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Number of items: 100.

Pinsky, MR and Clermont, G and Hravnak, M (2016) Predicting cardiorespiratory instability. Critical Care, 20 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Shaw, AD and Schermer, CR and Lobo, DN and Munson, SH and Khangulov, V and Hayashida, DK and Kellum, JA (2016) Erratum to: Impact of intravenous fluid composition on outcomes in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome Critical Care (2016) 20:17 DOI 10.1186/s13054-016-1187-7. Critical Care, 20 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Kellum, JA and Murugan, R (2016) Effects of non-severe acute kidney injury on clinical outcomes in critically ill patients. Critical Care, 20 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Haugaa, H and Gómez, H and Maberry, DR and Holder, A and Ogundele, O and Quintero, AMB and Escobar, D and Tønnessen, TI and Airgood, H and Dezfulian, C and Kenny, E and Shiva, S and Zuckerbraun, B and Pinsky, MR (2015) Effects of inhalation of low-dose nitrite or carbon monoxide on post-reperfusion mitochondrial function and tissue injury in hemorrhagic shock swine. Critical Care, 19 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

DellaVolpe, JD and Huang, DT (2015) Is there a role for music in the ICU? Critical Care, 19 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Angus, Derek C and Bozza, Fernando and Kahn, Jeremy and Salluh, Jorge and Soares, Marcio and Investigators, ORCHESTRA Study and Brasil, Pedro (2015) Organizational characteristics, outcomes and resource use in ICUs: the ORCHESTRA Study. Critical Care, 19 (S2).

Chandrasekaran, PN and Dezfulian, C and Polderman, KH (2015) What is the right temperature to cool post-cardiac arrest patients? Critical Care, 19 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Shaw, AD and Schermer, CR and Lobo, DN and Munson, SH and Khangulov, V and Hayashida, DK and Kellum, JA (2015) Impact of intravenous fluid composition on outcomes in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Critical Care, 19 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Cabrera, JL and Pinsky, MR (2015) Management of septic shock: A protocol-less approach. Critical Care, 19 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Stocchetti, N and Taccone, FS and Citerio, G and Pepe, PE and Roux, PD and Oddo, M and Polderman, KH and Stevens, RD and Barsan, W and Maas, AIR and Meyfroidt, G and Bell, MJ and Silbergleit, R and Vespa, PM and Faden, AI and Helbok, R and Tisherman, S and Zanier, ER and Valenzuela, T and Wendon, J and Menon, DK and Vincent, JL (2015) Neuroprotection in acute brain injury: An up-to-date review. Critical Care, 19 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Cove, ME and Federspiel, WJ (2015) Veno-venous extracorporeal CO<inf>2</inf> removal for the treatment of severe respiratory acidosis. Critical Care, 19 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Ronco, C and Ricci, Z and De Backer, D and Kellum, JA and Taccone, FS and Joannidis, M and Pickkers, P and Cantaluppi, V and Turani, F and Saudan, P and Bellomo, R and Joannes-Boyau, O and Antonelli, M and Payen, D and Prowle, JR and Vincent, JL (2015) Renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury: Controversy and consensus. Critical Care, 19 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Chawla, LS and Goldstein, SL and Kellum, JA and Ronco, C (2015) Renal angina: Concept and development of pretest probability assessment in acute kidney injury. Critical Care, 19 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Elmer, J and Lee, S and Rittenberger, JC and Dargin, J and Winger, D and Emlet, L (2015) Reintubation in critically ill patients: Procedural complications and implications for care. Critical Care, 19 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Guarracino, F and Ferro, B and Forfori, F and Bertini, P and Magliacano, L and Pinsky, MR (2014) Jugular vein distensibility predicts fluid responsiveness in septic patients. Critical Care, 18 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Lodeserto, F and Yende, S (2014) Understanding skeletal muscle wasting in critically ill patients. Critical Care, 18 (6). ISSN 1364-8535

Falade, O and Pinsky, MR (2014) Can I get a witness? Critical Care, 18 (5). ISSN 1364-8535

Yajnik, Vishal and Gomez, Hernando (2014) Prehospital induction of mild hypothermia with cold normal saline for cardiac arrest: more harm than good? Critical Care, 18 (5).

