In the
previous chapter, we gained insight into processes of regional economic
development involving the initiation and transmission of changes. We saw, also,
that economic change within a region is determined partly by external forces
beyond the influence of parties within the region itself and partly by
decisions and actions that can be taken by such parties.
The present
chapter will take up the question of what directions of change are desirable or
desired: the objectives of regional economic policy. We shall
look also into the pathology of regional development: what
situations arise in which there is an urgent need for corrective action.
Finally, we shall look into the prophylaxis and therapy aspects
of regional development policy: what appropriate means exist for influencing
development in desired directions and how they can be used most
questions are definitely in the spotlight today. Vast amounts of talk and
action, and a substantial amount of thought, are directed at urgent problems of
regional development (including but not limited to the special problems of
urban life covered in Chapter 13).
concern is relatively recent. As late as 1948 it seemed fair to state
governments have a large stake in the results of locational development, great
power to influence that development, and a correspondingly heavy responsibility
for influencing it in a socially desirable direction, few governments have ever
followed any coherent policy in regard to location.2
The "few
governments" referred to certainly did not include the United
But a
radical change in thinking was already brewing. In Britain even before World
War II, it had become clear that the depressed economic position of the
northern and Welsh industrial areas presented an intractable problem, and
controversy was rife on which national policies might or might not work. Since
the 1950s, we have been observing with some frustration that the so-called
developing countries do not seem to catch up automatically with the more
advanced ones, even with continued and massive international assistance of
various types.
(as was noted in the previous chapter) economic statisticians and historians
who had been investigating interregional disparities of income within the
United States found reason to question the inevitability of convergence. One
basis of concern and of desire for better understanding and policies has been a
realization that regional stagnation that depression can be quite
much of the 1960s, attention was drawn to pockets of poverty in what otherwise
was thought of as the "affluent society." Today, we are less apt to view
regions with low levels of economic growth or even those experiencing absolute
decline in economic activity as being anomalous. Structural changes in the U.S.
economy, which are reflected by the population shifts described in Chapter 11, have given traditional concerns new
weight. These shifts have meant expansion in the "sunbelt" states and relative
or absolute decline in many "frostbelt" states. They have also stimulated
discussion of programs associated with "reindustrialization," a term that has
come to mean recognizing that the economic base of vast regions of the United
States is jeopardized by stiff competition and technological change. Indeed,
some pundits now speak of the "rust-belt" as including much, if not all, of the
nations old industrial heartland.
problems must be confronted in the face of such change. Transition can be
difficult, whether it is accompanied by the expansion or the decline of local
economic activity. Further, it is rarely easy to identify the cause or causes
of change, and therefore coping with its consequences and planning for
corrective action are also made more difficult.
There is a
distinctly urban dimension to many of these regional problems. The process of
urbanization accelerated earlier in this century because of the declining
relative importance of agriculture. Unemployment in urban areas is more visible
and more unsettling for both the individual and the community than is rural
underemployment. Further, the rapid shift of black population from rural areas
to urban slums3 intensified this change; and
along with a complex of other problems of urban adjustment, it vastly increased
the number of urban areas calling for external economic aid. Problems of
traffic congestion and environmental pollution (particularly in and around
urban areas) stimulated a search for more rational use of space and
problems developed during the 1950s and 1960s, when virtually every major
metropolitan area was growing. Now that a number of larger metropolitan areas
are experiencing population decline, additional problems have become apparent.
At the same time, rapid metropolitan area growth in the South and West has
meant new pockets of poverty and urban distress in these regions.
pressures on local and state governments in the United States are part of the
picture too. For expanding areas, with increased demands for all kinds of
public services, the principal revenue sources of those jurisdictions
(primarily the real property tax at the local level) often do not keep up with
rapidly rising demands. States and local communities are rightly fearful that
higher taxes will drive away or deter business investment.
The same
fear persists in regions characterized by decline; the demand for services does
not fall proportionately with population. Often, the least mobile
personsthose left behindare most in need of public services. This
as well as the substantial resources required to maintain the existing
infrastructure of roads, bridges, and sewer systems put upward pressure on tax
rates that threatens to place areas hard hit by structural change at further
As a result
of these forces, there has been increasing though sometimes reluctant reliance
on the more ample and flexible taxing powers of the federal government to
finance local programs (such as education, health, and highways), and still
more broadly to provide unrestricted grants to the states for use at their
discretion. This channeling of public money through the national treasury
naturally brings to the fore rival regional claims on federally collected
funds, and the competition may be intense as national policy makers are
themselves forced to reconcile diverse pressures for increased expenditures
with slow growth in revenues. Thus the problem of just and efficient allocation
becomes one of the utmost concern.
another factor arousing interest in the policy problems of regional development
is disillusionment with the effects and objectives of the more naive forms of
local and regional self-promotion. As more localities participate in this
competitive game, more of the total effort is recognized as simply canceling
out (that is, each community is driven to promotional efforts in self-defense
by the activity of rival areas). And more and more questions are raised about
whether growth itself is a sensible standard of community interest and
objective of public action at the local level.
Next, it
appears that there has been a significant shift in the attitude of the general
public, and of most economists, toward population growth on a local, regional,
national, or world basis. In the 1920s and 1930s, the American credo of the
beneficence of population growth was unquestioned, and leading economists and
statesmen were pointing with alarm to the perils of economic stagnation that
would beset us if we did not get busy breeding more young consumers.
Malthuss gloomy nineteenth-century warnings were dismissed as a
discredited fantasy.4
attitude has changed considerably. In part, the change came from the
frustration of seeing hard-won output gains in so many of the underdeveloped
countries canceled out by mushrooming population growth. Meanwhile at home the
postwar baby boom, the all too evident pressures of population growth in urban
and outdoor-recreation areas, the generally inflationary bent of the economy,
and the relatively high fertility of people low on the economic and education
ladder all helped to undermine the venerable New World tradition of the
blessings of increased population. Today, thinking and policy are much more
directed toward welfare objectives, such as fuller employment and higher per
capita income, rather than to the misleading standard of aggregate
another contributing factor in the shift toward more enlightened approaches to
regional promotion is what might be called the dilution of provincialism. We
now find it normal for individuals to make their home in several different
communities and regions during their lifetime,5 and for them to travel often and widely. This more varied
exposure is conducive to more objective feelings about programs that may
benefit one region at the expense of another.
there have occurred (and are occurring) a number of important changes in the
factors determining location choices of producers and consumers. These changes,
arising mainly from changes in technology and increased income and leisure,
really underlie many of the developments already mentioned and have certainly
played a significant part in the rethinking on regional development. These
changes in location determinants have been mentioned in previous chapters and
can be briefly recapitulated as follows:
1. In terms of linkages
among industries and their sources of materials and markets, the cost of
physical transport of heavy and bulky goods is less important, and increased
importance attaches to the speedy and flexible transportation of high-value
goods and above all to communicationthat is, the transmission of
intangible services and information.
2. Access to markets has
increased in importance for most industries compared to access to sources of
raw materials and energy sources. This trend reflects the increased variety and
complexity of products, which increases, in turn, the importance of shopper
comparisons, sales promotion, and servicing, and thus makes proximity to market
more desirable. Increased complexity of products has meant also more stages of
processing between the primary extraction of natural raw materials and the
final consumer, and thus a higher proportion of processes not directly using
natural raw materials.
3. More and more importance
is attached to amenity factors such as good climate, housing, and community
facilities, and access to recreational and cultural opportunities. This change
reflects rising standards of income and leisure, the increased importance of
white-collar employment, and the fact that industries in a dynamic growth stage
require a high proportion of well-trained and educated people, who are in short
supply and so can afford to be choosy about where they will live and
4. For some industries,
there has been an increasing degree of dependence on various services locally
supplied by other industries, institutions, and public bodies. Thus we hear
more about the external economies of a location well supplied with such
services and facilities. We hear more of the importance of an adequate regional
or community infrastructuresupplying such things as local utility
services, police and fire protection, schools, hospitals, reference libraries,
and the likeas a necessary basis for development of profitable
enterprises producing goods and services for outside markets.
5. For other industries,
the advent of technological advances in electronics and computer equipment has
meant that production processes which had involved numerous mechanical parts,
and therefore the close proximity of potential suppliers, have been replaced by
new processes dependent only on the availability of one or several
microcircuits. The producers using this new technology, as well as the
suppliers of electronic components, are each relatively more free to choose
among alternative locations, as compared with their counterparts using or
supplying older mechanical parts.
controversy, and experience have brought into focus some basic issues of
regional development objectives and policy, to which we now turn.
12.2.1 Individual and
Social Welfare Criteria
The ultimate objectives of
regional economic policy run in terms of promotion of individual welfare,
opportunity, equity, and social harmony. It would seem obvious, then, that
economic policy in regard to a region should promote higher per capita real
incomes,6 full employment, wide choice of
kinds of work and styles of life for the individual, security of income, and
not too much inequality among incomes. The relative importance of these goals
is, of course, something that economics cannot tell us. Each of us has his or
her own values and can try through the political process to influence the
objectives of social policy so as to reflect those values.7
The aspect
of equity raises some difficult questions in connection with the application of
these criteria to programs and policies affecting such diverse groups of people
as the inhabitants of a region. Any action such as spending public funds
for improved services, subsidizing the establishment of new industries in the
region, or imposing restrictive controls on land usesis sure to help some
people more than others and may well help some at the expense of others. There
is general agreement, however, on the guiding principle of the so-called Pareto
optimum,8 which says that a change is
desirable so long as it helps somebody without hurting anybody else. In
practice, some of the benefits conferred on individuals by a change (for
example, building a new highway) can be taxed away from these beneficiaries so
as to compensate those who otherwise would suffer by the change; and the real
question is whether the Pareto criterion is satisfied after feasible
compensatory transfers of this sort have been made.
guiding principle is much easier to propound than to apply. The very essence of
a region is interdependence of activities and interests, and these interactions
become particularly crucial in a high-density urban region within a city or
neighborhood. Any change in one activity produces externalities and
neighborhood effects on a variety of other activities, and these effects can be
either helpful or harmful. Thus the building of a sports stadium can help the
merchants of an area by bringing in more visitors and purchasing power, while
at the same time it can spoil the surrounding residential neighborhood by
creating traffic congestion, noise, and litter.
important task for regional economists is to devise ways of "internalizing" the
externalities involved in regional change. Take, for example, a chemical plant
whose operations pollute a river. The pollution imposes a variety of injurious
externalities on other residents of the area. Thus other industrial plants and
water-supply systems downstream will have to incur extra costs for water
treatment preparatory to use; businesses based on recreational use of the
river, or fishing, will suffer diminished patronage, higher costs, or both; and
there will be a still broader injury to the community in terms of loss of
recreational opportunity and amenity, and possible health hazards. In
principle, it might be possible to set a fee or tax on the chemical plant to
reflect all these social costs, whereupon the costs of pollution would become
internal costs of the chemical firm. These costs having been properly
internalized, or placed where they belong (that is, imposed on the party that
causes them), the chemical firm will have to reconsider its profit calculus. It
can (1) choose a different location altogether; or (2) invest some money in
effluent treatment to reduce or eliminate the pollutant, and thus get relief
from the special tax; or (3) continue the pollution and pay the tax, whereupon
the community gets the money to use for downstream water treatment or for
compensating in some fashion the various parties injured by the pollution. Any
one of these three outcomes is, of course, preferable to the original situation
in which the chemical plants activities imposed social costs borne by
other parties. This holds true regardless of whether the polluting firm absorbs
or passes on to its customers the added costs imposed on it.
