Number of items: 49.
Aukerman, Andrew
Searches for supersymmetry in the vector boson fusion topology with the ATLAS detector.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Babu, Christopher
Distrust and disconnect: a comprehensive analysis of the sexual assault environment at the University of Pittsburgh.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Bacas, Eva
Sociophonetic variation in Bolivian Quechua uvular stops.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Brumbaugh, Rachel
Effects of aging and hand use on language comprehension performance using the Computerized Revised Token Test-Reading-Word Fade and Speed of Processing Battery.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Chamberlain, Brittany
Investigating the role of striatal spiny projection neurons in compulsive behaviors.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Corrado, Nicholas
A search for WbJ in decays of Y(5S): an analysis design study.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Eichinger, Fiona
Laborer, citizen and neighbor: refugee subjectivity in Pittsburgh and Berlin.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Eldridge, Kate Emley
"We know who we are": centering queer and trans youth narratives in the move toward affirmative healthcare.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Freedman, Noah C
Advancing squarewave voltammetry at PEDOT/fCNT carbon fiber microelectrodes for in vivo basal dopamine detection.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gilbert, Cody
Investigating any bi-directional influence between an educational intervention and the subjective task value of digital literacy.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gugerli, Kristen
Oppression, activism, and the political participation of indigenous peoples: a case study in Yucatán, Mexico.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gurewitsch, Raanan
‘Pb-predict’: using machine learning to locate lead plumbing in a large public water system.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Hahn, James
Hiding in plain sight: handwriting and applications to steganography.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Huang, SiLang
Rural-urban migration pathways and desires under neoliberal socioeconomic reform in contemporary China.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Husson, Isabelle
Bleaching the rainbow: how high school diversity becomes professional homogeny in speech-language pathology and audiology.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kaminsky, Jesse C.
Dimorphite-DL and biotite-tools, two open source programs for the acceleration of structure-based drug design.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Keane, Gabrielle
Locating literature in the ghost hoax: an exploration of 19th-century print news media.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kehl, Madeline
A response surface analysis investigation of the effects of (mis)alignment between interpersonal values and efficacies on interpersonal problems.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Khan, Zara
Depression, daily stress, and interpersonal behavior.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kim, Janette
Does a functional SNP variance in interleukin-6 lead to increased physiology of delirium in ICU patients?
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Koros, S.E.
For(a)ging Jewish spirituality from what is left: problematizing, placing, and practicing.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kraus, Sara
Neuromanticism: Emily Brontë and the embodied mind.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Krawchuk, Michael
Optogenetic assessment of VIP, PV, SOM, and NOS inhibitory neuron activity and cerebral blood flow regulation in mouse somato-sensory cortex.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kushner, Elizabeth
An exploration of caregiver object labels to children at high vs. low risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder: the role of child factors and joint engagement context.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Lacey, Cecilia
Assessing the ASL and ASL-Stroop versions of the Computerized Revised Token Test with children.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Landis, Parker
The prevalence and outcomes of morphine use in the initial management of patients with acute myocardial infarction.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Li, Tianke
Extending firing rate models to include ionic effects.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Mahesh, Madhumita
Diverse bodies: a queer history of the representation and self-representation of children in popular media.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Mallepalli, Abhignya
Stigma, violence, and pregnancy: exploring treatment of women with opioid use disorder.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Martinec, Alyssa
An exploration of system justification in China: public opinion on air quality.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Melcher, Eleanna
Match the melodies: how do musical ability and training frequency affect translation-ambiguous word learning?
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Mellett, Kaleigh
Relationship between variation in the TP53 gene and patient outcomes following severe traumatic brain injury.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Meyer, Jordan
Whose job is it? The role of speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists in supporting environmental alterations for people with Alzheimer's disease.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Moore, Heather
Search for gut microbiota-mediated composition and influence in type 2 diabetes.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ramanathan, Rahul
Investigation into the anti-inflammatory properties of metformin as a potential therapeutic agent for lower back pain.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ramos Neto, Iolanda
Weaponising controversy: a demarcation of illegitimate dissent.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Reese, Lauren
Public health, Victorian domestic space, and the biopolitics of vaccination reform in Bleak House and the lampoons of George Cruikshank.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Reynolds, Allyn
Flann O’Brien: an exegesis of satire.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Rooney, Kimberly
Triple nothings: racial identity formation in Chinese-American adoptees.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Samuda, Kyra
Responsivity to grammar violations in L2 Japanese speakers.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Scull, Madison T
Barriers, boundaries, and borders: an investigation into transgender experiences within medical institutions.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Shultz, Aryssa
“The system is rigged against me:” exploring a white supremacist community on 4Chan and perceptions of white supremacy at the University of Pittsburgh.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Tabachnick, Mariel
"You can't forget our roots anyway": French college students' views on a multicultural France.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Trinkle, Mason
eGFP-tagging of the dopamine D2 receptor: re-examination of subcellular receptor localization in the substantia nigra and dorsolateral striatum of transgenic mice.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Veneziano, Angelina
An Art Historical & Bibliographical Investigation Of The Albertina Facsimile (Vlämische, holländische, italienische und französische Meiterzeichnungen des XVI. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts aus der Albertina.).
Comprehensive Paper, University of Pittsburgh.
Wang, Justine
Examining the effect of tumor features, BDNF, and 5-HTT genotypes on depressive symptoms in breast cancer.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Xiong, Shaobai
Weakening local power and strengthening the central government: Wang Mang’s spatial organization reform in the Xin dynasty.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Yu, Zac
Syntharch: interactive image search with attribute-conditioned synthesis.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Zook, Ben
American Baby Boomers' sourcing of health information.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
This list was generated on Tue Feb 18 05:31:16 2025 EST.