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Comparison of Primary Stability of Tapered and Parallel Walled Implants in Poor Quality Bone: An in vitro study

Resnik, Christopher and Engelmeieir, Robert and Kunkel, Thomas and Shah, Nilesh and Kukunas, Steve (2020) Comparison of Primary Stability of Tapered and Parallel Walled Implants in Poor Quality Bone: An in vitro study. Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished)

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Objectives: Obtaining primary stability upon placement is crucial for predictable healing and long-term success of dental implants. Primary stability is very difficult and challenging to achieve in poorer quality bone. Currently, two of the more common dental implant designs are tapered and parallel walled dental implants. The objective of this study was to determine if there was a difference in the primary stability of tapered and parallel dental implants in poor quality
bone. The null hypothesis of this study was that there is no difference in the primary stability of tapered and parallel walled dental implants in poor quality bone.

Material and Methods: Two implant designs (tapered and parallel walled dental implants) were evaluated for the primary stability in a medium that represented poor bone quality (Balsa wood). Twenty-four 4.3 x 11.5 mm HahnTM tapered implants (Glidewell Dental Laboratories, Newport Beach, CA) along with a twenty-four 4.3 mm x 11.5 mm parallel walled prototype HahnTM implants (Glidewell Dental Laboratories, Newport Beach, CA) were used. All implants had
identical surface texture, diameter, length, thread design, and pitch thereby eliminating extraneous variables. The only difference between the two dental implants was the taper. After implant placement in the poor quality bone medium, resonance frequency analysis was recorded for each implant using the Penguin RFA (Aseptico®, Woodinville, WA). The ISQ scores were uploaded into Stata 16 (StataCorp, College Station, TX) and evaluated. A two-sample t-test was
calculated to determine if there was a statistically significant difference in the primary stability between the two implant designs.

Results: In the evaluation of 24 tapered and 24 parallel walled implants, the average ISQ value for the tapered was 67.125 +/- 1.974 and the parallel walled was 64.813 +/- 0.93. The 2-sample ttest yielded a p-value = 0.0000. Since the p-value <0.05, there was a statistically significant difference between the ISQ scores of the two implant designs. The null hypothesis was rejected.

Conclusion: The results of this in vitro study concluded that the tapered implant design provides greater primary stability than parallel walled implants in poor quality bone.


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Item Type: University of Pittsburgh ETD
Status: Unpublished
CreatorsEmailPitt UsernameORCID
Resnik, Christophercrr56@pitt.educrr560000-0002-9988-1834
Engelmeieir, Robertrle14@pitt.edurle14
Kunkel, Thomastck14@pitt.edutck14
Shah, Nileshnh3@pitt.edunh3
Kukunas, Stevesjk7@pitt.edusjk7
ETD Committee:
TitleMemberEmail AddressPitt UsernameORCID
Thesis AdvisorEngelmeier, Robertrle14@pitt.edurle14
Committee MemberShah, Nileshnh3@pitt.edunh3
Committee MemberKukunas, Stevesjk7@pitt.edusjk7
Committee MemberKunkel, Thomastck14@pitt.edutck14
Date: 13 July 2020
Date Type: Publication
Defense Date: 28 October 2019
Approval Date: 13 July 2020
Submission Date: 10 February 2020
Access Restriction: No restriction; Release the ETD for access worldwide immediately.
Number of Pages: 75
Institution: University of Pittsburgh
Schools and Programs: School of Dental Medicine > Dental Science
Degree: MDS - Master of Dental Science
Thesis Type: Master's Thesis
Refereed: Yes
Uncontrolled Keywords: Dental Implants, Implant Stability, Tapered, Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA)
Date Deposited: 13 Jul 2020 17:52
Last Modified: 13 Jul 2020 17:52


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