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Author Agreement

For work being deposited by its own author:

With the intent to publish this Work for dissemination to the general public, I agree to the following terms and condititions:

  1. In self-archiving this collection of files and associated bibliographic metadata (the Work), I grant the University of Pittsburgh (The Publisher) and its agents the non-exclusive and perpetual license to publish, archive and make accessible the Work in whole or in part, in all forms of media, now or hearafter known and in all languages throughout the world.
  2. I understand that I may enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the Work so long as such contracts do not conflict with the Author's or the Proxy's choice of a Creative Commons License in connection with the submission of the Work.
  3. I represent and warrant that:
    1. the Work is my original work;
    2. I possess all right and authority to grant a non-exclusive license in the Work to Publisher;
    3. I have not transferred exclusive rights in the Work to any third party;
    4. the Work contains no misrepresentation or infringement of third parties' work or property; and
    5. the Work contains no libel, invasion of privacy, or other unlawful matter.
  4. I agree to promptly furnish to the Publisher, at the Author's own expense, written evidence of the permissions, licenses, and consents for use of third party material included within the Work.
  5. I agree to indemnify and hold the Publisher harmless from any breach of the representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement, as well as any claim or proceeding relating to the Publisher's use and publication of any content contained in the Work, to include third party content.

For work being submitted by someone other than its author:

I have been designated as a proxy by the author of this Work.

I certify that the Author has instructed me to deposit this work and has executed a D-Scholarship@Pitt Proxy Agreement Form on file in the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh.