Number of items: 25.
Barkowitz, Elana Rachel
Exploring Women's Perceptions of Their Birth Outcomes: Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Brown, Amy Elizabeth
A Program Evaluation of Healthy Girls Circle-Youth and Elders Sharing.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Buchman, Katherine Joan
The Effect of Discrimination and Stigma on Health Care Access: Qualitative Research with Transgender Tennesseans.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Carnahan, Meagan Kathleen
Birth Experiences of Immigrant Latina Women in a New Growth Community.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Doerfler, Hillary Anne
Using school gardens as a vehicle for health promotion for elementary school youth: A review of the literature.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Felman, Kristyn L
A Question of Birthing Philosophy:A Qualitative Study of Maternity Care Decision-Making Paradigms.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ferrainolo, Teresa Ann
Project SWAG(Students Who Accept Greatness): A Proposal for an After-School Program.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Herrick, Amy
Syndemic Processes Among Young Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM): Pathways Toward Risk and Resilience.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Ilochi, Paula Ijeoma
Factors that Impact Access to Quality Food in the Inner City.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Jones, Jennifer Renee
Exploring Women's Perceptions of Barriers and Facilitators Related to the Breast Health Continuum of Care.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kamouyerou, Andrea
Insights Into an Invisible Community: A Photovoice Project with Latino Immigrant Men in Allegheny County.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Lenz, Hilary Harding
HIV/AIDS Orphans and their Caregivers in Arusha, Tanzania.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Lever, Jonathan Scott
Outcomes Evaluation of Support and Timely Attention for You.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Littlejohn, Brittany Lauren
The Big Talk: Exploring Parents', Attitudes, Beliefs and Approaches Toward Discussing Sexuality With Their Children.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Londino, Gina Rose
Decisions, Decisions: Developing Interactive Fiction for Health Communication.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Lubiejewski, Sarah
A Critical Literature Synthesis of Low-Income Oral Health Disparities in the United States and Interventions for Improved Access to Care.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Myers, Marlana Siobhan
A comparison of the Girlfriends Project to the Social Cognitive Theory and the Theory of Gender and Power.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Nestler, Nicolle M
A critical literature review of barriers to the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS in South Africa.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Rosenfeld, Elian Aviraz
The Need for Change: An Examination of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Chlamydia Screening Recommendations.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Starkey, Angelica JoNel
Financial Distress and Depressive Symptoms among African American Women: Exploring the Role of Religious Coping and Social Support.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Susick, Michael
Application of Smartphone Technology in the Management and Treatment of Mental Illnesses.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Vigil, Stefanie F
Giving Young Females a Voice: Perspectives of Somali Bantu Refugees Participating in a Wellness and Leadership Development Program.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Walker, Allison
Perceptions of Family Cancer Caregivers in Tanzania: A Qualitative Study.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Weir, Aaron Joseph
Reported Uptake of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Controlling High Blood Pressure and Controlling High Cholesterol Indicators among State Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Programs.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Wood, Lindsay Martin
Natural Disasters, Gender and Health: Maximizing the Role of Women in Disaster Response and Recovery.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
This list was generated on Sat Feb 8 14:14:00 2025 EST.