This document is a prototype for a new brand of legal scholarship that is hypertextual, multimedia, interactive and dynamic, and presented on a platform (the World Wide Web) that is by definition public, interdisciplinary and international.
Because the document is formatted in hypertext, it "works" in a manner that differs not only from printed articles, but also from many electronically-published pieces.
As a general rule, clicking on highlighted text will take you to another part of the article, or to a different article or site altogether. Thus, clicking on a section-heading in the Tables of Contents (conveniently embedded at the end of each major section of this article) will take you immediately to the beginning of your chosen section. To read a highlighted hypertext endnote at any point within this article, click on the endnote number: the relevant endnote will immediately appear at the top of your screen. To return to the main text, click on the number of the endnote you were reading: the relevant text in which the endnote reference was embedded will immediately reappear, again at the top of your screen. Clicking on highlighted words and phrases within the text of the article will in most instances take you to another relevant document or Web site; to return to the text of this article, click on the "Back" button in your Webbrowser toolbar.
Given that Part III and Part IV include links to audio and video files and sites, this article is best viewed with the appropriate multimedia "helper" applications. The .wav files embedded here require a WHAM or other similar sound player; other audio and video links are in RealAudio and Quicktime formats, and require the presence or installation of RealAudio and Quicktime software.