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Information Systems Ethics - Oakland Campus

This guide will help you write your final paper for Professor Rodi's Information Systems Ethics course (BUSBIS1645).

Get Started

Welcome to the Information Systems Ethics research guide.

Use the blue tabs on the left to navigate throughout the guide to get support on the research process.

If you have any questions, are getting stuck, or don't know where to start, contact the business librarian.

Research Paper Process

This infographic provides a visual overview of the research process. Keep in mind that it is messy, convoluted, non-linear, and requires persistence.

infographic on the research process. Use the "text version" tab for the plain text.

The Research Paper Process

  • Choose a Topic
    • Understand your assignment parameters, requirements, and due dates
  • Conduct Background Research
    • Search for news articles, top hits on Google, and encyclopedia articles.
  • Refine your Topic
    • Narrow down what you want to investigate. Think about the who, what, when, where, and why for your topic.
  • Create a Research Question
    • Come up with a tentative question you want to answer in your project.
  • Develop a Search Strategy
    • Select your resources and develop your keywords
  • Search
    • Conduct multiple searches in relevant resources
  • Evaluate your Results and Sources
    • Use the CRAAP model: currency, relevancy, authority, accuracy, and purpose
  • Adjust and/or Repeat your Search
    • Try different keywords, resources, and strategies depending on your needs
  • Start Writing
    • Incorporate your sources into your writing from the beginning
  • Review and Re-Search
    • Fill in the holes, explore new areas of interest, dig deeper, etc.
  • Cite, Review, and Edit
    • Put the final touches on your project