Gupta, N and Yende, S (2014) Benefits of lung-protective ventilation: Looking beyond the ICU. Critical Care, 18 (5). ISSN 1364-8535

Kaynar, AM and Yende, S and Zhu, L and Frederick, DR and Chambers, R and Burton, CL and Carter, M and Stolz, DB and Agostini, B and Gregory, AD and Nagarajan, S and Shapiro, SD and Angus, DC (2014) Effects of intra-abdominal sepsis on atherosclerosis in mice. Critical Care, 18 (5). ISSN 1364-8535

Morrell, ED and Kellum, JA and Pastor-Soler, NM and Hallows, KR (2014) Septic acute kidney injury: Molecular mechanisms and the importance of stratification and targeting therapy. Critical Care, 18 (5). ISSN 1364-8535

Zampieri, FG and Kellum, JA and Park, M and Ranzani, OT and Barbeiro, HV and de Souza, HP and da Cruz Neto, LM and Pinheiro da Silva, F (2014) Relationship between acid-base status and inflammation in the critically ill. Critical Care, 18 (4). ISSN 1364-8535

Taki, K and Huang, DT (2014) High-frequency oscillation in early adult respiratory distress syndrome. Critical Care, 18 (3). ISSN 1364-8535

Peng, ZY and Bishop, JV and Wen, XY and Elder, MM and Zhou, F and Chuasuwan, A and Carter, MJ and Devlin, JE and Kaynar, AM and Singbartl, K and Pike, F and Parker, RS and Clermont, G and Federspiel, WJ and Kellum, JA (2014) Modulation of chemokine gradients by apheresis redirects leukocyte trafficking to different compartments during sepsis, studies in a rat model. Critical Care, 18 (4). ISSN 1364-8535

Tekwani, SS and Murugan, R (2014) 'To prone or not to prone' in severe ARDS: Questions answered, but others remain. Critical Care, 18 (3). ISSN 1364-8535

Lira, A and Pinsky, MR (2014) Should β-blockers be used in septic shock? Critical Care, 18 (3). ISSN 1364-8535

Guarracino, F and Ferro, B and Morelli, A and Bertini, P and Baldassarri, R and Pinsky, MR (2014) Ventriculoarterial decoupling in human septic shock. Critical Care, 18 (2). ISSN 1364-8535

Polderman, KH and Varon, J (2014) We should not abandon therapeutic cooling after cardiac arrest. Critical Care, 18 (2). ISSN 1364-8535

Elmer, J and Kahn, J (2014) Implementing evidence-based practice in the neuroscience intensive care unit. Critical Care, 18 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Melhem, S and Shutter, L and Kaynar, AM (2014) A trial of intracranial pressure monitoring in traumatic brain injury. Critical Care, 18 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Goldstein, SL and Chawla, L and Ronco, C and Kellum, JA (2014) Renal recovery. Critical Care, 18 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Buddineni, JP and Callaway, C and Huang, DT (2014) Epinephrine, vasopressin and steroids for in-hospital cardiac arrest: The right cocktail therapy? Critical Care, 18 (3). ISSN 1364-8535

Seymour, CW and Cooke, CR and Heckbert, SR and Spertus, JA and Callaway, CW and Martin-Gill, C and Yealy, DM and Rea, TD and Angus, DC (2014) Prehospital intravenous access and fluid resuscitation in severe sepsis: An observational cohort study. Critical Care, 18 (5). ISSN 1364-8535

Polderman, KH (2013) Of ions and temperature: The complicated interplay of temperature, fluids, and electrolytes on myocardial function. Critical Care, 17 (6). ISSN 1364-8535

Vo, M and Kahn, JM (2013) Making the GRADE: How useful are the new Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines? Critical Care, 17 (6). ISSN 1364-8535

Reineck, LA and Wallace, DJ and Barnato, AE and Kahn, JM (2013) Nighttime intensivist staffing and the timing of death among ICU decedents: A retrospective cohort study. Critical Care, 17 (5). ISSN 1364-8535

Vincent, JL and Kellum, JA and Shaw, A and Mythen, MG (2013) Should hydroxyethyl starch solutions be totally banned? Critical Care, 17 (5). ISSN 1364-8535

Al-Jaghbeer, M and Yende, S (2013) Blood transfusion for upper gastrointestinal bleeding: Is less more again? Critical Care, 17 (5). ISSN 1364-8535

Sen, A and Malik, SM and Al-Khafaji, A (2013) 'The TIPSing Point'. Critical Care, 17 (4). ISSN 1364-8535

Ahmed, S and Murugan, R (2013) Dexmedetomidine use in the ICU: Are we there yet? Critical Care, 17 (3). ISSN 1364-8535

Phillips, DP and Kaynar, AM and Kellum, JA and Gomez, H (2013) Crystalloids vs. colloids: KO at the twelfth round? Critical Care, 17 (3). ISSN 1364-8535

