Tobacco use among nursing students: prevalence, attitudes and educationBillet, Kelly (2014) Tobacco use among nursing students: prevalence, attitudes and education. Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished)
AbstractPurpose: To describe the tobacco use behavior, attitudes, and training and curriculum of nursing students towards tobacco use. To examine if smoking status or progression through nursing school impacts attitudes and tobacco use. Background: As the most trusted profession, nurses have great influence on his/her patient’s health. Worldwide, tobacco use among health care professions students, especially nurses, varies greatly by country and region. In the United States, college aged students, including nursing students, have higher rates of intermittent (non-daily) smoking than daily smoking. Other forms of tobacco, including hookah and electronic cigarettes, are also becoming more popular. Methods: This study used a descriptive survey adapted from the Global Health Professions Student Survey. Data was collected and managed using REDCap electronic data capture tools. Four baccalaureate schools of nursing granted permission to survey their students. A public survey link was emailed to a contact person at each school to forward to students. Participants were excluded if they were less than 18 years of age. Frequency and descriptive analysis was done using SPSS. Results/Conclusions: The majority of participants were nonsmokers (79.4%), with 14.3% being intermittent smokers and 2.4% daily smokers. The majority of those who had experimented with cigarettes (48.4%) had first done so from 16-19 years of age (63.1%). Most students agreed with the attitude questions regarding tobacco use and policy, and that healthcare professionals need specific raining on tobacco cessation techniques. While 99% believed that healthcare providers have a role in giving out smoking cessation advice, only 24.5% had received formal cessation training. By the fourth year of school, less than half (45.9%) had received such training. Daily and intermittent smokers were the least likely to agree with smoking bans. The higher numbers of intermittent smokers suggest that students are willing to smoke occasionally and do not view occasional use as dangerous. Education on the dangers of tobacco use, including both cigarettes and other forms of tobacco, should come in middle school/high school before the students begin using those products. Nursing students do not have the proper training to educate their patient’s on tobacco cessation upon graduation from school. Share
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