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Group by: No Grouping | Volume Number of items: 8. 11McDonough, SM and Tully, MA and O'Connor, SR and Boyd, A and Kerr, DP and O'Neill, SM and Delitto, A and Bradbury, I and Tudor-Locke, C and Baxter, DG and Hurley, DA (2010) The back 2 activity trial: Education and advice versus education and advice plus a structured walking programme for chronic low back pain. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 11. 12Hayashi, D and Guermazi, A and Kwoh, CK and Hannon, MJ and Moore, C and Jakicic, JM and Green, SM and Roemer, FW (2011) Semiquantitative assessment of subchondral bone marrow edema-like lesions and subchondral cysts of the knee at 3T MRI: A comparison between intermediate-weighted fat-suppressed spin echo and Dual Echo Steady State sequences. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 12. 14Hayashi, D and Xu, L and Guermazi, A and Kwoh, CK and Hannon, MJ and Jarraya, M and Green, SM and Jakicic, JM and Moore, CE and Roemer, FW (2013) Prevalence of MRI-detected mediopatellar plica in subjects with knee pain and the association with MRI-detected patellofemoral cartilage damage and bone marrow lesions: Data from the Joints on Glucosamine study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 14. 16Piva, SR and Moore, CG and Schneider, M and Gil, AB and Almeida, GJ and Irrgang, JJ (2015) A randomized trial to compare exercise treatment methods for patients after total knee replacement: Protocol paper Rehabilitation, physical therapy and occupational health. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 16 (1). Reed, AM and Crowson, CS and Hein, M and De Padilla, CL and Olazagasti, JM and Aggarwal, R and Ascherman, DP and Levesque, MC and Oddis, CV (2015) Biologic predictors of clinical improvement in rituximab-treated refractory myositis Clinical rheumatology and osteoporosis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 16 (1). Satish, L and Palmer, B and Liu, F and Papatheodorou, L and Rigatti, L and Baratz, ME and Kathju, S (2015) Developing an animal model of Dupuytren's disease by orthotopic transplantation of human fibroblasts into athymic rat. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 16 (1). 17Edwards, RR and Dolman, AJ and Martel, MO and Finan, PH and Lazaridou, A and Cornelius, M and Wasan, AD (2016) Variability in conditioned pain modulation predicts response to NSAID treatment in patients with knee osteoarthritis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 17 (1). Baldassari, AR and Cleveland, RJ and Luong, MLN and Jonas, BL and Conn, DL and Moreland, LW and Bridges, SL and Callahan, LF (2016) Socioeconomic factors and self-reported health outcomes in African Americans with rheumatoid arthritis from the Southeastern United States: The contribution of childhood socioeconomic status. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 17 (1). |