Mery, E and Kahn, JM (2013) Does space make waste? The influence of ICU bed capacity on admission decisions. Critical Care, 17 (3). ISSN 1364-8535

Rimmelé, T and Kaynar, AM and McLaughlin, JN and Bishop, JV and Fedorchak, MV and Chuasuwan, A and Peng, Z and Singbartl, K and Frederick, DR and Zhu, L and Carter, M and Federspiel, WJ and Zeevi, A and Kellum, JA (2013) Leukocyte capture and modulation of cell-mediated immunity during human sepsis: An ex vivo study. Critical Care, 17 (2). ISSN 1364-8535

Guarracino, F and Baldassarri, R and Pinsky, MR (2013) Ventriculo-arterial decoupling in acutely altered hemodynamic states. Critical Care, 17 (2). ISSN 1364-8535

Estrada, CA and Murugan, R (2013) Hydroxyethyl starch in severe sepsis: End of starch era? Critical Care, 17 (2). ISSN 1364-8535

Khashan, MY and Pinsky, MR (2013) Does intra-aortic balloon support for myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock improve outcome? Critical Care, 17 (2). ISSN 1364-8535

Zaaqoq, AM and Yende, S (2013) A touch of cooling may help. Critical Care, 17 (2). ISSN 1364-8535

de Waard, MC and Biermann, H and Brinckman, SL and Appelman, YE and Driessen, RH and Polderman, KH and Girbes, ARJ and Beishuizen, A (2013) Automated peritoneal lavage: An extremely rapid and safe way to induce hypothermia in post-resuscitation patients. Critical Care, 17 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Haider, K and Pinsky, MR (2013) Early surgery for native valve infective endocarditis. Critical Care, 17 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Sen, A and Yende, S (2013) Towards personalized medicine in sepsis: Quest for Shangri-La? Critical Care, 17 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Kashani, K and Al-Khafaji, A and Ardiles, T and Artigas, A and Bagshaw, SM and Bell, M and Bihorac, A and Birkhahn, R and Cely, CM and Chawla, LS and Davison, DL and Feldkamp, T and Forni, LG and Gong, MN and Gunnerson, KJ and Haase, M and Hackett, J and Honore, PM and Hoste, EAJ and Joannes-Boyau, O and Joannidis, M and Kim, P and Koyner, JL and Laskowitz, DT and Lissauer, ME and Marx, G and McCullough, PA and Mullaney, S and Ostermann, M and Rimmelé, T and Shapiro, NI and Shaw, AD and Shi, J and Sprague, AM and Vincent, JL and Vinsonneau, C and Wagner, L and Walker, MG and Wilkerson, RG and Zacharowski, K and Kellum, JA (2013) Discovery and validation of cell cycle arrest biomarkers in human acute kidney injury. Critical Care, 17 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Lameire, N and Kellum, JA and Aspelin, P and Barsoum, RS and Burdmann, EA and Goldstein, SL and Herzog, CA and Joannidis, M and Kribben, A and Levey, AS and Macleod, AM and Mehta, RL and Murray, PT and Naicker, S and Opal, SM and Schaefer, F and Schetz, M and Uchino, S (2013) Contrast-induced acute kidney injury and renal support for acute kidney injury: A KDIGO summary (Part 2). Critical Care, 17 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Kellum, JA and Lameire, N and Aspelin, P and Barsoum, RS and Burdmann, EA and Goldstein, SL and Herzog, CA and Joannidis, M and Kribben, A and Levey, AS and Macleod, AM and Mehta, RL and Murray, PT and Naicker, S and Opal, SM and Schaefer, F and Schetz, M and Uchino, S (2013) Diagnosis, evaluation, and management of acute kidney injury: A KDIGO summary (Part 1). Critical Care, 17 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Schott, CK and Huang, DT (2012) ω-3 fatty acids, γ-linolenic acid, and antioxidants: immunomodulators or inert dietary supplements? Critical Care, 16 (6). ISSN 1364-8535

Chanpura, T and Yende, S (2012) Weighing risks and benefits of stress ulcer prophylaxis in critically ill patients. Critical Care, 16 (5). ISSN 1364-8535

Cove, ME and MacLaren, G and Federspiel, WJ and Kellum, JA (2012) Bench to bedside review: Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal, past present and future. Critical Care, 16 (5). ISSN 1364-8535

Kahn, JM (2012) The risks and rewards of expanding ICU capacity. Critical Care, 16 (5). ISSN 1364-8535

Kasi, PM and Tawbi, HA and Oddis, CV and Kulkarni, HS (2012) Clinical review: Serious adverse events associated with the use of rituximab - a critical care perspective. Critical Care, 16 (4). ISSN 1364-8535

