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On the application of blockchains to spectrum management

Weiss, MBH and Werbach, K and Sicker, DC and Bastidas, CEC (2019) On the application of blockchains to spectrum management. In: UNSPECIFIED.

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Spectrum sharing mechanisms have evolved to meet different needs related to increasing spectrum use efficiency. At first, decentralized and opportunistic cognitive radios (and cognitive radio networks) were the primary focus of research for these mechanisms. This gradually transitioned toward the development of cooperative sharing methods based on databases, typified by TV white spaces databases. Spectrum sharing is now the basis for the dynamic and fine-grained spectrum rights regime for the citizen's band radio service (CBRS) as well as for license shared access (LSA). The emergence of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin has stimulated interest in applying its underlying technology, blockchain, to other applications as well, such as securities trading and supply chain management. This paper explores the application of blockchain to radio spectrum management. While blockchains could underlie radio spectrum management more broadly, we will focus on dynamic spectrum sharing applications. Like the cooperative approaches currently in use, blockchain is a database technology. However, a blockchain is a decentralized database in which the owner of the data maintains control. We consider the benefits and limitations of blockchain solutions in general, and then examine their potential application to four major categories of spectrum sharing.


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Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (UNSPECIFIED)
Status: Published
CreatorsEmailPitt UsernameORCID
Weiss, MBHmbw@pitt.eduMBW0000-0001-6785-0913
Werbach, K
Sicker, DC
Bastidas, CEC
Date: 1 June 2019
Date Type: Publication
Journal or Publication Title: IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking
Volume: 5
Number: 2
Page Range: 193 - 205
Event Type: Conference
DOI or Unique Handle: 10.1109/tccn.2019.2914052
Schools and Programs: School of Computing and Information > Information Science
Refereed: Yes
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Date Deposited: 04 Feb 2019 18:42
Last Modified: 27 Mar 2021 12:55


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