We can also
speak of internalization in the opposite case, in which some individual
activity yields external benefits to other parties but cannot
feasibly collect directly from them in return. In such a case, the socially
optimum scale of this activity is greater than the scale on which it will be
led to operate on the basis of its costs and returns. Internalization of the
social benefits will then be in the general interest. This is the rationale for
the granting of various forms of subsidies, inducements, and exemptions to
activities that are believed to have beneficial external effects. Thus a
chamber of commerce or a neighborhood merchants association may raise
money from its members to help build a convention hall, park, or other facility
that they believe will eventually help their business; or a municipality or a
state may use general tax funds to subsidize new industries, or give them tax
exemptions, on the theory that such subsidy is a sound investment for the
taxpayers as a group.
12.2.2 Regional Economic Growth as a Goal
What has
been said above applies to economic objectives and policies for the welfare of
a group of people. But a region is not, except at an instant in time, a
definite group of peopleit is an area populated by a changing group of
people. In any region of consequence, every day sees some new arrivals (by
birth or migration) and some departures.
continual turnover of a regions population complicates the question of
policy goals. What is to be maximized over, say, the next ten years? The
welfare of the present inhabitants of the region, regardless of where they may
be in ten years time? The welfare of those who will be living in the
region ten years hence, regardless of where they are now? Should it be counted
as a regional gain if some people move in whose incomes are above the regional
average, so that the average rises with their advent? If so, should one of the
aims of regional policy be the out-migration of its poorer inhabitants? Is a
region improved if its population and total income increase at equal rates,
with per capita income unchanged?
preferred objective for a regions development depends, of course, on
where we sit. In addition to differences of interest among groups within a
region, there is an important difference between the optimum for any single
region and the optimum pattern of regional growth rates in relation to national
Is simple
regional growth (in aggregate terms, without regard to per capita income or
welfare levels) a sensible objective? On the face of it, such a criterion
sounds quite irrelevant. Yet in practice we find that regional promoters and
governments spend a great deal of money and effort in the avowed pursuit of a
bigger regional economythat goal is put forward without apology as
something worth striving for.
How can
this be explained? Partly, perhaps, by emotion and tradition. The idea that
"bigger is better" has been a remarkably enduring component of American
ideology, although it is no longer such a universal article of
There is an
even more basic explanation, however. A substantial part of the business and
political interests in a region are, in locational terms, oriented to the local
demand and thus have a direct stake in the overall population and income of the
region. Department stores, newspapers, banks, utility companies, real-estate
owners and speculators, and local political leaders have vested interests in
aggregate growth. Their fortunes depend not so much on how well off the
regions people are as on the size and growth rate of the population. Net
in-migration is good from their standpoint even when accompanied by a reduction
in per capita income and other aspects of individual welfare; population losses
are viewed with alarm.9
logically in terms of their own interests, therefore, these groups are active
promoters of and contributors to any programs and policies that promise to
expand the regional economy in terms of aggregate income and employment. It is
they who most zealously support chambers of commerce and local or regional
booster associations. Firms primarily involved in export business have little
or nothing to gain from such participation and, indeed, often stand to lose
(through higher costs of labor, land, and some other local inputs) in a
community or region experiencing rapid growth.
Here we
have still another important contradiction to the widespread view, discussed in
the previous chapter, that the primary sources of regional growth lie in the
exporting sector. Local promotional efforts, at any rate, come mainly from the
local market-serving or nonbasic sector.
What has
just been said refers to regional growth in aggregate terms. In terms of
individual economic welfare in the area (as roughly gauged by per capita real
income), the interest groups play quite different roles and it is in such
terms that civic responsibility should really be judged. The local market
servers, in their pursuit of the gains to be had from population growth and
added business and housing development, too often assume that what is good for
themselves must be good for the community, and then proceed to sacrifice
quality of life for quantity. Since these interests include such powerful
voices as those of utilities, banks, merchants, local public officials and
union leaders, and (most important) the local news media, they can easily push
an area into destructive overdevelopment. In one area where residents had been
protesting for years the frantic and planless replacement of orchards and
pleasant countryside by solid square miles of subdivisions and shopping
centers, the leading newspaper publisher defended his advocacy of still more
growth by the frank observation, "Trees don't read newspapers.
Finally, we
note here still another mechanism by which regional or community change can
become self-reinforcing and cumulative. Rapid growth confers increased income,
prestige, and political influence on real-estate brokers and promoters,
builders, and the other groups whose interests are served by local expansion as
distinct from improvement of local well-being. This added power helps
"growth-at-any-price" pressure groups to shape local planning and policies
toward still further emphasis on continued growth and still less consideration
of environmental and other welfare effects. Pure boosterism is truly narcotic,
producing first euphoria, then addiction, and eventually decay.
Regional Objectives in a National Setting
Regions are
not self-contained nor independent of one another. Accordingly, a true concern
for human welfare calls for evaluating development and framing policy goals on
a multiregional or national basis.
National High-Employment Policy and Regional Economic
Adjustment. Experience has taught us that we cannot expect any
satisfactory solution to the problem of regional unemployment or arrested
development except in the context of a prosperous national economy. In a
depression period, businesses are doing relatively little capacity expansion
and have little difficulty in finding locally the necessary labor, services,
and space for such expansion as they want to undertake. Their investment is
more likely to take the form of cost-cutting improvements in existing plants,
and this may well involve closing down some branch facilities at the more
marginal locations. Moreover, in slack times, the surplus manpower in any area
has literally nowhere to go and fewer resources to go anywhere; we cannot look
to labor migration for any significantly useful adjustment.
We have
found also that the national monetary and fiscal authorities have great powers
to increase the nations money supply and disposable income, and thus to
stimulate spending and investment in the aggregate. Such action helps to
maintain the necessary buoyant climate in which constructive regional
adjustments by people and industries can occur.
Efficiency, Equity, and Structural Unemployment. Some people feel that maintaining a high level of employment and
demand in the economy is as much as the national government should do in regard
to regional economies. There are, however, two distinct arguments for other,
and more specifically region-oriented, national policies and
The first
argument invokes the criterion of efficiency, claiming that there are
other ways besides fiscal and monetary policy for facilitating effective
allocation of resources among regions and the necessary dynamic adjustments.
The second argument is based on equity,claiming that the national
government has a responsibility for helping disadvantaged regions as
efficiency argument rests largely on the idea of "structural unemployment."
This type of unemployment comes about because there are wide disparities in the
employability of different groups in the labor force. There are poor matching
between the kinds of labor that are in demand and those that are available, and
there is insufficient mobility and interchangeability within the labor force.
This makes shortages, rising costs, and consequently inflation inevitable,
while millions of the less employable are still out of work. Obviously, any
policies that will reduce these wide disparities and make manpower more mobile
and interchangeable will have the good effect of shifting the inflationary
brink closer to the ideal of full employment.
There is,
then, a strong case for public programs involving education and worker training
and retraining, and for more direct aids to spatial and occupational mobility:
for example, improved information about job opportunities, assistance to
migrants, and removal of racial and other discrimination in employment. It is
also clear that such efforts ought to focus on upgrading the least advantaged
types of workers and reducing their competitive handicaps. Such emphasis is, of
course, in accord with equity objectives as well.
Helping Regions and Helping People. When it
comes to translating this policy into geographical terms, we pass from
consensus into controversy. It is tempting to argue that if public policy
should specifically help the less-advantaged classes of people to
find jobs, then it should by the same token seek to underwrite the prosperity
and growth of all communities.
Such a view
has been aptly characterized as substituting "place prosperity" for the
more fundamental objective of "people prosperity."10 its more naive expressions, the place prosperity
doctrine represents merely false analogy: an unreasoning assumption that
whatever is true of individuals must also apply to areas. On a more rational
level, it is possible to suggest place prosperity as a pragmatic proxy for the ultimate ideal of people prosperityon the hypothesis that the
best way to help a person is to promote the overall prosperity of the area in
which he or she happens to live.
The place
prosperity doctrine will figure importantly in later discussion in this
chapter. For now, it is enough to indicate two of its shortcomings. The first
lies in ignoring the fact that a region does not correspond, for any length of
time, to a fixed set of people. Since people have some mobility, the best way
to help disadvantaged people who are living in a particular region may be to
encourage them to move. Migration can, in fact, serve both the objective of
efficient use of resources and the objective of interpersonal equity and
distribution of opportunity.
A second
criticism of the place prosperity approach is that in practice it is wastefully
nonselective in its assistance. In any community or region where there are
unemployed and needy people, there are also employed and prosperous people.
Increased employment and income for the area as a whole may help those who need
it most; but a large part of its local benefits will come to those who do not
need it. Those surest to benefit, as suggested earlier, are generally property
owners and the operators of established locally oriented business, such as
utilities, banks, and commercial and consumer service firms.11 Growth of aggregate area income and employment
does not automatically mean improvement in per capita income or the reduction
of unemployment, and it generally injures some while helping others. Such
considerations suggest that attacking human hardship and lack of opportunity
solely through place prosperity might be like using a shotgun to kill
Regional Rivalry and the National Interest. The
benefits of growth in a region are directly and strongly felt by certain
influential interest groups, while the costs are likely to be more diffused and
less well perceived. Most regions, consequently, devote some effort to
furthering their own economic growth by attracting additional
rivalry, like other forms of competitive promotion and warfare, can be in large
part self-defeating, or a "zero-sum game," contributing nothing to the national
welfare. One regions gain is anothers loss. This is especially
likely when the regions are small and when the primary weapons are persuasion
and subsidy. Resources such as capital and labor that are drawn to one area
cannot be used in production elsewhere, and from a national perspective there
is no net gain, unless the productivity of those resources is higher in the
receiving region. From this perspective, the nations rate of growth is
analogous to a pie; a bigger slice for one region means a smaller slice for
some other region.
regional growth may be generative rat her than competitive. In
this more positive light, efficiency gains in each region may promote national
prosperity. As Harry Richardson puts it:
It is possible for
national growth to be increased by faster regional growth, and it is possible
for regional growth performance to be improved without additional resource
inputs. Agglomeration economies and spatial clustering of activities may induce
more output than if production is dispersed. Growth-inducing innovation may be
adopted by local entrepreneurs, even though they were first introduced outside
the region. A change in settlement pattern (i.e., a more efficient regional
urban hierarchy) or a reorganization of the intra-regional transportation
system may improve productive efficiency and promote faster growth.12
enlightened local efforts to enhance a regions growth potential can
result in significant net benefits. These efforts may take the form of
upgrading the regions human and natural resources and public services,
protecting and improving amenities, stimulating entrepreneurship and
innovation, fostering cooperation among various business, social, and political
elements, and discovering the true comparative advantages of the region for
further development. All these effects favor better utilization of resources
and are clearly in both the national and the regional interest. A logical
national policy with regard to regional development should include some effort
to channel the growth urge of regions into these constructive paths.