Chawla, LS and Kellum, JA and Ronco, C (2012) Permissive hypofiltration. Critical Care, 16 (4). ISSN 1364-8535

Castro, RA and Angus, DC and Hong, SY and Lee, C and Weissfeld, LA and Clermont, G and Rosengart, MR (2012) Light and the outcome of the critically ill: An observational cohort study. Critical Care, 16 (4). ISSN 1364-8535

Lakshminarayana, PH and Kahn, JM (2012) First do no harm: Surrogate endpoints and the lesson of β-agonists in acute lung injury. Critical Care, 16 (3). ISSN 1364-8535

Ronco, C and Kellum, JA and Haase, M (2012) Subclinical AKI is still AKI. Critical Care, 16 (3). ISSN 1364-8535

Dale, CR and Hayden, SJ and Treggiari, MM and Curtis, JR and Seymour, CW and Yanez, ND and Fan, VS (2012) Association between hospital volume and network membership and an analgesia, sedation and delirium order set quality score: A cohort study. Critical Care, 16 (3). ISSN 1364-8535

Polderman, Kees H (2012) Is therapeutic hypothermia immunosuppressive? Critical Care, 16 (S2).

Safiyeh, M and Huang, D (2012) New strategies to manage complicated pleural effusions. Critical Care, 16 (3). ISSN 1364-8535

Diringer, E and Yende, S (2012) Protocol-directed care in the ICU: Making a future generation of intensivists less knowledgeable? Critical Care, 16 (2). ISSN 1364-8535

Demirkol, D and Yildizdas, D and Bayrakci, B and Karapinar, B and Kendirli, T and Koroglu, TF and Dursun, O and Erkek, N and Gedik, H and Citak, A and Kesici, S and Karabocuoglu, M and Carcillo, JA (2012) Hyperferritinemia in the critically ill child with secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis/sepsis/multiple organ dysfunction syndrome/macrophage activation syndrome: What is the treatment? Critical Care, 16 (2). ISSN 1364-8535

Idahosa, O and Kahn, JM (2012) Beyond checklists: Using clinician prompts to achieve meaningful ICU quality improvement. Critical Care, 16 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Bocharov, MV and Kahn, JM (2012) New obstacles to improving the quality of end-of-life care in ICU. Critical Care, 16 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Cove, ME and Pinsky, MR (2012) Carboxyhemoglobin levels in medical intensive care patients. Critical Care, 16 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Nadim, MK and Kellum, JA and Davenport, A and Wong, F and Davis, C and Pannu, N and Tolwani, A and Bellomo, R and Genyk, YS (2012) Hepatorenal syndrome: The 8 <sup>th </sup>international consensus conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group. Critical Care, 16 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Angus, DC (2012) Drotrecogin alfa (activated) ... a sad final fizzle to a roller-coaster party. Critical Care, 16 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Yang, R and Zou, X and Koskinen, ML and Tenhunen, J (2012) Ethyl pyruvate reduces liver injury at early phase but impairs regeneration at late phase in acetaminophen overdose. Critical Care, 16 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Yegneswaran, B and Murugan, R (2011) Neuromuscular blockers and ARDS: Thou shalt not breathe, move, or die! Critical Care, 15 (5). ISSN 1364-8535

Parsons, EC and Hough, CL and Seymour, CW and Cooke, CR and Rubenfeld, GD and Watkins, TR (2011) Red blood cell transfusion and outcomes in patients with acute lung injury, sepsis and shock. Critical Care, 15 (5). ISSN 1364-8535

Terwiesch, C and KC, D and Kahn, JM (2011) Working with capacity limitations: Operations management in critical care. Critical Care, 15 (4). ISSN 1364-8535

Reade, MC and Yende, S and Angus, DC (2011) Revisiting Mars and Venus: Understanding gender differences in critical illness. Critical Care, 15 (4). ISSN 1364-8535

Prowle, JR and Liu, YL and Licari, E and Bagshaw, SM and Egi, M and Haase, M and Haase-Fielitz, A and Kellum, JA and Cruz, D and Ronco, C and Tsutsui, K and Uchino, S and Bellomo, R (2011) Oliguria as predictive biomarker of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients. Critical Care, 15 (4). ISSN 1364-8535

Kellum, JA and Ronco, C (2011) Controversies in acute kidney injury: The 2011 Brussels Roundtable. Critical Care, 15 (2). ISSN 1364-8535

Polderman, KH (2011) Hypothermia, immune suppression and SDD: Can we have our cake and eat it? Critical Care, 15 (2). ISSN 1364-8535

