=== Run information === Scheme:weka.classifiers.rules.JRip -F 3 -N 2.0 -O 2 -S 1 Relation: winequality_WEKA-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove-R13-15,17-23,25-30-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize-unset-class-temporarily-B10-M-1.0-R13,14-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove-R13 Instances: 6497 Attributes: 13 color fixed acidity volatile acidity citric acid residual sugar chlorides free sulfur dioxide total sulfur dioxide density pH sulphates alcohol WineQualityOutlier Test mode:5-fold cross-validation === Classifier model (full training set) === JRIP rules: =========== (volatile acidity >= 0.41) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 32) and (density >= 0.9982) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 48) and (residual sugar <= 14.7) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (13.0/0.0) (citric acid >= 0.46) and (citric acid >= 0.74) and (sulphates >= 0.51) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (31.0/9.0) (volatile acidity >= 0.41) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 31) and (residual sugar <= 2) and (residual sugar <= 1.65) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (26.0/6.0) (sulphates >= 0.63) and (sulphates >= 0.84) and (citric acid <= 0.36) and (alcohol <= 10.3) and (total sulfur dioxide >= 57) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (21.0/4.0) (chlorides >= 0.093) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 21) and (residual sugar >= 7.5) and (chlorides <= 0.168) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (22.0/5.0) (sulphates >= 0.63) and (chlorides >= 0.093) and (total sulfur dioxide >= 58) and (alcohol >= 10.2) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (18.0/6.0) (volatile acidity >= 0.36) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 29) and (volatile acidity >= 0.45) and (pH <= 3.2) and (volatile acidity >= 0.54) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (35.0/12.0) (citric acid >= 0.46) and (alcohol >= 12) and (citric acid >= 0.66) and (residual sugar >= 3) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (16.0/3.0) (alcohol >= 11.7) and (density >= 0.9921) and (fixed acidity <= 6.4) and (volatile acidity <= 0.47) and (citric acid <= 0.22) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (11.0/2.0) (volatile acidity >= 0.37) and (chlorides >= 0.111) and (pH >= 3.21) and (residual sugar <= 2) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (26.0/10.0) (citric acid >= 0.46) and (alcohol >= 12.2) and (fixed acidity <= 6.3) and (pH >= 3.33) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (7.0/0.0) (citric acid >= 0.46) and (total sulfur dioxide >= 205) and (sulphates <= 0.43) and (residual sugar >= 7.8) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (7.0/0.0) (sulphates >= 0.64) and (density >= 1.0007) and (sulphates <= 0.69) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (9.0/1.0) (free sulfur dioxide >= 49) and (residual sugar <= 6.2) and (total sulfur dioxide >= 187) and (volatile acidity >= 0.29) and (citric acid >= 0.22) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (14.0/2.0) (sulphates >= 0.72) and (citric acid <= 0.3) and (sulphates >= 0.89) and (volatile acidity >= 0.62) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (13.0/3.0) (alcohol >= 11.8) and (volatile acidity >= 0.52) and (chlorides <= 0.041) and (free sulfur dioxide <= 22) and (pH >= 3.26) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (10.0/0.0) (free sulfur dioxide >= 49) and (pH >= 3.36) and (total sulfur dioxide >= 183) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 60) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (9.0/0.0) (pH <= 2.98) and (fixed acidity >= 9) and (residual sugar >= 2.4) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (22.0/6.0) (density >= 0.99837) and (sulphates >= 0.84) and (residual sugar <= 2.3) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (8.0/1.0) (alcohol >= 11.5) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 48) and (volatile acidity >= 0.36) and (density <= 0.9907) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (9.0/1.0) (pH >= 3.56) and (chlorides >= 0.114) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (4.0/0.0) (total sulfur dioxide >= 164) and (alcohol >= 10.4) and (sulphates >= 0.75) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (9.0/0.0) (citric acid >= 0.47) and (pH >= 3.29) and (residual sugar >= 9.1) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.9-inf)' (9.0/2.0) (volatile acidity >= 0.33) and (residual sugar >= 10.7) and (chlorides >= 0.057) and (volatile acidity >= 0.39) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (18.0/4.0) (citric acid >= 0.47) and (citric acid >= 0.57) and (sulphates >= 0.48) and (total sulfur dioxide >= 90) and (free sulfur dioxide <= 42) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (44.0/11.0) (pH >= 3.45) and (fixed acidity >= 7.9) and (alcohol >= 10.5) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (17.0/2.0) (volatile acidity >= 0.37) and (pH <= 3.19) and (sulphates <= 0.42) and (volatile acidity >= 0.44) and (chlorides >= 0.034) and (citric acid >= 0.27) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (20.0/6.0) (fixed acidity <= 6.7) and (citric acid >= 0.39) and (alcohol >= 10) and (alcohol <= 10.6) and (alcohol >= 10.4) and (fixed acidity >= 6.4) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (12.0/1.0) (free sulfur dioxide >= 58) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 69) and (fixed acidity <= 6.7) and (residual sugar >= 6.7) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (24.0/9.0) (fixed acidity <= 5.4) and (chlorides >= 0.05) and (total sulfur dioxide >= 55) and (volatile acidity >= 0.22) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (23.0/9.0) (volatile acidity >= 0.33) and (pH <= 3.14) and (volatile acidity >= 0.43) and (sulphates <= 0.35) and (volatile acidity <= 0.48) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (13.0/2.0) (alcohol >= 12.9) and (residual sugar >= 9.6) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (10.0/4.0) (total sulfur dioxide >= 184) and (total sulfur dioxide >= 229) and (density >= 0.99882) and (citric acid <= 0.49) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (12.0/3.0) (free sulfur dioxide >= 57) and (fixed acidity <= 5.6) and (volatile acidity >= 0.255) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (7.0/0.0) (chlorides >= 0.092) and (citric acid <= 0.14) and (total sulfur dioxide >= 71) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (11.0/3.0) (free sulfur dioxide >= 63) and (sulphates <= 0.41) and (free sulfur dioxide <= 68) and (residual sugar >= 5.4) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (18.0/7.0) (volatile acidity >= 0.615) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 18) and (volatile acidity >= 0.84) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 24) and (residual sugar <= 3.3) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (11.0/1.0) (free sulfur dioxide <= 15) and (volatile acidity <= 0.24) and (chlorides <= 0.028) and (pH <= 3.02) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (7.0/0.0) (chlorides >= 0.074) and (volatile acidity <= 0.36) and (total sulfur dioxide >= 126) and (total sulfur dioxide <= 133) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (11.0/3.0) (sulphates <= 0.36) and (alcohol >= 12.8) and (fixed acidity <= 5.6) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (10.0/3.0) (free sulfur dioxide <= 17) and (fixed acidity <= 6.7) and (total sulfur dioxide >= 155) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.8-0.9]' (16.0/6.0) (citric acid <= 0.44) and (fixed acidity >= 6.8) and (fixed acidity <= 7.3) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 57) and (residual sugar >= 12.6) and (citric acid <= 0.36) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.1-0.2]' (23.0/7.0) (citric