Brown, KA and Moonka, DK
Liver transplantation.
UNSPECIFIED, 290 - 294.
Survival after liver transplantation has steadily improved, in part because of newer immunosuppression, which may offer decreased long-term side effects. Reduction of steroids early in the course of transplant continues to be a goal, with satisfactory results in terms of both risk of rejection and reduction of side effects. Dominating the literature and the press in 1999 was the controversy surrounding the way in which livers are allocated. Regulation by the federal government was proposed to change the way the United Network of Organ Sharing distributes and allocates livers. Prompted by the shortage of organs, living-donor liver transplantation has blossomed. Continued experience in pediatric patients has shown excellent survival rate and quality of life. In adults, further experience is being gained with respect to the use of right lobes for transplantation. Early data suggest that this is a potential alternative to cadaveric transplantation in adults, with acceptable risk to the donor. Despite advances made in improving the technical aspects of transplantation, recurrent disease remains a significant issue. Lamivudine appears to be a potent inhibitor of hepatitis B virus DNA replication after liver transplantation, although resistance remains a significant problem. Further review of transplantation for hepatitis C virus is encouraging, with excellent five-year survival rate. However, studies evaluating the evolution of fibrosis in these patients throw caution on those results, showing increased progression to cirrhosis over time. Further follow-up of these patients is needed to more accurately assess long-term impact of hepatitis C on morbidity and mortality rates after liver transplantation. © 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
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