But it is
also true that regional rivalry in development can be something worse than a zero-sum game if it distorts the efficient allocation of resources.
This danger is inherent in the use of local subsidies, and most of all with
respect to the use or abuse of natural resources and the neglect of
regional and urban development are clearly suboptimal. They may involve regions
in a competitive race to offer up for private exploitation their air and water
quality. The resulting resource deterioration involves transfer of income from
local residents to business firms. Competitive tax concessions to attract
development may also result in relative weakening of the public sector.
Competitive regional development may involve serious external diseconomies
resulting from failure to treat environmental units, such as river basins, as
planning units. The larger the planning region, the more adequately
externalities can be assessed.13
We see,
then, that national policy in terms of the development of specific regions can
help to achieve more efficient use of natural resources as well as to reduce
regional unemployment and broaden human opportunity.
like people, want a doctor only when they are sick. When a region is enjoying
growth-euphoria and reasonably full employment, there is no great disposition
to examine its situation and prospects in detail and search for ways to gild
its robust health. National attention is directed only to those regions that
are in trouble, and there always are enough of them to worry about. We assume,
in other words, that in healthy regions the workings of the market economy
under existing constraints are relatively satisfactory.
To focus on
regional pathology is both politically and economically rational. Our
diagnostic and therapeutic resources are limited enough, and we are more likely
to find something helpful to do for regions with obvious ailments than to
improve comparably an already good situation. The only risk is that we may thus
overlook opportunities to nip unwelcome developments in the bud.
Our main
concern here is with situations where things have definitely gone awry.
Regional economic growth is not a smooth, straightforward process. The
persistence of efforts to explain development in terms of successive "stages"
attests to the existence of important discontinuities. We do not by any means
know what all these are, how to foresee them, or how to deal with them. But we
do know that the development of a region, like that of a nation, encounters
from time to time crucial situations in which its future course can be
significantly influenced by major planning decisions and policies. Alternative
paths appear; one of the alternatives may be a further growth along some new
line, and the other may be stagnation, arrested development, or even
crucial situations present the biggest challenge to our insight into
growth-determining factors. The stakes are highest and the rewards for correct
decisions, in terms of economic progress, are at a maximum.
Backward Regions
A familiar
case is that of underdeveloped nations poised on the threshold of
industrialization and threatened by a genuine Malthusian peril of
overpopulation. Much effort has gone into defining the conditions necessary for
a successful surmounting of the threshold, the so-called "takeoff into
self-sustaining growth" process.
Most if not
all of the advanced countries also include one or more backward regions, which
seem to be hung up at a threshold on the road of development and not to have
kept pace with the structural changes and the rising income and opportunity
levels of the more fortunate regions of the country. In the United States,
Appalachia, a huge zone characterized by rural poverty, straddles the Eastern
Highlands from New York State to Mississippi. Other large areas demanding
special developmental attention have been identified also, and many smaller
pockets of relative poverty and apparently arrested development exist in still
other parts of the country. In Canada, the extreme eastern part of the country
(the Maritime Provinces) is regarded as the chief area of concern of this type;
in Italy, it is roughly the southern half of the country (Mezzogiorno); in Sweden, it is the far north.
12.3.2 Developed Regions in Recession
A second
and quite different type of problem area is the mature industrialized urban
region afflicted by stagnation. In Britain, the industrial areas of southern
Scotland and Wales and northern England entered this phase in the 1920s. In the
United States, at about the same time, migration of the textile industry to the
South laid heavy blight on the industrialized region of southern New England,
and real rejuvenation with new industries did not set in for more than twenty
years. In the Pittsburgh region, slow growth or decline in the leading
industries caused fears of stagnation and regression that gave rise to a major
community effort to reverse the trend after World War II.14
Symptoms of
this particular syndrome are easily recognizable. The ailing regions rate
of growth has been increasingly subnormal for many decades. Unemployment is
high and chronic. Out-migration is heavy. The area appears to have somehow lost
the dynamic growth character that had brought it to its peak importance in days
gone by. There is a feeling that unless something really decisive happens,
stagnation will prevail indefinitely.
Such a
situation can arise in a region whose economy is heavily based on a few
activities that have themselves ceased to grow or have begun to decline. They
are the activities of yesterday and today, but not those of tomorrow. But
arrested growth in a region may also mean simply that the factors of
interregional competition, in specific activities, have taken a trend adverse
to that particular region. The regions difficulties are compounded if both of the above conditions apply, so that it finds itself with
shrinking shares of declining activities.15 An excellent example of this is the "Steel Valley," which
encompasses much of the upper Ohio River Basin and includes such cities as
Youngstown, Wheeling, and Pittsburgh. The westward movement of the market for
steel has left this region with old technology and a declining share of total
U.S. steel production; all this in an industry that finds itself at an overall
disadvantage when competing with foreign manufacturers.
But in
diagnosing the ills of such a region, it is not enough to determine the extent
to which it is losing ground to other areas in major activities, or the extent
to which its activities are no longer of the growth-industry type. After all,
we could hardly expect that every activity would continue to grow forever, or
that any given region could forever retain or increase its relative position in
its principal activities. A healthy regional economy can absorb losses in its
stride and shift its resources into new fields, getting a share of the emerging
new rapid-growth activities to balance the inevitable decline of other
It is
important to keep this in mind when trying to determine the proper role of
federal and local policies in regional development. Change is a necessary
aspect of growth, and it is as inevitable that some regions will prosper and
others will not as it is that some individuals will fare better than others.
Nevertheless, when change affects broad areas of the countryas is
presently the case in the United Stateslarge numbers of people are
involved, and the political pressure for a response to related problems may
become intense.
all affected regions are not equally in need. For some, the basis for
rejuvenation may have been established well before decline becomes evident, and
the proper role of policy may be limited to easing the transition. Other
regions fail to make such adjustment successfully, and we must ask why. Perhaps
it is simply because the degree of specialization in nongrowing activities was
so intense. Perhaps it is because the loss of competitive advantage in some
important activities has been so drastic. Or perhaps it is because the region
has developed a sort of economic arthritis that inhibits its ability to adjust
to rapidly changing conditions.
regional analysts operate as full-fledged physicians ministering to the
economic ills of sick regions, or more narrowly as diagnosticians, they have a
special concern for cases in which the patient seems deficient in resistance to
infection and in ability to recover. We have to look beyond the immediate
symptoms to the less obvious organic difficulties.
12.3.3 Excessive Growth and Concentration
In both
types of problem regions thus far mentioned, a basic symptom is that employment
opportunities have not developed (in amount, in variety, or in both) fast
enough to keep pace with the size and aptitudes of the labor force. Resources
are underutilized. Somewhat the opposite situation prevails in regions that
undergo extremely rapid growth involving massive inward migration. The growing
pains of such regions are felt as impairment of the quality of services,
destruction of local resources and amenities through overuse, a high rate of
obsolescence of facilities, neighborhoods, and institutions, and a general
deterioration of the quality of life. The forestalling or mitigation of these
effects through analytical foresight and advance planning poses a major
challenge to regional specialists.
The most
widespread and obvious present-day examples of the perils of too rapid
development appear in two types of areas. One is the suburban fringe of
metropolitan areas, where many factors have combined to produce sudden and
often unforeseen growth. The other type of area comprises zones of special
recreational amenity such as beaches. The growth of population plus its
increased mobility, leisure, and taste for outdoor pleasures add up to a
formidable threat to our basically nonexpansible resources of open space, clean
water, and privacy. This problem obviously involves much more than temporary
"growing pains." As was suggested in section 12.2.2, the
pressures of interest groups in a community or region lend themselves to
overemphasis on growth per se, all too often at the expense of
Related to,
but distinct from, the question of too rapid growth is the problem of excessive
spatial concentration of development, specifically in gigantic metropolitan
centers. Concern on this score is felt in nearly every country. In the less
developed countries, the problem is seen as exclusive concentration of modern
industrial development, business, and population in the chief city. In France
and England, the concentration of growth in Paris and London has been
officially deplored, and attempts have been made to combat associated problems
for a generation or more.
question whether our large metropolitan areas are "too big" defies any easy
answer.16 Part of the difficulty lies in the
variety of possible criteria. Large cities have been variously assailed as
hotbeds of vice, breeders of psychological and political disorder, and hazards
to health and safety; and they have been extolled for equally diverse virtues.
With respect to economic criteria, it is often argued that the rising costs of
housing, public services, and similar items make large cities uneconomical as
places to produce or to live. These diseconomies of size are said to outweigh,
in very large cities, the positive advantages of urban agglomeration that we
discussed earlier.
A strong
substantial body of empirical evidence suggests that there are strong net
economies in the provision of infrastructure and public services of
middle-sized cities as compared to small ones. The curve relating per capita
expenditures on items in these categories to city size flattens out somewhere
in the 100,000-to-500, 000 population bracket, with a possibly rising trend
thereafter.17 On this limited basis, there
is no "economic optimum size" of city, though we might refer loosely to a
"minimum efficient size."
There are
difficulties with this approach, however, in that expenditures reflect
differences in the quantity and quality of services provided as well as costs.
Thus persons in large cities (where, as mentioned in Chapter 10, we expect to
find higher real income per capita) may have demands for public services that
are different from those of persons in smaller cities, and this will affect per
capita expenditures. John L. Gardner has undertaken an analysis of municipal
expenditures that accounts for variation in income and wealth across
cities.18 For a wide range of expenditure
categories, he finds that costs per family increase with city size.
However, Gardner also finds that costs typically decline as population
density increases.19 Thus it may be
misleading to concentrate on size alone; the efficiency of cities appears to
depend on population size and density jointly.
