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Reported Energy Intake Accuracy Compared to Doubly Labeled Water and Usability of the Mobile Food Record among Community Dwelling Adults

Boushey, Carol and Spoden, Melissa and Delp, Edward and Zhu, Fengqing and Bosch, Marc and Ahmad, Ziad and Shvetsov, Yurii and DeLany, James and Kerr, Deborah (2017) Reported Energy Intake Accuracy Compared to Doubly Labeled Water and Usability of the Mobile Food Record among Community Dwelling Adults. Nutrients, 9 (3). ISSN 2072-6643

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The mobile Food Record (mFR) is an image-based dietary assessment method for mobile devices. The study primary aim was to test the accuracy of the mFR by comparing reported energy intake (rEI) to total energy expenditure (TEE) using the doubly labeled water (DLW) method. Usability of the mFR was assessed by questionnaires before and after the study. Participants were 45 community dwelling men and women, 21–65 years. They were provided pack-out meals and snacks and encouraged to supplement with usual foods and beverages not provided. After being dosed with DLW, participants were instructed to record all eating occasions over a 7.5 days period using the mFR. Three trained analysts estimated rEI from the images sent to a secure server. rEI and TEE correlated significantly (Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.58, p < 0.0001). The mean percentage of underreporting below the lower 95% confidence interval of the ratio of rEI to TEE was 12% for men (standard deviation (SD) ± 11%) and 10% for women (SD ± 10%). The results demonstrate the accuracy of the mFR is comparable to traditional dietary records and other image-based methods. No systematic biases could be found. The mFR was received well by the participants and usability was rated as easy.


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Item Type: Article
Status: Published
CreatorsEmailPitt UsernameORCID
Boushey, Carol
Spoden, Melissa
Delp, Edward
Zhu, Fengqing
Bosch, Marc
Ahmad, Ziad
Shvetsov, Yurii
DeLany, Jamesjpd21@pitt.edujpd21
Kerr, Deborah
Date: 22 March 2017
Date Type: Publication
Journal or Publication Title: Nutrients
Volume: 9
Number: 3
Publisher: MDPI AG
DOI or Unique Handle: 10.3390/nu9030312
Schools and Programs: School of Medicine > Medicine
Refereed: Yes
Uncontrolled Keywords: dietary assessment, mobile food record, image-based dietary assessment, doubly labeled water, adults
ISSN: 2072-6643
Official URL:
Article Type: Research Article
Date Deposited: 02 Feb 2021 18:15
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2021 18:15


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