 3 -N 2.0 -O 2 -S 1 Relation: scores_and_avg.notrim Instances: 37084 Attributes: 155 [list of attributes omitted] Test mode:10-fold cross-validation === Classifier model (full training set) === Classifier Model JRIP rules: =========== (SFC_Dens_mean = '(-inf-0.18775]') and (SFC_Luzzati = '(0.5007-inf)') and (WC_avg_B_bond_diff = '(1.555-4.965]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (231.0/65.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (WC_bump_per_res = '(0.428-inf)') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (395.0/57.0) (SFC_Dens_mean = '(-inf-0.18775]') and (SFC_Luzzati = '(0.5007-inf)') and (TAP_remainder = '(0.26005-inf)') and (SFC_B_Patterson_diff = '(-8.435--5.115]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (24.0/6.0) (WC_avg_B_bond_diff = '(1.555-4.965]') and (WC_per_acceptors_vpoor_H = '(-inf-0.059222]') and (WC_back_z = '(1.8205-inf)') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (88.0/27.0) (WC_avg_B_bond_diff = '(1.555-4.965]') and (B_stdev_u_main = '(0.17125-inf)') and (B_CV_u_main = '(0.289305-inf)') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (121.0/43.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(14116.193901-22134.004466]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (571.0/259.0) (SFC_Dens_mean = '(-inf-0.18775]') and (SFC_Luzzati = '(0.5007-inf)') and (SFC_rwork_recomp_diff = '(0.1435-inf)') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (42.0/7.0) (SFC_Dens_mean = '(-inf-0.18775]') and (SFC_correlation_2sigma = '(0.78715-0.83925]') and (PC_per_rama_ungenerous = '(-inf-0.05]') and (SFC_sf_res_high = '(2.875-2.955]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (18.0/5.0) (SFC_Dens_mean = '(-inf-0.18775]') and (SFC_rwork_recomp = '(0.2855-0.3235]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(29352.23858-48327.705736]') and (WC_avg_B_bond_diff = '(1.555-4.965]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (47.0/17.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (WC_bump_per_res = '(0.3175-0.428]') and (WC_bump_mildest = '(14.5-91.5]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (188.0/61.0) (SFC_Dens_mean = '(-inf-0.18775]') and (PC_bond_ratio = '(7.95-inf)') and (PC_stdv_zeta = '(2.75-inf)') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (63.0/23.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (WC_rms_BA_dev = '(1.7355-2.519]') and (PC_stdv_chi1gplus = '(17.15-19.65]') and (Errat_qual_rem = '(17.101-27.3815]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (25.0/5.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (PC_stdv_chi1pooled = '(15.55-18.25]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(29352.23858-48327.705736]') and (SFC_correlation_2sigma = '(0.83925-0.86835]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (50.0/22.0) (SFC_Dens_mean = '(-inf-0.18775]') and (SFC_Luzzati = '(0.5007-inf)') and (PC_stdv_zeta = '(1.05-1.45]') and (SFC_res_max_used = '(2.905-inf)') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (41.0/16.0) (WC_avg_B_bond_diff = '(1.555-4.965]') and (WC_bump_per_res = '(0.2475-0.3175]') and (WC_bump_total = '(1.4205-8.7815]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (132.0/62.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (SFC_rwork_recomp = '(0.2855-0.3235]') and (B_ratio_u_means = '(0.906445-0.972127]') and (SFC_correlation = '(0.75545-0.83535]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (27.0/7.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (SFC_rwork_recomp = '(0.2855-0.3235]') and (SFC_Boveral = '(19.104-30.739]') and (SFC_correlation = '(0.88005-0.90315]') and (WC_avg_B_bond_diff = '(1.555-4.965]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (11.0/0.