=== Run information === Scheme:weka.classifiers.rules.JRip -F 3 -N 2.0 -O 2 -S 1 Relation: fetal_WEKA-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove-R22-24,26-30,32-35-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize-unset-class-temporarily-B3-M-1.0-R22,23-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove-R22 Instances: 2126 Attributes: 22 LBE LB AC FM UC ASTV MSTV ALTV MLTV DL DS DP Width Min Max Nmax Nzeros Mode Mean Median Variance ICAk20 Test mode:5-fold cross-validation === Classifier model (full training set) === JRIP rules: =========== (Variance >= 13) and (Max >= 175) and (Variance >= 54) and (MSTV >= 2.4) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (70.0/3.0) (Variance >= 11) and (Max >= 174) and (Width <= 96) and (DL <= 0) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (37.0/1.0) (Variance >= 13) and (Mode <= 127) and (Max <= 161) and (LBE >= 121) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (62.0/7.0) (Width >= 52) and (Max >= 174) and (Variance >= 31) and (DL <= 2) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (58.0/12.0) (Max >= 175) and (AC <= 4) and (Variance >= 22) and (Width >= 143) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (28.0/4.0) (Width >= 52) and (MSTV >= 2.2) and (UC <= 2) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (37.0/9.0) (Width >= 52) and (Min >= 71) and (Nmax >= 5) and (MLTV >= 8.5) and (UC >= 4) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (47.0/13.0) (Variance >= 7) and (Median >= 159) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (31.0/6.0) (Width >= 53) and (ALTV >= 21) and (Width <= 72) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (25.0/3.0) (Variance >= 11) and (Mean <= 129) and (DL <= 3) and (UC >= 6) and (Median >= 119) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (23.0/4.0) (Variance >= 6) and (MLTV <= 0.4) and (Nmax >= 6) and (MSTV <= 2.8) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (20.0/6.0) (Width >= 55) and (Width <= 78) and (Max >= 172) and (Mean <= 148) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (15.0/3.0) (MSTV >= 1.4) and (AC >= 4) and (MLTV <= 6.5) and (DL <= 1) and (AC <= 6) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (16.0/2.0) (MSTV >= 1.3) and (UC >= 9) and (UC >= 11) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (12.0/2.0) (Variance >= 11) and (MLTV >= 8.4) and (Mode >= 147) and (Mean <= 148) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (22.0/7.0) (Max >= 176) and (LBE >= 147) and (LBE >= 154) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.666667-inf)' (10.0/1.0) (Variance <= 5) and (Nmax <= 2) and (Nzeros <= 0) and (ASTV <= 60) and (MLTV >= 7.6) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(-inf-0.333333]' (185.0/20.0) (Variance <= 5) and (Width <= 22) and (MSTV <= 0.4) and (ASTV <= 76) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(-inf-0.333333]' (100.0/13.0) (Variance <= 6) and (Nzeros <= 0) and (Nmax <= 3) and (ASTV <= 52) and (Variance <= 3) and (Max <= 167) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(-inf-0.333333]' (86.0/13.0) (Variance <= 6) and (Nzeros <= 0) and (Median <= 149) and (Mean >= 138) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(-inf-0.333333]' (177.0/56.0) (ASTV >= 45) and (Mean >= 124) and (Median <= 147) and (ALTV <= 4) and (Nzeros <= 0) and (Mean >= 137) and (Width <= 99) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(-inf-0.333333]' (44.0/12.0) (Variance <= 6) and (Nzeros <= 0) and (ASTV <= 60) and (Max <= 159) and (MLTV >= 11.7) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(-inf-0.333333]' (27.0/5.0) (Variance <= 4) and (ALTV >= 21) and (Width <= 30) and (UC >= 3) and (ASTV <= 65) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(-inf-0.333333]' (22.0/1.0) (DL <= 0) and (LBE >= 126) and (UC <= 1) and (Width >= 89) and (LBE >= 136) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(-inf-0.333333]' (26.0/6.0) (Max <= 153) and (FM >= 1) and (Nmax <= 4) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(-inf-0.333333]' (73.0/31.0) (DL >= 5) and (Variance <= 33) and (Mean >= 132) and (FM >= 1) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(-inf-0.333333]' (20.0/2.0) => CardiotocographyOutlier='(0.333333-0.666667]' (853.0/296.0) Number of Rules : 27 Time taken to build model: 1.43 seconds === Stratified cross-validation === === Summary === Correctly Classified Instances 1284 60.3951 % Incorrectly Classified Instances 842 39.6049 % Kappa statistic 0.3997 Mean absolute error 0.3167 Root mean squared error 0.4282 Relative absolute error 71.6944 % Root relative squared error 91.1188 % Total Number of Instances 2126 === Detailed Accuracy By Class === TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area Class 0.672 0.155 0.708 0.672 0.69 0.818 '(-inf-0.333333]' 0.568 0.328 0.494 0.568 0.528 0.648 '(0.333333-0.666667]' 0.564 0.121 0.646 0.564 0.602 0.808 '(0.666667-inf)' Weighted Avg. 0.604 0.208 0.613 0.604 0.607 0.754 === Confusion Matrix === a b c <-- classified as 512 223 27 | a = '(-inf-0.333333]' 173 435 158 | b = '(0.333333-0.666667]' 38 223 337 | c = '(0.666667-inf)'