In any
event, costs of public services are only one element in the comparative
economic advantages of different sizes of cities. A more accurate approach to
this problem would recognize that the activity of cities includes the
production and consumption of private as well as publicly provided goods and
services. In order to make valid comparisons, one must account for the
incremental benefits and costs associated with each as city size
regional economists see hidden disadvantages in very large cities, justifying a
public policy of diverting growth from such cities to medium-sized ones. They
argue that there are important external diseconomies (such as added
costs of housing, congestion, and environmental spoilage) that do not enter
into the calculations of the firms or individuals who contribute to city size
by establishing themselves therein other words, these costs should, but
do not, work to limit urban growth. For example, an additional urban freeway
commuter adds to congestion and causes losses to all the other commuters whom
he slows up, but he does not have to pay for the added costs inflicted on the
others and is not deterred from rising the freeway.
externalities are real enough, and we shall have occasion to consider them
further in Chapter 13. But their existence
does not necessarily imply a net bias toward excessive city size, as is
frequently alleged. First, the usual argument assumes too readily that the
external diseconomies of large city size outweigh the external economies;
however, as we saw in Chapter 5, the economies
associated with urbanization may be substantial. Further, it implicitly assumes
that the adverse externalities fall on parties that have no recoursethat
is, they are "locked in" and can neither leave the city nor raise the price of
their services in order to compensate themselves for the injuries
By and
large, this assumption is unwarranted. Individuals and firms subjected to such
external diseconomies as air pollution, traffic delays, long commuting
journeys, high taxes, expensive housing, or noise can (and do) decide that they
will not stay in such an environment unless they are paid extra to do so. Urban
populations are characteristically mobile, and pay rates do run higher in large
metropolitan areas than elsewhere, as we saw in Chapter 10. This suggests that
at least some of the disutilities that urban life imposes on the individual are
being passed back to employers in the form of higher wage costs. The effect of
the cost increases on prices is undoubtedly greater for local goods and
services than for those traded between cities, since prices tend to be set in
the national market for traded goods and services;20 nevertheless location decisions will be
The market
forces set in motion by compensatory payments to labor for urban disamenities
may not fully offset the tendency for cities to become "too big," but they
certainly work to counteract that tendency.21 The extent of this offset will depend on the reaction of affected parties
to externalities. If workers are immobile (or, more generally, if
location-fixed resources are affected by externalities), they may not be
compensated for urban disamenities. Similarly, if producers of traded goods
lack mobility and also are limited in their ability to pass compensatory
payments along to customers in the form of higher prices, the market adjustment
to externalities will be incomplete. Thus the greater the mobility of workers
and producers, the more we can expect that diseconomies will be internal to the
city as a whole in that they fall on firms and households whose decisions
affect city size.22 This does not imply that
we may dismiss concern about adverse externalities as such, or concern about
the many serious problems attending urban growth, which do in fact tend to be
most aggravated in very large cities.
foregoing discussion suggests that the search for an "optimal" city size may be
elusive. The task is made even more difficult by the failure of most
researchers to account for the fact that each city is but one element in a
central-place hierarchy. In Chapter 8, we found that cities specialize by
functionranging from the smallest hamlet to large wholesale-retail
centers. This specialization was influenced by efficiency considerations:
agglomeration economies encouraged some activities to locate in proximity to
suppliers or potential customers. As a result, the mix of goods offered by
trade centers varies, and large centers are characterized by a more complete
set of activities. For persons residing in all but the largest urban area, some
shopping in higher-order centers is dictated by the spatial organization of
production. It follows that the most efficient size for a city depends on the
array of goods and services provided elsewhere in the urban hierarchy and on
the efficiency of transport and communications among cities.23
12.3.4 Comparison of Characteristics of Problem
Table 12-1 summarizes the results of a tabulation of
American "problem areas" (mainly on a county-by-county basis) made by Benjamin
Chinitz in 1967. The categories are along lines already suggested above, but
for one striking difference. It is indicative of the dramatic change in our
attitudes toward regional development that Chinitzs category I (high
income, fast growth) was as recently as 1967 considered a problem category on
the basis of unemployment, with no mention of the environmental impact,
destruction of amenities, and deterioration of the quality of living, which we
now consider the major penalties of excessive growth. A substantial number of
cases of fairly severe unemployment do occur from time to time in basically
flourishing labor markets, such as San Diego in Chinitzs sample. Often
these are transitory situations reflecting cutbacks in federal defense-contract
employment in the area, and in some cases the unemployment is mainly seasonal;
but it may be more chronic in areas that attract large numbers of migrants by
their amenities.
12.3.5 Regional Structure and Economic Health
Both a
regions growth and the quality of opportunity it offers depend not merely
on external influences and location but also to a large extent on the mix of
activities that the region has. Some of the relationships are simple and
obvious, others less so.
explained in some detail in Appendix 12-1, it is
possible to separate statistically in any time interval the component of a
regions growth that reflects the activity-mix of the region from those
components that reflect overall national growth rates and changes in the
regions competitive position. Other things being equal, a region will
grow faster if it specializes in "growth industries," just as it will tend to
have a low wage level if it specializes in low-wage activities, or a high skill
level if it specializes in high-skill activities. But shift-share analysis does not really tell us much about why regions grow or improve. It says
nothing about the important question of how a regions ability to hold its
share of existing activities or to attract new ones is affected by the
regions economic structure. Here we need to look into some less simple
and obvious relationships.
economic balance or, in somewhat more definite terms, diversification, has for
a long time been viewed as a "healthy" structural feature worth striving for.
The grounds for this view, however, have not been clearly
Thus it is
sometimes assumed that a region with a diversified structure (many different
kinds of activities and an absence of strong specialization) is necessarily
less vulnerable to cyclical swings of general business conditions and demand.
Actually, this is neither true nor logical, as was shown quite a long time ago
by Glenn E. McLaughlin.24 Diversification
per se is roughly neutral in its effect on cyclical stability. What really
makes a region especially vulnerable to cyclical swings is specialization in
cyclically sensitive activities (mainly, durable goods industries and
especially those making producers equipment and construction materials
and components). Thus a specialized steel-making center such as Youngstown
naturally has greater cyclical ups and downs of employment than either
tobacco-processing centers such as Winston-Salem or Durham or a broadly
diversified manufacturing center such as Philadelphia. Analogously, a community
or region highly specialized in seasonal recreation (such as Virginia Beach or
the coast of Maine) shows much more seasonal variation in employment than the
average area, while a region specialized in some nonseasonal activity may be
more seasonally stable than the average.
It is a
different story, however, when we consider stability and other desirable
attributes over a longer period. In time, any of a regions activities
will suffer arrested growth and perhaps decline or even extinction, either
because the product itself becomes obsolete (as in the famous case of buggy
whips, which sorely affected Westfield, Massachusetts, the principal
whip-making center of the country) or because the region loses out
competitively (as, for example, New England lost to the South in textile
manufacturing, and Pittsburgh in the nineteenth century successively lost out
as a leading producer of salt, wagons, cotton textiles, and refined petroleum
If a region
is narrowly specialized, such a loss can be, at least temporarily, disastrous;
in a diversified region, it is unlikely that a major proportion of the total
activity will suffer at any one time. Equally significant is the fact that a
narrowly specialized region is likely to show less resilience in
recovering its stride by developing new activities to take the place of those
attribute of resilience is an extremely important aspect of regional economic
health. It depends to a large extent on diversification, since diversity of
employment develops a wide variety of skills and interests in the labor force
and also among business entrepreneurs, bankers, and investors, and a wider
array of supporting local business services and institutions. In such a
setting, there is clearly a better chance for new kinds of business to get a
start and to survive the hazardous years of infancy.
is not the only factor affecting resilience. The inhibiting effects of high
specialization are compounded if the region is specialized in activities
characterized by large producing units, large firms, and absentee ownership.
Such large units are relatively self-sufficient with respect to most kinds of
business services that smaller units tend to buy from others; consequently, a
region heavily specialized in, say, steel making fails to develop a broad base
of such supporting services. In addition, its business leaders and sources of
local finance have a more restricted outlook and interest. The range of local
external economies is underdeveloped, and the whole climate for new and small
businesses and new lines of activity is much less favorable than it is likely
to be in a region of similar size where the firms and production units are
smaller, more numerous, and less self-contained.25
Finally, a
regions resilience partly depends on the amount of overall growth
momentum it has at the time the loss is experienced. If the rest of the
regions activities are growing vigorously, even a sizable loss may
produce only a short spell of abnormal unemployment. Fluctuations from a
sharply rising trend may not involve much absolute decline; distress is most
meaningfully measured in terms of how long and how far the regions
employment is below the previous peak, rather than how long and how far it is
below a trend line.
Moreover, a
region that has been growing rapidly has a number of characteristics favoring
resilience. The labor force is relatively young because much of it has been
recruited through recent migration, and young adults move the most readily.
Thus the labor force is likely to be more occupationally mobile and adaptable,
and less afflicted by seniority and tradition. The same applies to employers.
Facilities are newer. A greater proportion of the population has had the
broadening experience of living in other places. There is a more buoyant
community climate of expectation of growth and favorable change.
considerations as these help to explain why Pittsburgh, for example, took in
its stride the losses of such important specialties as textiles, vehicle
manufacturing, and oil refining during its dynamic growth period in the
nineteenth century, but was very slow to recover from losses of preeminence in
such specialties as steel, glass, electrical equipment, and coal mining after
about 1920.26
Mention has
been made of some of the ways in which a region can influence its structure and
development from within. Also, it was suggested earlier in this chapter that a
national government can do a great many things to assist healthy regional
adjustment and development, even without having to make any decisions as to
which regions should be favored or why. In general, help of this sort involves
the provision of information and the improvement of the quality and mobility of
productive resourcesincluding labor, capital, and land. Aid to education
and vocational training, improvement of communications and money markets,
preparation and distribution of statistical and technical information, improved
labor market information and placement services, and a wide variety of other
programs help to reduce the structural underutilization of labor and other
resources in all regions. We also noted that maintenance of a high national
level of demand makes it easier for labor and capital to find their most
productive uses.
national governments nowadays take the important additional step of designating
certain regions for special attention. In a few special cases (for example,
Greater London, Paris, and some recreational areas such as the National
Seashores in the United States), the purpose is to restrict further private
development in an area judged to be overcrowded. Much more often, the immediate
purpose is to increase employment and income in a backward or otherwise
"distressed" area. Let us have a quick look at some of the means that can be
used for such ends.