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (SFC_Padd = '(81.311-380.1975]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(-inf-14116.193901]') and (PDB_Year = '(2006.5-inf)') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (28.0/0.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (SFC_rdiff_recomp_diff = '(-0.0705--0.0095]') and (SFC_rwork_recomp = '(0.2855-0.3235]') and (PC_per_bad = '(6.25-16.45]') and (SFC_rfact_all_refl = '(0.31665-0.37965]') and (SFC_rfree_recomp_diff = '(0.0645-0.0825]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (13.0/2.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (PC_stdv_chi1trans = '(18.75-21.75]') and (WC_rms_BA_z = '(1.0365-1.3435]') and (PC_per_mcbl_outside = '(9.05-inf)') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (12.0/1.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (SFC_rwork_recomp = '(0.2855-0.3235]') and (WC_bump_per_res = '(0.3175-0.428]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (80.0/39.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(29352.23858-48327.705736]') and (SFC_Dens_mean = '(-inf-0.18775]') and (SFC_Boveral = '(40.4565-46.3825]') and (SFC_diff_est_error = '(0.2969-0.61105]') => PDBoutlier='(0.8-inf)' (32.0/14.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (B_stdev_u_all = '(0.07385-0.11375]') and (SFC_rwork_recomp_diff = '(0.0045-0.0185]') and (B_frac_delta_u = '(-0.124823-0.068702]') and (PC_per_rama_disfavored = '(5.85-10.85]') and (PC_stdv_chi1pooled = '(8.75-11.25]') and (SFC_res_optical = '(1.255-1.555]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (515.0/146.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (SFC_diff_est_error = '(0.01665-0.07725]') and (WC_per_acceptors_no_H = '(1.087574-1.293966]') and (B_CV_u_all = '(0.147647-0.231272]') and (WC_Vm_obs = '(2.2015-2.6945]') and (SFC_B_Wilson = '(34.995-46.155]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (86.0/21.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (B_CV_u_all = '(0.147647-0.231272]') and (SFC_diff_est_error = '(0.01665-0.07725]') and (WC_per_acceptors_no_H = '(1.087574-1.293966]') and (WC_rms_B_z = '(0.4165-0.5945]') and (PC_per_rama_disfavored = '(5.85-10.85]') and (PC_per_bad = '(6.25-16.45]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (341.0/129.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (SFC_correlation_2sigma = '(0.92155-0.96155]') and (B_mean_u_water = '(0.53205-0.68195]') and (WC_bump_squared = '(0.1645-1.1325]') and (B_ratio_u_stdevs = '(0.738311-0.967988]') and (ProSA_fracdelta_en_pair = '(-inf-0.714292]') and (B_CV_u_all = '(0.147647-0.231272]') and (WC_chiral_dev = '(0.7195-1.1385]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (162.0/47.0) (SFC_rfact_2sigma = '(0.15755-0.22155]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (PC_stdv_chi1gplus = '(8.55-11.45]') and (B_stdev_u_all = '(0.07385-0.11375]') and (B_frac_delta_u = '(-0.124823-0.068702]') and (WC_per_acceptors_no_H = '(1.087574-1.293966]') and (WC_planar_z = '(0.4005-0.8605]') and (PC_stdv_omega = '(4.75-6.45]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (150.0/57.0) (SFC_rfact_2sigma = '(0.15755-0.22155]') and (WC_bump_per_res = '(0.0295-0.0825]') and (WC_bump_mildest = '(14.5-91.5]') and (Errat_qual_rem = '(0.082-5.453]') and (SFC_rdiff_recomp = '(0.0195-0.0365]') and (B_ratio_u_stdevs = '(0.738311-0.967988]') and (WC_per_acceptors_buried = '(0.421835-0.504845]') and (PC_per_mcba_outside = '(0.05-1.55]') and (WC_pack_avg = '(-0.5785--0.2725]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (162.0/48.