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Group by: No Grouping | Volume Number of items: 4. STARZL, TE and WHITLOCK, DG (1952) Diffuse thalamic projection system in monkey. Journal of neurophysiology, 15 (6). 449 - 468. ISSN 0022-3077 STARZL, TE and TAYLOR, CW and MAGOUN, HW (1951) Ascending conduction in reticular activating system, with special reference to the diencephalon. Journal of neurophysiology, 14 (6). 461 - 477. ISSN 0022-3077 STARZL, TE and TAYLOR, CW and MAGOUN, HW (1951) Collateral afferent excitation of reticular formation of brain stem. Journal of neurophysiology, 14 (6). 479 - 496. ISSN 0022-3077 STARZL, TE and MAGOUN, HW (1951) Organization of the diffuse thalamic projection system. Journal of neurophysiology, 14 (2). 133 - 146. ISSN 0022-3077 |