The Importance of Keratinized Gingiva Surrounding Dental ImplantsDesai, Anita (2015) The Importance of Keratinized Gingiva Surrounding Dental Implants. Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished)
AbstractPurpose: The purpose of this study was to determine if keratinized gingiva has an effect on the success of implants. Materials and Methods: Sixty-nine implants were used in this study. The amount of keratinized gingiva was measured and divided into two groups; less than 2mm and greater than 2mm. The amount of keratinized gingiva was compared to clinical parameters such as bleeding upon probing, redness, and pocket depths to determine whether implant success was related to the amount of keratinized gingiva. Results: Chi square and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. All implants survived independent of the amount of keratinized gingiva. Patients with less than 2mm of keratinized gingiva displayed increased bleeding upon probing and redness, which was statistically significant (p=0.023), indicating increased inflammation due to lack of keratinized gingiva. Conclusion: Amount of keratinized gingiva did not affect the success rate of implants. However, implants with less than 2mm of keratinized gingiva exhibited increased bleeding upon probing, redness, and inflammation, which may contribute to later failure. Share
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