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (WC_Vm_obs = '(2.2015-2.6945]') and (PDB_Resolution = '(1.465-1.995]') and (PDB_ratio_water_amino = '(0.055907-0.151277]') and (B_ratio_u_stdevs = '(0.738311-0.967988]') and (B_mean_u_water = '(0.53205-0.68195]') and (WC_rms_B_z = '(0.4165-0.5945]') and (SFC_rdiff_recomp = '(0.0195-0.0365]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (88.0/31.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (PC_per_rama_ungenerous = '(0.05-0.55]') and (SFC_rdiff_recomp_diff = '(-0.0045-0.0045]') and (B_ratio_u_stdevs = '(0.738311-0.967988]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(232187.672426-298282.732416]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (73.0/13.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (B_mean_u_water = '(0.53205-0.68195]') and (WC_bump_total = '(1.4205-8.7815]') and (SFC_rfrac_recomp = '(0.08507-0.262471]') and (WC_rms_B_z = '(0.4165-0.5945]') and (WC_rama_z = '(-0.7955-0.8275]') and (SFC_rwork_recomp = '(0.1605-0.2045]') and (PC_stdv_chi1gplus = '(8.55-11.45]') and (B_stdev_u_all = '(0.11375-0.13395]') and (WC_in_out_z = '(0.9215-1.0335]') and (PDB_RFree = '(0.1685-0.2205]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (31.0/2.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (B_stdev_u_water = '(0.07395-0.11215]') and (SFC_rfact_2sigma = '(0.15755-0.22155]') and (MP_molprobity_score = '(-inf-1.745143]') and (SFC_frac_refl_unacc = '(0.000039-0.052094]') and (PC_per_rama_disfavored = '(5.85-10.85]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (252.0/117.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (B_stdev_u_all = '(0.07385-0.11375]') and (SFC_rfact_all_refl = '(0.15865-0.20995]') and (PDB_ratio_water_amino = '(0.055907-0.151277]') and (SFC_res_opt_diff = '(-0.036-0.064]') and (WC_bump_total = '(1.4205-8.7815]') and (MP_clashscore = '(2.458974-7.715856]') and (SFC_ani_ratio_3 = '(0.99945-inf)') and (PC_per_rama_disfavored = '(5.85-10.85]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (128.0/41.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (B_ratio_u_stdevs = '(0.738311-0.967988]') and (MP_rama_unfavored = '(1.105-2.775]') and (SFC_rdiff_recomp_diff = '(-0.0045-0.0045]') and (SFC_diff_est_error = '(0.01665-0.07725]') and (SFC_rfree_recomp_diff = '(0.0175-0.0285]') and (MP_molprobity_score = '(-inf-1.745143]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (80.0/30.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (WC_per_acceptors_buried = '(0.421835-0.504845]') and (B_stdev_u_water = '(0.07395-0.11215]') and (B_ratio_u_stdevs = '(0.738311-0.967988]') and (SFC_rfact_all_refl = '(0.15865-0.20995]') and (WC_per_acceptors_no_H = '(1.087574-1.293966]') and (Errat_qual_rem = '(0.082-5.453]') and (B_CV_u_main = '(0.118998-0.212917]') and (PDB_Year = '(2006.5-inf)') and (SFC_res_opt_diff = '(-0.036-0.064]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (174.0/66.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (B_stdev_u_all = '(0.07385-0.11375]') and (PC_stdv_zeta = '(0.85-1.05]') and (B_mean_u_water = '(0.53205-0.68195]') and (SFC_res_opt_diff = '(-0.036-0.064]') and (B_stdev_u_main = '(0.05135-0.08855]') and (SFC_vol_not_model = '(22.95-39.05]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (78.0/21.0) (PC_stdv_chi1gminus = '(6.95-12.25]') and (B_stdev_u_all = '(0.07385-0.11375]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (WC_bump_squared = '(0.1645-1.1325]') and (SFC_rwork_recomp_diff = '(0.0045-0.0185]') and (SFC_frac_refl_3sigma = '(0.686319-0.992526]') and (SFC_DPI = '(0.13495-0.19105]') and (SFC_rfact_2sigma = '(0.15755-0.22155]') and (SFC_Dens_mean = '(-inf-0.18775]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (41.0/9.