acid <= 0.18) and (density <= 0.99242) and (density >= 0.99164) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.7-0.8]' (40.0/17.0) (fixed acidity <= 6.5) and (citric acid >= 0.37) and (sulphates >= 0.59) and (fixed acidity <= 6.2) and (volatile acidity <= 0.26) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.7-0.8]' (21.0/7.0) (volatile acidity >= 0.385) and (color = white) and (volatile acidity >= 0.47) and (pH <= 3.16) and (fixed acidity <= 7.6) and (volatile acidity <= 0.55) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.7-0.8]' (22.0/5.0) (fixed acidity <= 6.5) and (volatile acidity >= 0.4) and (chlorides <= 0.048) and (sulphates >= 0.56) and (fixed acidity >= 5.7) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.7-0.8]' (19.0/6.0) (citric acid <= 0.2) and (chlorides >= 0.086) and (sulphates <= 0.49) and (volatile acidity <= 0.725) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.7-0.8]' (17.0/3.0) (citric acid >= 0.45) and (chlorides <= 0.042) and (residual sugar <= 8.1) and (citric acid >= 0.5) and (density >= 0.9916) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.7-0.8]' (25.0/10.0) (total sulfur dioxide >= 81) and (citric acid <= 0.38) and (volatile acidity <= 0.18) and (sulphates >= 0.52) and (alcohol <= 9.8) and (sulphates <= 0.54) and (free sulfur dioxide <= 44) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.2-0.3]' (15.0/1.0) (fixed acidity <= 6.1) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 51) and (alcohol >= 10.966667) and (free sulfur dioxide <= 57) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.6-0.7]' (19.0/4.0) (alcohol >= 11.2) and (residual sugar >= 10.55) and (residual sugar <= 12.4) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 31) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.6-0.7]' (10.0/1.0) (citric acid >= 0.39) and (volatile acidity <= 0.2) and (sulphates >= 0.76) and (alcohol >= 10.2) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.6-0.7]' (13.0/1.0) (sulphates <= 0.45) and (free sulfur dioxide <= 22) and (residual sugar >= 10.55) and (volatile acidity <= 0.2) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.6-0.7]' (13.0/2.0) (chlorides >= 0.051) and (chlorides <= 0.071) and (chlorides >= 0.057) and (sulphates <= 0.42) and (sulphates >= 0.41) and (free sulfur dioxide >= 34) => WineQualityOutlier='(0.3-0.4]' (26.0/6.0) => WineQualityOutlier='(-inf-0.1]' (5601.0/4179.0) Number of Rules : 55 Time taken to build model: 14.29 seconds === Stratified cross-validation === === Summary === Correctly Classified Instances 1666 25.6426 % Incorrectly Classified Instances 4831 74.3574 % Kappa statistic 0.0617 Mean absolute error 0.1704 Root mean squared error 0.2961 Relative absolute error 96.4333 % Root relative squared error 99.6029 % Total Number of Instances 6497 === Detailed Accuracy By Class === TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area Class 0.989 0.884 0.24 0.989 0.387 0.558 '(-inf-0.1]' 0.004 0.002 0.133 0.004 0.007 0.54 '(0.1-0.2]' 0.009 0.002 0.313 0.009 0.017 0.544 '(0.2-0.3]' 0.011 0.002 0.389 0.011 0.02 0.539 '(0.3-0.4]' 0.007 0.001 0.5 0.007 0.014 0.534 '(0.4-0.5]' 0.007 0.003 0.182 0.007 0.013 0.512 '(0.5-0.6]' 0.007 0.001 0.333 0.007 0.013 0.511 '(0.6-0.7]' 0.026 0.008 0.222 0.026 0.046 0.517 '(0.7-0.8]' 0.15 0.019 0.404 0.15 0.219 0.613 '(0.8-0.9]' 0.258 0.021 0.516 0.258 0.344 0.655 '(0.9-inf)' Weighted Avg. 0.256 0.2 0.312 0.256 0.141 0.552 === Confusion Matrix === a b c d e f g h i j <-- classified as 1416 4 3 2 1 3 0 2 1 0 | a = '(-inf-0.1]' 506 2 0 1 1 0 0 3 5 4 | b = '(0.1-0.2]' 558 3 5 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 | c = '(0.2-0.3]' 645 2 1 7 0 1 1 1 2 5 | d = '(0.3-0.4]' 535 1 2 2 4 0 0 7 6 4 | e = '(0.4-0.5]' 541 1 0 2 0 4 2 4 12 12 | f = '(0.5-0.6]' 537 2 1 1 0 8 4 7 17 12 | g = '(0.6-0.7]' 472 0 4 1 0 2 3 14 24 21 | h = '(0.7-0.8]' 364 0 0 0 0 1 1 11 78 65 | i = '(0.8-0.9]' 320 0 0 1 1 2 0 12 43 132 | j = '(0.9-inf)'