Items where Division is "School of Pharmacy > Pharmaceutical Sciences" and Year is 2013
Number of items: 13. AAkil, Ayman (2013) VAGINAL POLYMERIC FILM CONTAINING ANTIRETROVIRAL COMBINATION FOR PREVENTION OF HIV SEXUAL TRANSMISSION. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished) BBoso, G and Tasaki, T and Kwon, YT and Somia, NV (2013) The N-end rule and retroviral infection: No effect on integrase. Virology Journal, 10. HHammad, Layal (2013) A Small Molecule Scaffold Analysis: Biological Profiles of Novel, Privileged, and Promiscuous Scaffolds. Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished) KKim, SO and Sakchaisri, K and Thimmegowda, NR and Soung, NK and Jang, JH and Kim, YS and Lee, KS and Kwon, YT and Asami, Y and Ahn, JS and Erikson, RL and Kim, BY (2013) STK295900, a Dual Inhibitor of Topoisomerase 1 and 2, Induces G<inf>2</inf> Arrest in the Absence of DNA Damage. PLoS ONE, 8 (1). OObitte, NC and Rohan, LC and Adeyeye, CM and Parniak, MA and Esimone, CO (2013) The utility of self-emulsifying oil formulation to improve the poor solubility of the anti HIV drug CSIC. AIDS Research and Therapy, 10 (1). PPringle, Janice L and Rickard-Aasen, Sherry and Slain, Tamara and Venkat, Arvind (2013) Implementation of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) in the emergency department without additional resources. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 8 (S1). SSHAIK, JAFAR SADIK (2013) EVALUATION OF EFFECTS OF CYP450 DERIVED EICOSANOIDS IN CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished) TTrible, RP and Narute, P and Emert-Sedlak, LA and Alvarado, JJ and Atkins, K and Thomas, L and Kodama, T and Yanamala, N and Korotchenko, V and Day, BW and Thomas, G and Smithgall, TE (2013) Discovery of a diaminoquinoxaline benzenesulfonamide antagonist of HIV-1 Nef function using a yeast-based phenotypic screen. Retrovirology, 10 (1). WWang, Zhuzhu (2013) Development of New Chemotherapeutics for Head & Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC). Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished) Wheeler, SE and Borenstein, JT and Clark, AM and Ebrahimkhani, M and Fox, IJ and Griffith, L and Inman, W and Lauffenburger, D and Nguyen, T and Pillai, VC and Prantil-Baun, R and Stolz, DB and Taylor, D and Ulrich, T and Venkataramanan, R and Wells, A and Young, C (2013) All-human microphysical model of metastasis therapy. Stem Cell Research and Therapy, 4 (SUPPL.). Wood, MP and Cole, AL and Ruchala, P and Waring, AJ and Rohan, LC and Marx, P and Tarwater, PM and Gupta, P and Cole, AM (2013) A Compensatory Mutation Provides Resistance to Disparate HIV Fusion Inhibitor Peptides and Enhances Membrane Fusion. PLoS ONE, 8 (2). XXu, Qi (2013) PKD1 3D Structure Model and Docking Studies for New PKD Inhibitors. Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished) ZZhang, J and Wei, Y and Hu, B and Huang, M and Xie, W and Zhai, Y (2013) Activation of Human Stearoyl-Coenzyme A Desaturase 1 Contributes to the Lipogenic Effect of PXR in HepG2 Cells. PLoS ONE, 8 (7). |