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (PC_per_bad = '(6.25-16.45]') and (B_frac_delta_u_abs = '(-inf-0.123571]') and (SFC_res_optical = '(1.255-1.555]') and (PDB_ratio_water_amino = '(0.055907-0.151277]') and (SFC_correlation = '(0.93835-0.96495]') and (SFC_Dens_stdev = '(-inf-0.00505]') and (SFC_matthews = '(1.785-2.495]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (43.0/11.0) (PC_stdv_chi1gminus = '(6.95-12.25]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (MP_rama_unfavored = '(1.105-2.775]') and (B_ratio_u_stdevs = '(0.738311-0.967988]') and (ProSA_fracdelta_z_pair = '(-0.19034-0.051429]') and (WC_rms_BA_dev = '(0.9825-1.4225]') and (PC_per_rota_labelled = '(0.001318-0.006417]') and (B_CV_u_side = '(0.132628-0.224112]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (116.0/41.0) (PC_stdv_chi1gminus = '(6.95-12.25]') and (SFC_diff_est_error = '(0.01665-0.07725]') and (ProSA_fracdelta_z_pair = '(-0.19034-0.051429]') and (WC_per_acceptors_no_H = '(1.087574-1.293966]') and (WC_Vm_obs = '(2.2015-2.6945]') and (SFC_Ks = '(0.7975-0.8965]') and (WC_rms_BA_dev = '(0.9825-1.4225]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(48327.705736-59888.213146]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (47.0/10.0) (SFC_rfact_2sigma = '(0.15755-0.22155]') and (PDB_ratio_water_amino = '(0.055907-0.151277]') and (WC_omega_stdev = '(4.8335-6.4915]') and (B_frac_delta_u_abs = '(-inf-0.123571]') and (ProSA_fracdelta_en_pair = '(-inf-0.714292]') and (WC_per_acceptors_buried = '(0.421835-0.504845]') and (WC_rms_improper_z = '(0.6275-0.8375]') and (SFC_rfree_recomp_diff = '(0.0025-0.0175]') and (WC_pack_avg = '(-0.8415--0.5785]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (42.0/11.0) (B_frac_delta_u_abs = '(-inf-0.123571]') and (SFC_diff_est_error = '(0.01665-0.07725]') and (WC_per_donors_no_H = '(0.041747-0.096294]') and (ProSA_fracdelta_en_pair = '(-inf-0.714292]') and (WC_bump_squared = '(0.1645-1.1325]') and (B_stdev_u_all = '(0.07385-0.11375]') and (PDB_Year = '(2006.5-inf)') and (PDB_RWork = '(0.1405-0.1875]') and (SFC_real_space_corr = '(0.98585-0.99415]') and (SFC_ratio_atoms_water_total = '(0.073375-0.12712]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (130.0/48.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (SFC_rdiff_recomp_diff = '(-0.0045-0.0045]') and (WC_rms_B_bond_diff = '(1.155-1.965]') and (WC_bump_num = '(19.5-96.5]') and (PC_stdv_chi1pooled = '(8.75-11.25]') and (WC_pack_avg = '(-0.5785--0.2725]') and (B_CV_u_main = '(0.118998-0.212917]') and (WC_rms_BA_dev = '(0.9825-1.4225]') and (PC_stdv_chi1trans = '(9.45-12.25]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (152.0/69.0) (WC_per_donors_no_H = '(0.041747-0.096294]') and (SFC_diff_est_error = '(0.01665-0.07725]') and (PC_per_bad = '(6.25-16.45]') and (WC_omega_stdev = '(4.8335-6.4915]') and (SFC_scale = '(0.9315-1.0295]') and (WC_rms_BL_dev = '(0.0085-0.0205]') and (SFC_rdiff_recomp = '(0.0195-0.0365]') and (WC_per_donors_vpoor_H = '(0.023834-0.060563]') and (WC_planar_z = '(0.4005-0.8605]') and (PDB_RWork = '(0.1405-0.1875]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (49.0/14.0) (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (ProSA_fracdelta_z_pair = '(-0.19034-0.051429]') and (SFC_rfrac_recomp = '(0.08507-0.262471]') and (WC_per_donors_no_H = '(0.041747-0.096294]') and (PDB_ratio_water_amino = '(0.055907-0.151277]') and (B_frac_delta_u = '(-0.124823-0.068702]') and (WC_omega_stdev = '(4.8335-6.4915]') and (SFC_rfree_recomp = '(0.1915-0.2525]') and (Errat_qual_rem = '(0.082-5.453]') and (WC_bump_per_res = '(0.0295-0.0825]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (118.0/49.0) (WC_per_acceptors_no_H = '(1.087574-1.293966]') and (SFC_diff_est_error = '(0.01665-0.07725]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (WC_Vm_obs = '(2.2015-2.6945]') and (B_CV_u_side = '(0.132628-0.224112]') and (SFC_Ks = '(0.8965-inf)') and (ProSA_fracdelta_z_pair = '(-0.19034-0.051429]') and (B_mean_u_water = '(0.53205-0.68195]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (62.0/19.0) (B_frac_delta_u_abs = '(-inf-0.123571]') and (PDB_ratio_water_amino = '(0.055907-0.151277]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (WC_bump_total = '(1.4205-8.7815]') and (WC_omega_stdev = '(4.8335-6.4915]') and (WC_Vm_obs = '(2.2015-2.6945]') and (SFC_Luzzati = '(0.21515-0.25695]') and (SFC_Bs = '(250.0105-250.0235]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (26.0/5.0) (WC_per_acceptors_no_H = '(1.087574-1.293966]') and (SFC_diff_est_error = '(0.01665-0.07725]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (SFC_Ks = '(0.7975-0.8965]') and (B_ratio_u_stdevs = '(0.738311-0.967988]') and (B_CV_u_water = '(0.103059-0.124263]') and (SFC_matthews = '(2.495-3.085]') and (SFC_max_est_error = '(0.03085-0.09565]') and (B_stdev_u_amino = '(0.06015-0.10965]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (16.0/0.0) (WC_per_acceptors_no_H = '(1.087574-1.293966]') and (SFC_rfact_2sigma = '(0.15755-0.22155]') and (SFC_vol_not_model = '(22.95-39.05]') and (SFC_res_max_used = '(1.465-1.995]') and (SFC_diff_est_error = '(0.01665-0.07725]') and (B_stdev_u_side = '(0.07685-0.11765]') and (SFC_ani_ratio_2 = '(0.71975-0.95425]') and (SFC_ratio_atoms_water_total = '(0.052278-0.073375]') and (B_frac_delta_u_abs = '(-inf-0.123571]') and (B_mean_u_water = '(0.53205-0.68195]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (24.0/4.0) (PC_per_bad = '(6.25-16.45]') and (SFC_rfact_2sigma = '(0.15755-0.22155]') and (WC_omega_stdev = '(4.8335-6.4915]') and (SFC_rwork_recomp_diff = '(0.0045-0.0185]') and (WC_rms_B_bond_diff = '(1.155-1.965]') and (WC_per_acceptors_buried = '(0.421835-0.504845]') and (SFC_B_Patterson_diff = '(-2.245--0.495]') and (SFC_ani_ratio_2 = '(0.99935-inf)') and (B_frac_delta_u_abs = '(-inf-0.123571]') and (B_stdev_u_side = '(0.07685-0.11765]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (26.0/3.0) (WC_per_acceptors_no_H = '(1.087574-1.293966]') and (SFC_rdiff_recomp_diff = '(-0.0045-0.0045]') and (WC_per_donors_vpoor_H = '(0.023834-0.060563]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (SFC_rfree_recomp_diff = '(0.0175-0.0285]') and (WC_bump_per_res = '(0.0295-0.0825]') and (B_mean_u_amino = '(0.58905-0.66685]') => PDBoutlier='(-inf-0.2]' (38.0/13.0) (ProSA_fracdelta_en_combined = '(-0.906629-0.261836]') and (WC_rota_z = '(-1.5805-0.842]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(77355.284019-232187.672426]') and (WC_bump_squared = '(0.1645-1.1325]') and (B_frac_delta_u_abs = '(-inf-0.123571]') and (WC_rms_B_bond_diff = '(1.155-1.965]') and (WC_rms_improper_z = '(0.4985-0.5965]') and (PC_per_rota_labelled = '(0.009658-0.020396]') => PDBoutlier='(0.2-0.4]' (70.0/22.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(29352.23858-48327.705736]') and (SFC_correlation = '(0.88005-0.90315]') and (B_ratio_u_means = '(0.972127-0.981131]') => PDBoutlier='(0.6-0.8]' (82.0/28.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(29352.23858-48327.705736]') and (WC_rms_BA_z = '(0.8415-1.0365]') and (B_ratio_u_stdevs = '(0.59844-0.738311]') and (SFC_vol_not_model = '(22.95-39.05]') => PDBoutlier='(0.6-0.8]' (75.0/30.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (SFC_Dens_mean = '(-inf-0.18775]') and (PC_stdv_chi1pooled = '(15.55-18.25]') and (WC_rota_z = '(-4.8905--4.2225]') => PDBoutlier='(0.6-0.8]' (183.0/87.