“Proof” of the Hill Relation Between Probability Flux and Mean First-Passage Time

The “Hill relation” is a key result for anyone interested in calculating rates from trajectories of any kind, whether molecular simulations or otherwise.  I am not aware of any really clear explanation, including Hill’s original presentation.  Hopefully this go-around will make sense.

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Why Hair Gel Matters to Statistical Biophysicists

I was worried that a discussion of hair gel would have a certain bias toward men, but my wife assures me that women are just as likely to use a leave-in hair product.  I’m going to rely on that unstatistical assurance and roll right on.

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A hello: The point of this blog

Statistical physics governs the behavior of biological systems from the molecular scale (think protein stability and fluctuations) to the cellular scale (including heterogeneity and stochasticity of cellular behavior).  This is not a claim that understanding statistical physics, a.k.a. statistical mechanics, implies an understanding of cell biology.  But I do claim that cell biology cannot be understood without statistical physics.

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