Spectrum and Decay of Hybrid Mesons in a Constituent Gluon ModelFarina, Christian (2024) Spectrum and Decay of Hybrid Mesons in a Constituent Gluon Model. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished)
AbstractFor fifty years, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) has been accepted as the fundamental theory of strong interactions. The confirmation of the theory took place with the discovery of asymptotic freedom in 1973 and it now represents one of the crowning jewels of the current standard model of particle physics. However, a thorough understanding of strong interactions in the low-energy regime is still out of reach. We still do not have an analytic description of confinement and many of the properties of hadrons remain enigmatic. The need for phenomenological models is therefore apparent. In this work we develop a constituent gluon model of hybrid mesons based on QCD in Coulomb Gauge. This thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 1 we give a brief introduction to the Standard Model of particle physics and its symmetries. We also discuss the SU(3) structure of QCD and provide the details of the QCD Hamiltonian in Coulomb Gauge, which forms the basis for our model. In Chapter 2 we extensively discuss the properties of conventional and hybrid mesons, starting with the basic properties of quarks. We then give an overview of constituent quark models, mainly non-relativistic models. Prior hybrid models are also covered in this chapter. An extensive overview of hybrid models deserves much more space that is given to it in this thesis. Here, our main goal is to present the various approaches of describing hybrids (bag models, relativistic string models, flux tube models, and constituent gluon models) and see how they they compare to lattice data and experiment. We close the chapter with a discussion of hybrid decay models. The details of our model, including the construction of the hybrid state and the Hamiltonian employed are presented in Chapter 3. This chapter also contains the results for the spin-averaged spectrum of charmonium hybrids, which is then compared to the large body of lattice data. A short section with heavy quarkonium results is also included. Hybrid decays of charmonium and light hybrids are presented in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, respectively. Conclusions are contained in Chapter 6. Share
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