An abridged version of "Last Writes? Re-assessing the Law Review in the Age of Cyberspace" was published in the February 1, 1997 issue of the Rutgers Law Record, an online journal published by law students at the Rutgers School of Law, Newark NJ.
"Last Writes?" was the subject of an e-mail conference held by the Graduate Seminar on Legal Education at the Columbia Law School, December 2-8, 1996.
"Last Writes?" was featured as a position paper for the first meeting on Project Argonaut: A National Legal Database and Notifications System, November 18, 1996.
"Last Writes?" was noted in a story in Law Journal Extra, November 14, 1996.
"Last Writes?" was one of seven articles named as "Important Internet Essays on E-Journals" in the online version of Ann Okerson's Introduction to the Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters, and Academic Discussion Lists (6th ed., 1996).
"Last Writes?" was noted in the November 1996 issue of the Duke University Law Library Newsletter.
"Last Writes?" was the focus of an interview in the Internet Legal Practice Newsletter, Issue #3, September 23, 1996.
An abridged version of "Last Writes?" appeared in First Monday: Peer Reviewed Journal on the Internet, Vol. 1, Number 3, September 2, 1996.
"Last Writes?" was the subject of a story in the "Of Note on the Net" section of Academe Today, May 16, 1996.
"Last Writes?" is currently featured as a link on these Web sites:
- University Law Review Project
- FindLaw: Law Reviews
- Law Reviews on the Internet [D'Angelo Law Library, University of Chicago]
- LII Occasional Papers [Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School]
- Legal Periodicals [University of Georgia Law School]
- Cyberspace Law Center
- Internet Law Library - Computers and the Law [US House of Representatives]
- National Organization of Bar Counsel
- Gates to Northwest Law: Articles [Bradley Hillis; Legal Analyst, Office of the Administrator for the Courts, State of Washington]
- Hieros Gamos: Articles on the Legal Profession
- Hieros Gamos II: Computers and the Law
- College Hill Law Page Directory
- IMPS Hotlist [International Media and Info-Comm Policy and Law Studies, School of Law, University of Glasgow, SCOTLAND]
- Philosophy Resource Center: Links to Law and Philosophy [Blackwell Publishers, ENGLAND]
- Faculty of Law/Law Library News [Queen's University, Kingston, CANADA]
- Internet Law Links [Law Library, University of Saskatchewan, CANADA]
- Law Resources [Law Library, Murdoch University, AUSTRALIA]
- Commerce and Law Internet Bookmarks [School of Commerce and Law, University of Tasmania, Hobart, AUSTRALIA]
- New Zealand Law Librarians Group [Auckland, NEW ZEALAND]
- Elektronische Jurisdische Artikelen [Legal Net Services, HOLLAND; in Dutch]
- Diritto & Diritti - Electronic Law Review [Ragusa, ITALY; in Italian; published in association with the University of Catania]
- Voice of the the Shuttle: Legal Studies Page [Web Page for Humanities Research]
- Related Readings: Legal Issues [Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, University of Virginia]
- Internet Trends and Issues [John Patrick, Vice-President for Internet Technology, IBM Corporation]
- Voice of the Shuttle: Cyberculture Page [Web Page for Humanities Research]
- Electronic Publishing on the Internet [Center for Instructional Technology Development, University of Toronto, Toronto, CANADA]
- Academic Technologies: Resources [College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minnesota]
- New Publishing Models [Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography; Charles W. Bailey Jr., University of Houston Libraries]
- Selected Articles on Scholarly Electronic Publishing [Electronic Theses and Dissertations in the Humanities]
- Humanities Resources [University of Liverpool, Liverpool, ENGLAND]
- TeleRead Links [David Rothman, The TeleRead Project]
- and last, but certainly not least, from my home province of Nova Scotia, CANADA, Nova Scotia's Electronic Attic
"Last Writes?" is bookmarked on these personal homepages:
- Martin Braun [Heidelberg University, GERMANY; in German]
- Brian Gough [E-Print Archive, Los Alamos National Laboratory]
- David D. King, Esq. [Office of the Vice-President for Information Technology, University of Louisville]
- Dr. Heinrich C. Kuhn [Max Planck Institute, Munich, GERMANY; in German]
- Holly Mohler [Reference Librarian, Hughes, Hubbard & Reed LLP, New York, NY]
- Micaela Morales [University Library System, University of Arizona]
- Professor Hidekai Serizawa [Faculty of Law, Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN; in Japanese]
- Estelle Seiner [Information Technology Services, Canisius College, Buffalo, NY]
- Professor Robert J. Van Der Welde [Department of Justice & Public Safety, Auburn University]
"Last Writes?" is cited in these online articles:
- Leslie Chan [Centre for Instructional Technology Development, University of Toronto at Scarborough], "Exciting Potential of Scholarly Electronic Journals" (September 30, 1996)
- Bradley J. Hillis [Legal Administrator, Office of the Administrator for the Courts, State of Washington], "Considerations When Placing Court Opinions on the Internet" (June 4, 1996)
- Andrew Odlyzko [AT&T Research Laboratories], "On the Road to Electronic Publishing" (April 30, 1996)