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (SFC_Dens_mean = '(-inf-0.18775]') and (SFC_Luzzati = '(0.37435-0.44225]') and (PDB_Vol_asym = '(48327.705736-59888.213146]') and (SFC_DPI = '(0.24115-0.32745]') and (B_stdev_u_water = '(0.07395-0.11215]') => PDBoutlier='(0.6-0.8]' (19.0/1.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (PC_per_rama_labelled = '(0.000773-0.015587]') and (WC_per_donors_buried = '(0.489716-0.520963]') and (SFC_res_optical = '(1.665-1.785]') and (SFC_solv_content = '(50.245-59.865]') and (WC_in_out_z = '(0.9215-1.0335]') and (WC_rms_BL_z = '(0.3975-0.7495]') => PDBoutlier='(0.4-0.6]' (44.0/15.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (WC_per_donors_vpoor_H = '(0.060563-0.094606]') and (PDB_Year = '(2002.5-2006.5]') and (WC_rms_tau_z = '(0.7815-1.0615]') and (PC_per_rama_labelled = '(0.000773-0.015587]') and (SFC_rdiff_recomp = '(0.0445-0.0565]') => PDBoutlier='(0.4-0.6]' (44.0/15.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (WC_per_donors_vpoor_H = '(0.060563-0.094606]') and (SFC_rdiff_recomp_diff = '(-0.0705--0.0095]') and (B_stdev_u_amino = '(0.06015-0.10965]') and (SFC_rfree_recomp_diff = '(0.0285-0.0475]') and (SFC_B_Patterson_diff = '(-3.385--2.245]') => PDBoutlier='(0.4-0.6]' (39.0/14.0) (PDB_ratio_hydrogen_amino = '(-inf-0.031077]') and (WC_rms_BA_dev = '(0.9825-1.4225]') and (WC_rota_z = '(-3.7065--3.0365]') and (SFC_rfrac_recomp = '(0.08507-0.262471]') and (SFC_rdiff_recomp_diff = '(-0.0095--0.0045]') => PDBoutlier='(0.4-0.6]' (113.0/56.0) => PDBoutlier=NULL (30926.0/22926.0) Number of Rules : 61 Time taken to build model: 169.16 seconds === Stratified cross-validation === === Summary === Correctly Classified Instances 11827 31.8925 % Incorrectly Classified Instances 25257 68.1075 % Kappa statistic 0.1479 Mean absolute error 0.2538 Root mean squared error 0.3596 Relative absolute error 92.1508 % Root relative squared error 96.904 % Total Number of Instances 37084 === Detailed Accuracy By Class === TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area Class 0.357 0.044 0.564 0.357 0.437 0.701 '(-inf-0.2]' 0.031 0.013 0.331 0.031 0.056 0.557 '(0.2-0.4]' 0.01 0.006 0.28 0.01 0.019 0.544 '(0.4-0.6]' 0.051 0.014 0.433 0.051 0.091 0.575 '(0.6-0.8]' 0.346 0.026 0.617 0.346 0.443 0.706 '(0.8-inf)' 1 0.755 0.267 1 0.421 0.626 NULL Weighted Avg. 0.319 0.178 0.389 0.319 0.229 0.609 === Confusion Matrix === a b c d e f <-- classified as 1836 208 17 17 3 3060 | a = '(-inf-0.2]' 838 195 68 63 51 5143 | b = '(0.2-0.4]' 393 120 69 192 176 6056 | c = '(0.4-0.6]' 144 56 75 332 637 5304 | d = '(0.6-0.8]' 43 10 17 162 1395 2404 | e = '(0.8-inf)' 0 0 0 0 0 8000 | f = NULL === Re-evaluation on test set === User supplied test set Relation: scores_and_avg.notrim Instances: unknown (yet). Reading incrementally Attributes: 155 === Summary === Correctly Classified Instances 4077 14.018 % Incorrectly Classified Instances 25007 85.982 % Kappa statistic 0.1083 Mean absolute error 0.2536 Root mean squared error 0.3605 Total Number of Instances 29084 === Detailed Accuracy By Class === TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area Class 0.423 0.045 0.669 0.423 0.518 0.723 '(-inf-0.2]' 0.008 0.001 0.686 0.008 0.015 0.563 '(0.2-0.4]' 0.02 0.005 0.583 0.02 0.039 0.595 '(0.4-0.6]' 0.033 0.006 0.593 0.033 0.062 0.587 '(0.6-0.8]' 0.372 0.029 0.67 0.372 0.479 0.715 '(0.8-inf)' 0 0.788 0 0 0 ? NULL Weighted Avg. 0.14 0.015 0.635 0.14 0.184 0.626 === Confusion Matrix === a b c d e f <-- classified as 2175 14 10 11 3 2928 | a = '(-inf-0.2]' 650 48 40 24 32 5564 | b = '(0.2-0.4]' 284 5 140 67 136 6374 | c = '(0.4-0.6]' 119 3 40 213 567 5606 | d = '(0.6-0.8]' 22 0 10 44 1501 2454 | e = '(0.8-inf)' 0 0 0 0 0 0 | f = NULL