Number of items: 37.
Ernecoff, NC and Keane, CR and Albert, SM
Health behavior change in advance care planning: An agent-based model.
BMC Public Health, 16 (1).
Jacob, ME and Lo-Ciganic, WH and Simkin-Silverman, LR and Albert, SM and Newman, AB and Terhorst, L and Bilt, JV and Zgibor, JC and Schlenk, EA
The preventive services use self-efficacy (PRESS) scale in older women: Development and psychometric properties.
BMC Health Services Research, 16 (1).
Keane, CR
Resilience, tipping, and hydra effects in public health: Emergent collective behavior in two agent-based models.
BMC Public Health, 16 (1).
Pillemer, F and Price, RA and Paone, S and Martich, GD and Albert, S and Haidari, L and Updike, G and Rudin, R and Liu, D and Mehrotra, A
Direct release of test results to patients increases patient engagement and utilization of care.
PLoS ONE, 11 (6).
University of Pittsburgh ETD
Anies, Maria, E.
Barriers to antiretroviral therapy adherence for HIV-positive adolescents in South Africa.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ashbridge, Amy L.
The impact of a theory-driven flu vaccine compliance communications campaign: a multiyear evaluation.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Baric, Katie
An overview of the multidimensional poverty in Honduras: gaps, barriers,and opportunities for growth.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Blackwood, Amber
The Pittsburgh parks prescription: a school-based approach to preventing childhood obesity.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Bukowski, Leigh
Treatment as Prevention (TasP) among black transgender women (BTW) in the United States: characterizing the HIV care continuum and identifying correlates of HIV diagnosis and care.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Buzzelli, Michele
Sex ed on campus: integrating comprehensive sexual health education into first-year seminar curriculum.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
DiTomasso, Amie
The black female leadership development institute programs year one evaluation.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Duran, Luis
Disgust, conservatism and influenza prevention: An embodied cognition approach to health attitudes and intentions.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Fiato, Natalie
Family planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review of interventions in promotion of long-acting reversible contraception.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gonzalez Alburquerque, Flor de Abril
An evaluation of the Parents as Teachers model at the Latino family center in Pittsburgh, PA.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gregory, Melissa
Exploring postpartum weight management techniques to decrease proportion of overweight and obese women.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Hoffmann, Christopher
Enhancing PrEP uptake among MSM: Findings from interviews with researchers and practitioners.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Hudak, Juliann
Human trafficking: globally, nationally, and in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Jones, Jacquelynn
Exploring the associations between internet-based professional social networking and emotional distress.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Knorr, Melissa
Promoting gender equality within family planning programs: An analysis of USAID projects.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kovalik, Alexander
Measuring generalized anxiety disorder (GAS) using the DSM-V severity measure assessment among resettled Bhutanese-Nepali refugees.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Laird, Hollis
Garden-based nutrition education programs: a review of impact and evaluation methods.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Leff, Mara
The emergence of a social marketing framework to increase hand washing among rural women in Telangana, India while conducting Participatory Action Research (PAR).
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Nowalk, Alexandra
Depression and somatization in Bhutanese-Nepali refugees.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ong, Kanyin
Application of grocery purchase data to understanding patterns of Salmonella enteritidis illnesses in the United States, 2004-2006.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Peters, Kara
Facilitators of and Barriers to Mental Health Treatment among Adolescents in an Integrated HealthCare Setting.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Saoji, Nikita
The psychometrics of the children's depression inventory when used with children who are chronically ill and matched community comparisons.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Shoemake, Jocelyn
Characteristics of diabetes prevention translation programs targeted towards African American populations through the lens of the CDC's recognition program.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Stull, Kali
Vectors of risk, bodies that breathe.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Urda, Kevin
LGBT aging: the approaching silver wave.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Zelazny, Sarah
"It's All in the How": adolescent and young adult women's recommendations for establishing comfort within family planning providers' communication about and assessment for intimate partner violence.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Other Thesis, Dissertation, or Long Paper
Anderson, Heather
Balancing safety and retention: strategies to reduce attrition in ipc research.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Ethun, Laken C
Harm reduction interventions to reduce the burden of opioid overdose: a comprehensive literature review of naloxone distribution programs and safe injection facilities.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Holler, Katie
Weird Feelings, body hair, and boys: rites of passage, a puberty focused curriculum developed for prepubescent girls at Gwen’s Girls.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
McNaboe, Jennifer
Status of AmeriCorps healthy futures national service programs.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Murphy, Julie E
A literature review of antibiotic use in food animals and its effect on humans with a proposal for policy reform.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Richards, Matthew
Increasing refugee health literacy through English language instruction in Allegheny County.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Young, Julie
Understanding intimate partner violence among self-identified lesbians in the United States: a critical literature synthesis.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 23:59:30 2025 EDT.