Items where Division is "School of Medicine > Emergency Medicine" and Year is 2014
Jump to: Article Number of items: 7. ArticleBaskin, SM and Lin, C and Carlson, JN (2014) Osteopathic emergency medicine programs infrequently publish in high-impact emergency medicine journals. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 15 (7). 908 - 912. ISSN 1936-900X Buddineni, JP and Callaway, C and Huang, DT (2014) Epinephrine, vasopressin and steroids for in-hospital cardiac arrest: The right cocktail therapy? Critical Care, 18 (3). ISSN 1364-8535 Mohan, D and Angus, DC and Ricketts, D and Farris, C and Fischhoff, B and Rosengart, MR and Yealy, DM and Barnato, AE (2014) Assessing the validity of using serious game technology to analyze physician decision making. PLoS ONE, 9 (8). Patterson, PD and Moore, CG and Weaver, MD and Buysse, DJ and Suffoletto, BP and Callaway, CW and Yealy, DM (2014) Mobile phone text messaging intervention to improve alertness and reduce sleepiness and fatigue during shiftwork among emergency medicine clinicians: Study protocol for the SleepTrackTXT pilot randomized controlled trial. Trials, 15 (1). Seymour, CW and Cooke, CR and Heckbert, SR and Spertus, JA and Callaway, CW and Martin-Gill, C and Yealy, DM and Rea, TD and Angus, DC (2014) Prehospital intravenous access and fluid resuscitation in severe sepsis: An observational cohort study. Critical Care, 18 (5). ISSN 1364-8535 Taki, K and Huang, DT (2014) High-frequency oscillation in early adult respiratory distress syndrome. Critical Care, 18 (3). ISSN 1364-8535 Wallace, DJ and Angus, DC and Seymour, CW and Yealy, DM and Carr, BG and Kurland, K and Boujoukos, A and Kahn, JM (2014) Geographic access to high capability severe acute respiratory failure centers in the United States. PLoS ONE, 9 (4). |