Castro, R and Angus, DC and Rosengart, MR (2011) The effect of light on critical illness. Critical Care, 15 (2). ISSN 1364-8535

Bloos, F and Marshall, JC and Dellinger, RP and Vincent, JL and Gutierrez, G and Rivers, E and Balk, RA and Laterre, PF and Angus, DC and Reinhart, K and Brunkhorst, FM (2011) Multinational, observational study of procalcitonin in ICU patients with pneumonia requiring mechanical ventilation: A multicenter observational study. Critical Care, 15 (2). ISSN 1364-8535

Castro, R and Hong, S and Lee, C and Weissfeld, L and Clermont, G and Angus, D and Rosengart, M (2011) Sunlight exposure does not influence ICU survival. Critical Care, 15 (S1).

Rimmelé, T and Kellum, JA (2011) Clinical review: Blood purification for sepsis. Critical Care, 15 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Nabors, S and Bountourelis, T and Schaefer, A and Luangkesorn, L and Kharoufeh, J and Maillart, L and Yang, W and Clermont, G (2011) Cost impact of blocking: predictability of ICU patient throughput and cost variance using process modeling. Critical Care, 15.

McLaughlin, J and Rella, J and Bakan, A and Kong, L and Zhu, L and Frederick, D and Yende, S and Ferrell, R and Bahar, I and Shapiro, S and Angus, D and Kaynar, A (2011) Impact of pro-domain stability of matrix metalloproteinase-8 on the outcome of sepsis. Critical Care, 15 (S1).

McLaughlin, JN and Ramachandran, R and Kaynar, AM and Shapiro, SD and Angus, DC and Malik, AB (2011) Regulation of endothelial function by coagulation proteases in sepsis. Critical Care, 15 (S1).

Wallace, DJ and Angus, DC and Rosengart, MR and Iwashyna, TJ and Kahn, JM (2011) System-level concentration of services for mechanically ventilated patients can mask substantial regional heterogeneity and disorganization. Critical Care, 15 (S1).

Przybysz, Thomas and Huang, David (2011) Does dalteparin PROTECT better than heparin? Critical Care, 15 (6). 315 - 315. ISSN 1364-8535

Heyman, Samuel N and Rosen, Seymour and Rosenberger, Christian (2011) Hypoxia-inducible factors and the prevention of acute organ injury. Critical Care, 15 (2). 209 - 209. ISSN 1364-8535

Huang, CS and Kawamura, T and Lee, S and Tochigi, N and Shigemura, N and Buchholz, BM and Kloke, JD and Billiar, TR and Toyoda, Y and Nakao, A (2010) Hydrogen inhalation ameliorates ventilator-induced lung injury. Critical Care, 14 (6). ISSN 1364-8535

Majesko, A and Darby, JM (2010) Etomidate and adrenal insufficiency: The controversy continues. Critical Care, 14 (6). ISSN 1364-8535

Ogundele, O and Yende, S (2010) Pushing the envelope to reduce sedation in critically ill patients. Critical Care, 14 (6). ISSN 1364-8535

Beigi, RH and Hodges, J and Baldisseri, M and English, D (2010) Clinical review: Considerations for the triage of maternity care during an influenza pandemic - one institution's approach. Critical Care, 14 (3). ISSN 1364-8535

Crippen, D and Burrows, D and Stocchetti, N and Mayer, SA and Andrews, P and Bleck, T and Whetstine, L (2010) Ethics roundtable: 'Open-ended ICU care: Can we afford it?'. Critical Care, 14 (3). ISSN 1364-8535

Yunos, NM and Bellomo, R and Story, D and Kellum, J (2010) Bench-to-bedside review: Chloride in critical illness. Critical Care, 14 (4). ISSN 1364-8535

Oudemans-van Straaten, HM and Kellum, JA and Bellomo, R (2010) Clinical review: Anticoagulation for continuous renal replacement therapy - heparin or citrate? Critical Care, 15 (1). ISSN 1364-8535

Hecht, David and Boujoukos, Arthur (2010) Anemia in the ICU: are your patients needin' erythropoetin? Critical Care, 14 (6). 332 - 332. ISSN 1364-8535

Qassem, Zaher and Milbrandt, Eric B (2010) Clearing up the confusion: The results of two pilot studies of antipsychotics for ICU delirium. Critical Care, 14 (4). 316 - 316. ISSN 1364-8535

Zaccheo, Matthew and Milbrandt, Eric B and Boujoukos, Arthur (2010) The esophagus ... not just for food anymore? Critical Care, 14 (6). 326 - 326. ISSN 1364-8535

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