One line of
action involves easing the supply of capital to encourage growth of employment
in an area. Federal, state, and local funds are made available at low interest
rates, generally on a matching basis, to establish or expand business
facilities. A wide variety of tax exemptions and incentives (such as deferment
of taxes, allowance of larger write-offs against income before taxation, and
special low assessments on real property taxes) further encourage private
investors. Public authorities (often working through local development
associations) also encourage business expansion in certain areas by direct
investment involving the purchase and assembly of land, clearing of sites, and
construction and operation of "industrial parks" provided with all the
necessary utilities and sometimes with buildings that can be adapted or leased
by private firms.
In the
contrasting case of areas in which development is to be restrained, public
policy is implemented by imposing restrictions on further private investment or
land use.
policy lever involves transport costs and services and the construction or
licensing of new routes. In regulatory decisions on freight rates, the regional
effects are given some weight, and the regions that stand to gain or lose by
the decision often mobilize impressive and costly efforts to protect their
interests. Both private and public leaders in the Pittsburgh region, for
example, battled persistently and effectively against Buffalo and Youngstown in
favor of adjustments in freight rates on flour-mill products and against the
construction of a canal connecting the Ohio River with Lake Erie. Authorization
for United States participation in building the St. Lawrence Seaway was
preceded by decades of controversy, with different regional interests aligned
pro and con. More recently, many cities along inland waterways have been
involved in efforts to attract federal assistance for the rebuilding and
upgrading of locks and dams. They have also fought hard to promote the
continuation of pricing policies that shift the maintenance costs of these
facilities to the general public by avoiding the imposition of user
tool is the regional allocation of procurement contracts (particularly the
defense contracts of the federal government).27 The procurement agencies themselves are not particularly interested
in conferring regional stimuli except as a way of pleasing influential
congressmen; but they have, from time to time, been adjured to follow policies
of greater decentralization, or of preference to areas of high unemployment. A
region especially can sometimes effectively increase the demand for some of its
products by sales promotion in outside markets or protective measures designed
to restrict imports, and some states have been quite ingenious in setting up
interstate trade barriers for certain commodities, such as milk.
A region
can sometimes be effectively aided in development by subsidized technological
progress or technical assistance leading to more efficient and profitable ways
of using some special regional resource. Thus federally supported research on
new uses for coal may play a significant part in improving the economic status
of Appalachia. In such types of research and development efforts, the state
governments, universities, and private foundations in the region are generally
active as well.
regions development can also be guided along more effective lines through
support of general analysis of the regions economic situation and
potentialities and through the formulation of integrated development plans.
Modest but significant amounts of federal funds and technical assistance have
been made available for planning activity and demonstration
of federal funds to improve local public services and utilities has been a
substantial element in regional assistance, particularly in Appalachia. This
includes, in addition to schools, health services, and roads, the construction
of water supply and sewerage facilities, libraries, and some kinds of
recreation facilities. The Tennessee Valley Authority operation, instituted in
1933, represents one of the earliest large efforts to use federal funds
systematically to develop a particular region; the project emphasized control
of water resources and electric power but also embraced a wide variety of other
forms of development assistance.
and probably most important, are programs to upgrade and mobilize human
resources through education, vocational training and retraining, easing of
ethnic discrimination and other kinds of restrictions on employment, and
assistance in job finding and relocation in search of employment opportunity.
Such programs were mentioned earlier as being in the national interest in all
areas; but the need for them is obviously greater in regions where skills and
mobility are particularly restricted and where there is a particularly poor
match between labor supply and the demand for labor.
As soon as
a national government assumes responsibility for the geographical impact of its
actions, it needs to decide which areas merit its favorable attention. The
answer is inevitably determined in part by political pressures, but it is
clearly in the national interest to formulate and apply some more objective
social and economic rationale.
We note an
interesting shift in the use of terms to describe areas to which national
public development assistance programs are directed. In the 1920s and 1930s,
the British used to refer to their "depressed areas." Later, these same objects
of solicitude were rechristened under the curiously neutral term of "special
areas." Still more recently, they have come to be referred to as "development
areas." In the United States in the 1930s, we used to refer to "problem areas,"
or "stranded areas"; later, to "redevelopment areas"; and now to "development
areas," and to "growth centers within them. As to our less fortunate brethren
across the seas, we used to refer to them as simply "poor" or "backward," or
"low-income" countries. Later they became "undeveloped" and then
"underdeveloped." Nowadays, it is considered more tactful to speak of the "less
developed" or, better still, the "developing" countries.
Does this
curious trend reflect anything besides euphemismthat is, a growing
squeamishness about offending the sensitivities of people in the areas in
question? Not necessarily; but perhaps we can read into the new terms a growing
emphasis on the positive, and a belief that any and every region can and should
be made to develop faster. We may descry also a disquieting indication that the
ideal of place prosperity is enlisting greater support.
The Four Issues
three more strategy issues come to light here in addition to place prosperity
versus people prosperity. One is whether we consider aid to regions as charity
or as investment. Should we select areas on the basis of the greatest degree of
distress (what has aptly been called the "worst-first" rule of priority) or on
the basis of how much additional income and employment opportunity can be
generated per dollar of aid? A further issue involves the spatial focusing of
aid to areas: that is, what size area is a proper "development unit," what is
the role of urban focal points within such areas, and should aid be
concentrated at a few points or widely spread? The final issue concerns the
appropriate choice of means of assistance from among the large variety of
available devices sketchily catalogued in the previous section of this
These four
issues (place prosperity versus people prosperity, distress versus development
potential, concentration versus diffusion, and the choice of means of
assistance) will recur often in the discussion that follows. We shall find that
they are closely interrelated, and that none of them can be resolved as
categorically as the word "versus" might imply.
Should Jobs Move to People, or People to Jobs?
If manpower
is scarce in some areas while jobs of similar types are scarce in other areas,
the situation can presumably be improved either by moving some jobs or moving
some people or both. Both kinds of adjustment do take place spontaneously,
though not by any means to the extent that would be necessary to eliminate or
equalize regional structural unemployment. Both can be assisted or impeded to
some extent by public policies. The question of which policy should be
emphasized is a perennial one and was debated with particular heat several
decades ago when the British government was trying to decide what to do about
certain depressed industrial areas. It is a crucial question today in every
country that is seeking to improve regional adjustment, and it particularly
involves the two issues of (1) people versus place prosperity and (2) need
versus development potential.
The answer
depends on our judgments about the footlooseness of people on the one hand and
that of investment and employment opportunity on the other. If we believe that
people are reluctant to move, that we should not try to induce them to do so,
and that practically any populated area can be made attractive to new
employers, then it follows that the proper policy is to induce more employers
to move to regions where unemployment is high. Consistent with this view is an
emphasis on degree of distress as the criterion for allocation of assistance to
regions, since it is assumed that people have to be helped in situ and
that every region has adequate development potential. By this approach, place
prosperity is equivalent to people prosperity. Finally, this view would imply
that assistance should be given to individual small areas and should be widely
diffused, since people are assumed to be tied to their labor market areas. To
sum up, the elements of this position are: place prosperity, allocation on the
basis of need to a large number of quite small areas, and inducements to
employers as the principal means of assistance other than straight
If on the
other hand we judge that people can reasonably be induced to move, and that
some backward regions lack the potential for eventually self-sustaining growth
in employment or that some developed but distressed regions must inevitably
shrink in size in order to adjust to new economic conditions, the strategy
implications are the opposite of those just described. We conclude that many of
the unemployed people will best be served by moving to some area with better
opportunities, and we draw a sharp distinction between their welfare (people
prosperity) and place prosperity. Assistance logically takes the form of
improving the employability and mobility of the people affected, facilitating
their relocation, and promoting employment opportunities in the areas of
greatest potential. Thus the elements of this position are people prosperity,
stimulation of development on the basis of growth potential, and stress on the
upgrading of human resources. Job creation does not have to be stimulated on a
diffused basis in a large number of individual areas, since people are prepared
to move to one of a smaller number of growth centers.
Which of
the foregoing two positions is the more correct? Clearly, neither is wholly
right or wrong, since both people and employment activities are partially
footloose. A few observations are in order, however.
certain emotions and prejudices seem, on balance, to impart bias toward the
view first mentioned (namely, that jobs must move to people). Because of local
pride as well as vested interest in their community or region, most regional
spokesmen are reluctant to admit that their region lacks development potential
or to see its population decline. As we noted earlier, most of the active and
articulate spokesmen and leaders in regional development are those who do have
a vested economic interest there in the form of large property ownership, a
business depending on local markets, or a political position whose importance
and perquisites depend to some extent on the regions size and growth.
Quite naturally, they are ready to invoke ethical and cultural arguments in
support of their economic interests and loyalties.
It is an
article of faith among many that people should not have to move in order to
better themselves, any more than they should have to change their religion,
political affiliation, or skin color. A presidential advisory commission in
1967 endorsed "a national policy designed to give residents of rural America
equal opportunity with all other citizens. This must include access to jobs,
medical care, housing, education, welfare, and all other public services,
without regard to race, religion, or place of residence." 28
this bias is a general tendency to overrate the footlooseness of activities
with which one is not directly familiar. In particular, the complex and subtle
economies of agglomeration that favor major urban areas as locations are not
well understood. Moreover, the consideration of efficient interregional
allocation of resources and output, from the standpoint of national welfare,
has few spokespersons. That faceless individual, the consumer and taxpayer, is
here again the forgotten person.
In view of
this considerable bias, it is not surprising that official policies and public
statements have generally soft-pedaled migration as an instrument of regional
policy, have paid a great deal of deference to the place prosperity strategy
and the criterion of need, and have favored spreading assistance among an
increasingly large number of claimant areas rather than concentrating
How mobile
are people in areas of high unemployment, and can their mobility be expected to
increase? A number of excellent studies have addressed themselves to these
questions.29 First, it appears that
unemployed people (regardless of area) are more likely to want to
migrate than are employed people of the same occupational or age group. But
these desires tend to be frustrated in the case of the less educated, the less
skilled, and the black. John Lansing and Eva Mueller conclude that:
constitutes a "push" which leads people to move if they are young,
well-educated and trained, or live in a small town. In the absence of such
characteristics, unemployment is highly unlikely to overcome the reluctance to
move, unless the unemployment is prolonged, the income loss substantial, and
the family has no alternative local source of support.30
Thus the
labor force groups most prone to unemployment are also the least mobile (quite
naturally, because they have the least to offer in relation to labor
demands and the least likelihood of finding a job if they do move).
Out-migration is highly selective in favor of the better trained and more
educated. This has two serious implications. First, even assuming continuous
prosperity, we cannot presently count on migration alone to solve all the
problems of distressed areas by draining away their unemployed. Second, such
migration from distressed areas as does occur results in a lowered "quality
mix" of the labor supply of those areas, which may further handicap them in any
competition for new employers.
