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Dependence of carrier mobility on grain mosaic spread in 〈001〉-oriented Si films grown on polycrystalline substrates

Choi, W and Matias, V and Lee, JK and Findikoglu, AT (2005) Dependence of carrier mobility on grain mosaic spread in 〈001〉-oriented Si films grown on polycrystalline substrates. Applied Physics Letters, 87 (15). 1 - 3. ISSN 0003-6951

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We studied the dependence of carrier mobility on grain mosaic spread for 〈001〉-oriented, 200-to- 400-nm -thick Si thin films grown on polycrystalline metal substrates. The Hall mobility increased from 1% to 23% of that in bulk single-crystal Si with decreasing grain mosaic spread from 14° to 2°. For the same range of parameters, a model combining intragrain and grain boundary scattering yielded a decrease of the energy barrier height from 0.1 eV to less than 10-3 eV and an accompanying decrease of trap density from 6× 1011 cm-2 to less than 3× 1010 cm-2. These results demonstrate that, for polycrystalline Si films, improving the intergrain alignment is an effective and practical alternative to increasing the grain size to achieve enhanced mobility. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Item Type: Article
Status: Published
CreatorsEmailPitt UsernameORCID
Choi, W
Matias, V
Lee, JKjul37@pitt.eduJUL370000-0002-7778-7679
Findikoglu, AT
Centers: Other Centers, Institutes, Offices, or Units > Petersen Institute of NanoScience and Engineering
Date: 10 October 2005
Date Type: Publication
Journal or Publication Title: Applied Physics Letters
Volume: 87
Number: 15
Page Range: 1 - 3
DOI or Unique Handle: 10.1063/1.2103405
Schools and Programs: Swanson School of Engineering > Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Refereed: Yes
ISSN: 0003-6951
Date Deposited: 17 Nov 2014 15:41
Last Modified: 05 Feb 2019 19:55


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