But if
migration is inadequate, the remedy is not to discourage it, as some would
propose. It is quite possible and certainly more appropriate to upgrade the
less productive and less mobile groups so that they will be better able to
migrate and also will be more attractive to potential employers wherever they
are. One of the great virtues of a strategy of human resources development,
improved job information, and placement services is this double-action impact.
It helps people move to jobs and helps jobs move to people. The danger in
practice is that part of the benefit may be thrown away by misguided efforts to
restrict migration for example, by training people only for the kinds of
jobs existing in their home areas, or by pension plans, union restrictions, and
relief eligibility rules31 that discriminate
against newcomers in areas of in-migration.
long-term prospectsor at least the possibilitiesseem good for some
continued increase in the mobility of the disadvantaged groups in labor surplus
areas; this should diminish migration selectivity and allow migration to
contribute more effectively to regional adjustment.
mobility of employment locations is the other important aspect relating to the
issue of bringing jobs to people or the reverse. It is commonly said that
manufacturing industries have become much freer in their choice of locations
than they were in the age of coal and steam, and this is almost certainly true as among regions. It is not at all obvious, however, that employers are
becoming increasingly indifferent about where they locate. There have been
substantial population shifts in the last decade or so, and these have been
mirrored to some extent by changing patterns of growth in employment.32 For many companies, smaller cities, towns, and
unincorporated places are becoming increasingly attractive location
alternatives. For others, the nations large metropolitan areas continue
to offer important advantages. In either case, the decision to locate is not a
matter of whim and fancy but is guided by economic incentives.
In any
event, there seems to be ample evidence that an attempt to solve problems of
regional employment by bringing new industry to every community or labor market
area would be wasteful and futile. Henry Ford I in the 1920s, and many others
before and after, have thought it possible and desirable that industrial
employment be diffused to every small town and village, and the first Indian
Five-Year Plans after independence put substantial reliance on developing
small-scale village industries. In no country, however, has such an attempt
really succeeded.
On the
contrary, shifts of population and employment to major urban areas and out of
small towns and the countryside reflect in part the growing importance of
tertiary activities, the declining importance of agriculture, the improvement
of long-distance communication and people transport,33 larger-scale production and management units, demand for
urban-type amenities, and proliferation of the external economies of
agglomeration and urbanization.
movements to smaller communities are similarly selective. Manufacturing
activity may respond to the existence of a skilled work force that is
particularly well suited to the production of high-technology components, and
service industry growth may follow the population movements of retired persons
to amenity-rich rural areas, but not all placesmetropolitan or
nonmetropolitanshare these characteristics equally. For example, David L.
Brown reports that some 20 percent of all nonmetropolitan counties continue to
experience out-migration and population decline in the face of the population
turnaround of the 1970s.34
Some Conclusions
Where does
all this leave us in terms of the basic strategy issues for regional
development assistance? The points raised thus far suggest these
1. Migration can, does, and
should play a substantial role in effecting desirable regional adjustments. Its
effectiveness tends to grow and can be greatly enhanced by programs of
education, training, retraining, equal opportunity, open entry,35 job information, and placement services
especially directed at the least employable and least mobile manpower groups in
areas of labor surplus. Programs more explicitly directed at the encouragement
of migration can also play a substantial role.36
2. Employment is not fully
footloose: There are important differences in the development possibilities of
different areas. It would not be feasible to bring employment (except of the
work relief type) to each and every labor market area.
3. Accordingly, place
prosperity is an inadequate and misleading goal; development assistance should
be allocated on the basis of the needs of people and the development
potential of areas; such assistance should be at least to some extent
focused on particularly promising locations; and human resources programs of
the type outlined in (1) above should play a major role.
4. Strong political
pressure is to be expected in the direction of the use of local distress as a
priority guide, the discouragement of emigration, and the diffusion of
assistance to more and more areas.
One of the
four basic issues of regional development assistance strategy concerns the
focusing of such assistance upon a relatively small number of selected growth centers,37 at which there
exist or can easily be created the necessary conditions for expanding
employment opportunity and, especially, the public infrastructure and the
external economies that most activities require. Such growth centers are then
expected to attract commuters and migrants from surrounding areas of labor
surplus, and at the same time to stimulate secondary growth of employment in
some of those areas.
Applicability of the Growth-Center Strategy to Different Types of Problem
The problem
of choosing growth centers arises only in certain of the problem areas
characterized in section 12.3. There has been a tendency,
in assistance programs, to lump together indiscriminately the backward areas
and the developed but distressed areas.
The two
types of areas do share, of course, certain symptoms of maladjustment. Both
suffer essentially from obsolescence of the bases for their former economic
viability; both need help in making a structural shift to a new base in
response to changes that have occurred in demand, resources availability, and
competition from other areas. For both, a successful transition calls for
modernizing human and capital resources and infrastructure (including
institutions and attitudes) so that they can effectively grasp new
opportunities provided by technological and economic change and thus become
more resilient, self-reliant, and generative.
But at this
point the similarity ends. With respect to needs for education, the two kinds
of areas are likely to differ substantially. The population of a distressed
developed area may show no particular deficiencies in all-round literacy and
capability for productive industrial or tertiary employment. Internal and
external transport and communication facilities in such an area are also likely
to be adequate or more than adequate. There are substantial local resources of
capital and at least some relevant industrial know-how. The basic elements of
growth centers are already there, and the problem is essentially one of
modernizationreorienting the local labor force, business community,
infrastructure, and public sector toward the opportunities of today and
contrast, for truly backward areas with little industrialization or
urbanization, the necessity of finding or creating specific growth centers is
of major concern. It is primarily to this kind of region that we refer
Justification for Focusing Employment Stimulus in Growth Centers
The next
question that concerns us is the role the growth center is supposed to play
vis-à-vis the surrounding area. On both economic and political grounds,
it is vital to have an acceptable answer to this question, if only to justify
the denying of direct aid to places that are not growth centers. Justification
is needed because these other places cannot be expected to like being left out
of the distribution of largess, and because the growth centers are likely to be
relatively well-off and growing places and thus apparently the least in need of
any help. "Unto every one which hath shall be given" is scarcely a policy to
evoke the enthusiastic support of a "hath-not" area.
elements appear in the case usually made for the growth-center strategy. The
first argument stresses availability of infrastructure and the external
economies of urban size as prerequisites for competitive survival in a modern
economy. Concentration of public investment at growth centers is justified on
the ground that those are the only locations where adequate public
services can be provided at reasonable cost and where there is a prospect that
prosperity and growth can eventually be self-sustaining without permanent
This basis
of strategy was clearly involved, for example, in a project proposed by the
Québec provincial government in late 1969 for the Gaspé
Peninsula, where eleven backwoods villages were slated to be wiped off the map.
The residents would be given cash incentives to relocate in larger coastal
towns where schools, hospitals, and vocational training centers could be made
available. The project was described as merely the initial experimental stage
in a larger development program for the backward rural areas of the
Were this
the only rationale for the growth-center approach, it would imply that the
peripheral backward areas outside of the centers have no prospects of survival
except as charity cases, and that they should be vacated as fast as is humanely
possible. But there is a second argument in this case; namely, that some of the
effects of economic improvement initiated in growth centers will spread out to
their less developed hinterlands or zones of influence. This implies that the
best way to help these hinterland areas may be not by either uprooting or
direct assistance but indirectly through promoting the progress of accessible
growth centers. Let us see how this spread effect may be expected to
There was
mention in Chapter 11 (see Section 11.7)
of the manifold ways in which an urban center can provide a focal point of
leadership in the development of its region. All the considerations mentioned
are relevant to the growth-center strategy, but we still do not know a great
deal about how to measure or control the effects in question. Most of our
quantitative knowledge is in terms of the two familiar frameworks of
central-place and input-output analysis. Each of these approaches is helpful
only to a limited extent in articulating the impact of a growth center on its
zone of influence.
central-place model is designed, in fact, to describe essentially the inverse
relationship; namely, the dependence of the urban center on demand in its
tributary area. Central-place analysis is concerned only with a limited set of
consumer-serving activities that are stringently market-oriented. The spatial
distribution of consumer demand is taken as given, and it determines the extent
to which various orders of central places can develop appropriate ranges of
consumer-serving activities.
Despite the
fact that the roles of the central place and growth center are so different,
the analysis of a regions system of central places may be important.
First, the central-place analysis will indicate something about minimum size
constraints. It can establish that cities or towns below some specified
population are unlikely to contain certain trade and service activities that
may play an essential role in the operations of a growth center. Second, the
tributary trading area of a central place, being based largely on the feasible
range of frequent travel, may be a rough indicator of the zone of influence
that place would have as a growth center. Third, the central-place hierarchy
can serve as a mechanism by which innovations are transmitted interregionally,
and growth centers may be important links in that network.39
structure of the central-place hierarchy in a country can also affect the
success of growth-center strategies. Typically, less developed nations lack an
integrated system of cities; as mentioned previously, they are characterized by
a chief (or primal) city and many small villages, but cities of
intermediate size are underrepresented in the urban hierarchy. The locational
influence of agglomeration economies in the dominant city may be difficult to
overcome under these circumstances. It would be necessary to concentrate the
resources available for development programs in a very small number of
designated centers if producers in these places were to compete effectively in
the national market. In this context, growth centers would also serve to bring
much needed public and private services to backward regions, reducing the
attractiveness of the primal city for rural residents.40
relations described by the input-output model are more directly relevant to the
role of a growth center, particularly if we think of a model embracing as
separate subregions the growth center and the zone of influence. In its usual
application, the input-output model traces direct, indirect, and induced
impacts of some initial change via backward linkage, and this is of course one
of the mechanisms by which a growth center can stimulate its tributary zone.
For example, manufacturing and other exporting activities in the growth center
will purchase local materials and services, some of them from the zone of
influence. A food-processing plant illustrates the direct effect. By its
presence in the growth center, it provides a market for farmers in a
surrounding agricultural area. In Chapter 11 we
explored the nature and measurement of the subsequent indirect effects (through
local purchases by business firms) and induced effects (through local purchases
by households). For as much of the zone of influence as constitutes the
commuting field of the growth center, the most obvious impact of growth at the
center on the surrounding area is likely to be the direct, indirect, and
induced demand for labor.41
principle, as was suggested in Chapter 11,
input-output analysis can provide insights relevant to the evaluation of
forward linkages. But input-output analysis is severely constrained in the
extent to which it can express the role of growth centers because, for
operational reasons, it ignores the scale economies and the external economies
of agglomeration that are basic to the whole growth-center strategy. Nor does
the input-output approach, as developed so far, take into account
growth-initiating factorssuch as the supply of capital, enterprise, and
specific public services, or the progressive improvement of productivity
through education, health, training, and informational services.
It is clear
that growth centers exert their influence in many ways that elude the usual
quantitative models and systems of accounts. In particular, there is a
recognized need for more adequate techniques for dealing with those
growth-center effects that operate through supply rather than through
It is
difficult in principle to make a meaningful distinction between the
forward-linkage effects and the external-economies effects of growth-center
development; in both cases an activity initially established in the center
provides cheaper and more accessible inputs that make possible the nearby
establishment or expansion of other activities dependent on access to such
inputs. Generally, we seem to prefer to speak of external economies when the
initially established activity is of a so-called threshold type, normally
associated (because of scale economies) with a certain minimum size of urban or
industrial concentration, and when it provides products or service inputs to a
wide variety of other activities in the same locality. We are more likely to
refer simply to a forward linkage when those conditions do not hold and when
the initially established activity supplies inputs to just one or a few
activities locationally oriented to sources of that input. But both cases
involve a similar principle of input orientation or forward linkage. Finally,
terms such as "infrastructure" or "social overhead" generally denote services
supplied by the public sector or by public utilitiessuch as schools,
hospitals, water supply, and communications.
transmission of growth effects outward from a growth center via forward
linkages involves only those kinds of outputs that can be transferred from the
center to the people in the tributary region. This would not ordinarily include
fire protection, elementary schools, or garbage disposal. It does, however,
include a wide variety of public services (technical schools, colleges,
research libraries, and hospitals) and a similarly wide variety of business
services (commercial research and testing laboratories, banks, data-processing
centers, and so on).
12.6.3 Size and Number of Growth Centers
Adoption of
the strategy of growth centers already implies a substantial degree of
geographical focusing of development assistance. But should the growth centers
be few and large, or numerous and small?
There are a
number of possible approaches to this question. For example, we can examine the
past growth records of urban areas of various sizes to see whether size seems
to affect growth potential in any important way. Here we would have conflicting
evidence. On the basis of the rapid growth of metropolitan areas throughout the
1950s and 1960s, many researchers surmised that the realization of
agglomeration economies was both necessary and sufficient for sustained
regional growth. It was argued that a population of 250,000 could be regarded
as a threshold in the development process; after that size had been attained
these economies could be expected to ensure continued growth.42 However, the data on population growth presented
in Chapter 11 (see Table 11-6) show that smaller
places participated fully in the rapid growth of the regions of the South and
West, and that metropolitan areas in the Northeast actually lost population,
during the 1970s. We may find that agglomeration economies are important in
nonmetropolitan growth, just as they are in metropolitan growth; but there is
scant evidence on this to date. In any event, the proliferation of small growth
centers would be risky and expensive. It is easy to see that sound evidence on
the role of agglomeration economies in the context of metropolitan area decline
and nonmetropolitan area growth is sorely needed.
approach is to try to estimate the costs of providing basic public services or
infrastructure in cities of various sizes, to see whether we can identify
urban-size economies and an optimum size or a minimum efficient size of city
with regard to such costs. Here we get some limited guidance, to the effect
that middle-sized cities (say from 200,000 to 1 million population) tend to
have lower unit public service costs than smaller places, and (with some what
less certainty) lower costs than the still larger places (see Section 12.3.3). But some difficult problems are involved in
making legitimate comparisons of such costs between one city and another. (Just
how, for example, do we measure the cost per unit of output of a police force
or a park system?) More important still, the costs and efficiency of public
services (even if we could measure them accurately) would be only one element
in the comparative social costs and effectiveness of different sizes of cities
viewed as agents for the development of surrounding zones of influence. There
is no reason to suppose that the optimum size of growth center coincides with
the minimum cost size of city from the limited standpoint of measured public
service costs. Thus all that we really get out of this approach is a warning
that when we dip down into, say, the five-figure population range, the
potential growth center is increasingly likely to be handicapped.
another approach leans on central-place theory and data, and attempts to define
a viable growth center in terms of the range of central-place activities
represented there. Leaders in developing this approach were Karl Fox and Brian
Berry. The range of the centers influence as a purveyor of consumer goods
and services and the range of its influence as an employer of labor are tied
together in the concept of a "fundamental community" or functional economic
area demarcated on the basis of both commuting and shopping distances and
having a sufficiently full line of central-place activities to be relatively
If the area
radius is assumed to be large and if we are willing to accept quite small
cities as nuclei of functional economic areas, the network of such areas can be
spread out to cover the bulk of the population of the United States. For
example, Berry constructed a set of such areas that included in their
boundaries 96 percent of the 1960 population. The radius in this case was based
on one hours driving time as the limiting factor, with an assumed average
speed of about 50 miles an hour. Many of the central cities were well below
50,000 population.44
In the
Fox-Berry conception, it is not the size of the central city or growth center
that matters but the population of the whole commutation and trading area
including it. Such an area is regarded as constituting a single community, and
Fox has suggested that something like 250,000 might constitute a viable size
for self-sustaining growth.
It does not
yet appear established, however, that a population of 250,000 spread over 7,900
square miles (the area of a circle of 50 miles radius) and lacking any city of
more than 25,000 population would have the same growth potential as a
metropolitan area of 250,000, which might be expected to contain a single
county with an area of just a few hundred square miles and a central city of
60,000 to 150,000 population. The realization of external economies depends
often on the density of population (proximity). This is true for business
establishments; but as mentioned earlier, it applies also to the provision of
public services. Thus, the spatial distribution of population undoubtedly
All this
discussion of growth-center strategy suggests that a major policy problem is
how to avoid yielding to the pressures for too much proliferation of growth
centers and spatial diffusion of development investment.
Migration to Growth Centers
growth-center strategy is sometimes presented as an alternative to migration
from backward rural areas and small towns. Nevertheless, it would appear that
migration does and should play an important role in a successful growth-center
"commuting range" is a somewhat elastic concept. The 50 miles suggested by Fox
is certainly feasible with automobiles and good highways; but most people
prefer not to commute that far if they can avoid it. Growth of employment
opportunity in a growth center normally will attract from such distances people
who initially commute but eventually move closer. Some local inward migration within the zone of influence of a growth center is, then, a part of the
development sequence.
Second, it
would be entirely unrealistic to expect a regional development strategy to
eliminate incentives and need for migration among zones of influence of
various urban centers. No development plan can or should aspire to make the
growth of employment opportunity in each regional or labor market area exactly
match the natural increase rate of the working-age population.
our consideration of the size requirements for a viable growth center suggests
that in many poorer and less developed regions substantial areas will lie
outside of even a 50-mile range of any urban center of sufficient size and
promise to merit growth-center status. Though no one would propose the blanket
evacuation of all such areas, it seems clear that most or all of their natural
increase of population, and perhaps also some of their existing population,
will need to move out in order to find adequate opportunity for self-supporting
researchers have criticized growth-center strategies precisely because of these
polarizing effects; they argue that the selective nature of migration
constitutes an important negative or backwash effect of this policy on
outside areas.45 While the effects of
migration can have serious consequences for areas losing population, it is
important to recognize that this is but one phase of a development process that
may take many years to complete. The most apparent and immediate effects of the
growth center may well be migration and a subsequent depletion of human
resources from some areas. However, the beneficial consequences of this policy
may take longer to be realized.46
assumption implicit in the growth-center strategy is that people in backward
regions will migrate more readily to a growth center in their own region than
they will go to places outside that region. Distance is assumed to be an
important determinant of migration flow.
does indeed seem to encourage migrationthus bearing out one of
Ravensteins Laws and the deductions of theorists. The actual costs of
moving are probably less important in this connection than the "social
distance" involved in moving to an area with very different characteristics and
climate and in which there is a smaller probability of knowing someone (see the
beaten-path principle cited in Chapter
But the big
hurdle to be overcome in inducing migration from backward areas to employment
centers involves the initial decision to move at all. The social distance from
any farm or village to a sizable city is enormously greater than that
separating different rural areas or different urban places of similar size, and
many people in backward areas suffer special disabilities of lack of education,
training, and information. The evidence does suggest that such people will
probably move more readily to a growth center within, say, a hundred miles from
home than they would to an entirely different part of the country; therefore,
the creation of more jobs in such growth centers will help them in getting
employed. But clearly the strategy must also involve measures to improve
mobility and employability as such and to facilitate entry to productive
employment at the growth center.47
implication of focusing attention on employment in rather few growth centers,
all of substantial size, is that many or perhaps most such centers will lie
outside the boundaries of regions demarcated on the basis of such indices as
high unemployment, low income, or slow growth. Measures aimed at stimulating
employment by improving infrastructure and inducing private investment may thus
be most effective when applied in places already relatively well-off, active,
and prosperous; while measures applied to less urbanized and poorer areas may
be confined largely to human resources development and to income supplements
for people who, because of age or disability, cannot be expected to solve their
problems by migrating.
foregoing discussion has disclosed the main policy issues involved, in national
efforts to assist regional development as a means of improving peoples
welfare; it has suggested solutions with which the reader may or may not wholly
agree. It has likewise noted some of the administrative and political
difficulties complicating strategy decisions and their
Let us now
see how these problems have been handled in the major programs of regional
development assistance in the United States. We shall not try to deal with the
strategies and programs (many of them quite similar) that have been developed
in other countries. Nor shall we go into much detail regarding the American
experience, since programs focusing on the development problems of specific
regions have been phased out almost completely in recent years. Rather, we
shall concentrate on exposing the character of U.S. regional policy generally
by discussing the emphasis and goals that can be discerned.
concern with regional development was sparked during the presidential campaign
of 1960. Once elected, John F. Kennedy fulfilled a campaign promise by
introducing legislation for a comprehensive development program aimed at
depressed areas, in particular Appalachia (defined officially as including all
of West Virginia and parts of 12 other states, stretching from New York,
Pennsylvania, and Ohio in the North to Alabama and Georgia in the South). This
initiative culminated in the establishment of the Appalachian Regional
Commission (ARC) and the Economic Development Administration (EDA). The latter
was set up in the U.S. Department of Commerce by the Public Works and Economic
Development Act of 1965 to replace a predecessor agency, the Area Redevelopment
Administration (ARA). The discussion to follow will focus first on ARA and EDA
before turning to regional commissions such as ARC.
In recent
years, there has been a change in emphasis from concern with the problems of
designated regions to concern with urban areas facing a common set of problems.
In Chapter 13, some aspects of development
policy will be discussed in the context of problems associated with fiscal
distress in central cities.
Both ARA
and EDA were established to enhance employment opportunity in specific areas by
making aid available that might encourage the expansion of private enterprise.
The essential difference between the two is that the earlier ARA emphasized
direct assistance to firms in the form of grants or loans if they established
plants in designated areas. Although the business development loans and loan
guarantees that characterized ARA continued as EDA programs, EDA funds have
been concentrated on assistance to local public authorities to help build or
improve public service facilities (such as sewer and water systems) that would
provide the infrastructure necessary for the development of commercial
The public
works character of EDA expenditures is brought out clearly in Table 12-2. There we find that cumulative
expenditures by EDA on approved projects totaled just under $9.6 billion as of
March 1978. Of that amount, 35.9 percent, or roughly $3.4 billion, were
committed to development programs as a whole, and 65.9 percent of these funds
(just under $2.3 billion) were for public works. Other development funds were
used to aid areas in planning and analysis through technical assistance in kind
or through grants to support such work. Additionally, slightly more than $6
billion went to other "nondevelopment" programs, primarily a contracyclical
local public works program initiated as a result of the serious recession of
the mid-1970s.
emphasis on public works projects is undoubtedly the product of diverse
political considerations. Programs of this sort are especially attractive to
members of Congress who are able to point to tangible evidence of their ability
to bring federal dollars to their districts, hoping to enhance their chances
for reelection. They also represent a "low-risk" policy; in this respect, the
sentiments of many observers have been expressed succinctly by William H.
Miernyk: "It is much safer to invest in public works, where a complete failure
is difficult to define."48 As Miernyk points
out, even if the public works projects fail to stimulate private investment,
the communities involved end up with a new sewer system, a better bridge, or
some other public facility; whereas if money is spent to plan and construct the
facilities for an industrial park, and it goes unused, the failure is there for
all to see.
eligible for development programs were defined by EDA at three different levels
of size. For projects of only local significance, the unit was the
"redevelopment area," which could be as small as a county, a city, an Indian
reservation, or in certain cases even smaller.
for assistance could be established on the basis of any of a number of
criteria. As of September 30, 1981, there were 2654 areas (encompassing over 80
percent of the United States)49 that
qualified for assistance under various criteria. The criteria, and the number
of areas that qualified under each, are given in Table
For both
EDA and ARA, the policies of place prosperity, worst-first, and reliance on
stimuli to employment-creating investment appear dominant. One of the reasons
for the new 1965 legislation, however, was dissatisfaction with the exclusive
emphasis on the approach under which ARA operated. An important feature of the
EDA program is the creation of a set of larger units, known as economic
development districts. Each such district must contain at least two
redevelopment areas plus at least one "economic development center" (growth
center), and those centers are eligible for assistance of the types already
described. Local initiative to form development districts is stimulated by a
provision for extra funding for redevelopment areas that are part of
development districts. The economic development center must have "sufficient
size and potential to foster the economic growth activities necessary to
alleviate the distress of the redevelopment areas within the district," but it
must not have a population of more than 250,000.
The stated
purpose of this application of the growth-center concept is "that economic
development projects of broader geographical significance may be planned50 and carried out." Although size and potential are
recognized as criteria for aid to the growth centers, and the latter are
recognized as useful in helping the distressed areas, the act makes no mention
of the possibility that people in the redevelopment areas might be helped by
migrating to the growth centers. Our earlier discussion suggested that such
migration is probably the principal way in which the growth centers can help,
and that quite different strategies are appropriate in growth centers and in
distressed outlying areas respectively. But EDAs mandate appears to
assume that the same kinds of assistance are appropriate in both places.
point to be noted is that there is no specific minimum population size for
growth centers, though there is a maximum of 250,000 (corresponding to what has
been suggested by some regional economists as a minimum for
self-sustaining growth!). The standards provided in the law do not provide much
resistance to the predictable local pressures for designation of an
ever-increasing number of small development districts and centers, since a
combination as small as just two poor counties and a town could be designated
as a district.51
Since 1981,
EDA has barely survived federal budget cuts. Its operations continued, although
at a greatly reduced level, through 1984 as a result of funds made available by
congressional resolutions, even though EDA was omitted from the budgets
submitted by President Reagan. Prospects for the continuation of EDA are
uncertain at best.
12.7.2 The Regional
Title V of
the same Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 provided for
designation of still larger areas, called economic development regions,
extending into two or more states. Each such region had a regional commission
made up of a representative of each of the states involved plus a federal
representative with veto power. The prototype was the Appalachian Regional
Commission, established under separate legislation in 1965 but with similar
purposes and powers. As of 1983, only the Appalachian Regional Commission
continued to receive federal support; however, it was already committed to a
five-year finish-up program at that time. For our purposes, we can consider
them all together, including Appalachia.
Economic development
regions were defined on the basis of
1. High
2. Low income
3. Low levels of "housing,
health, and educational facilities"
Dominance of the regional economy by "only one or two industries, which are in
a state of long-term decline"
Substantial out-migration of labor, capital, or both
6. Low
growth rate of aggregate output
7. Adverse
effects from changing industrial technology or changes in national defense
facilities or production
ARC and the
Title V Regional Commissions were primarily designed to secure interstate
cooperation and a broader perspective for development planning and action
within areas much larger than development districts. They were expected to
produce plans for a coordinated attack on the economic problems of their
respective regions through all kinds of existing and proposed federal and state
programs. They were, of course, in competition with one another for federal
assistance, though some respect for the general national interest was expected
to be introduced by the federal cochairman of each commission. Each regional
commission had advisory functions regarding the initiation and coordination of
economic development districts.52
By the end
of 1972, the economic development regions shown in Figure 12-1 had been established. Including Appalachia,
they encompassed part or all of 39 states and included such major metropolises
as Boston, Pittsburgh, New Orleans, St. Louis, Kansas City, Seattle, and
Portland. Most of these regions had been showing relatively slow growth for
some time and have extensive unindustrialized and even backward
inclusion of New England may seem surprising. New England is the patriarch of
American regions in terms of industrial and urban development, has an income
level comparing favorably with the national average, and does not have
especially high unemployment. If it is a "problem area" at all, it cannot be
rated as such on the basis of underdevelopment or poverty as can the
others.53 The inclusion of New England
probably reflects instead a positive factor. The region has been ahead of
others in achieving a sense of common regional interest and developing
effective interstate cooperation. This early start reflects the facts that the
challenge of industrial stagnation came early in New England, reaching almost
crisis proportions in the 1920s with the loss of the textile and other
industries, and that the New England states are very small in size compared
with those in other parts of the country.
establishment of New England as an economic development region suggests, in
fact, that it would be appropriate to carve up the whole country into
development regions instead of using them as special devices for recognizable
sick areas of wide extent. An initiative of this sort was undertaken in the
late 1970s, when "wall-to-wall" commissions were established. While they did
not survive the fiscal austerity characteristic of domestic programs in the
1980s, this extension of commissions modeled after those of Title V was at
least tacit recognition that a homogeneous region defined in terms of
backwardness and distress is not the proper unit for constructive and efficient
development policy.
for example, is not a region at all in the sense of an area with strong
internal linkages. Appalachians in Pennsylvania or West Virginia may resemble
Appalachians in Alabama with respect to income level, education and training,
style of life, and attitudes; but they are not linked to them by any
significant flows of trade or migration. A conspicuous characteristic of
Appalachia, in fact, is the lack of facilities for internal movement. Much more
meaningfully, Appalachia should be regarded as a succession of hinterlands to
various major centers located mainly outside the region as officially defined:
a row of back yards, as it were. We are led to the view that
a good part of
Appalachias development effort should be concentrated outside the region,
and . . . the region itself should be restructured and, as it were, apportioned
among the metropolitan regions on its perimeter.54
statements could be made about some of the other economic development regions
as well.
It is true
that development assistance in Appalachia has heavily emphasized roads, with
the avowed intention of "opening up" the region to the outside world and to
such cities as it contains. But evidence is lacking of any effort to encourage
out-migration from this or the other economic development regions. On the
contrary, loss of population is stipulated as one of the criteria of
eligibility for development assistance; and by implication at least, as one of
the conditions to be corrected.
development regions can serve useful and constructive ends. To be effective,
however, they must be structured around one or more major growth centers with
demonstrably high potential. Such a region would have the internal cohesion
that is missing in an area such as Appalachia. Additionally, it would have the
political, administrative, and technical resources necessary to plan and
implement effective development strategies.
regional problems that were of so much concern in the 1960s and early 1970s
have not gone away; their character has simply changed. The nonmetropolitan
growth that has been characteristic of recent population trends has reduced the
pressure for policy makers to focus their attention on "backward" areas, but
many of these remain in distress despite the nonmetropolitan resurgence.
Additionally, the slow growth of metropolitan areas, particularly in the
Northeast and upper Midwest, is likely to persist for some time; transition of
the economic base in such cities as Youngstown, Akron, and Buffalo to new
growth industries is not going to happen overnight.
coordination of federal and regional efforts can facilitate the type of change
that must take place in distressed areas (metropolitan or nonmetropolitan) and
keep it from being jeopardized by self-serving local interests or potentially
destructive interregional rivalry. A system of regional commissions
characterized by a combination of intraregional interdependence, greater
consciousness of a common regional interest, and financial and technical
strength would serve this end; and it could help also to check the trend toward
ever-increasing dependence on federal initiatives, decisions, and specific
subsidies. The federal role could be less paternal and philanthropic, and could
consist mainly of maintenance of high overall levels of demand, the provision
of information and aggregate national development guidelines, and the design of
programs to improve the quality and mobility of human resources. A system of
this sort would be a step toward the decentralization of federal authority
which would ensure that the regions assuming new responsibilities meet at least
some of the necessary criteria for success.
formulation of public policies on location and regional development was
stimulated in the second quarter of this century by continuing interregional
disparities in income and economic opportunity, by the increasing role of the
national government in financing and providing regional services, by
disenchantment with population increases as an objective and with competitive
regional subsidization of growth, by the dilution of provincialism, and by
changes in factors affecting location.
government programs to maintain high employment levels and to improve manpower
quality and mobility are warranted on grounds of both equity and efficient
allocation of resources among and within regions. An important distinction
exists, however, between the objective of "place prosperity," or economic
assistance to regions as such, and the really fundamental goal of "people
regions" are of several different types, including (1) backward areas halted at
the threshold of self-sustaining development; (2) already developed areas with
arrested growth due to loss of competitive advantage in their basic activities
or obsolescence in those activities as such, with accompanying loss of ability
to substitute new kinds of activities; and (3) areas of excessive growth or
excessive concentration.
policy can influence regional structure and development through many measures,
which include upgrading manpower quality and factor mobility, maintaining a
high national employment level, subsidizing or restricting investment,
controlling transfer rates and services, allocating public purchases and
investments among regions, supporting research and development, and assisting
in the provision of local or regional infrastructure.
Four main
issues arise in connection with public policy toward regions: (1) degree of
reliance on the place prosperity criterion, (2) allocation of regional
assistance as charity or as investment, (3) focusing of assistance in growth
centers as contrasted with wide dispersion, and (4) choice among available
devices for influencing development.
the 1960s and 1970s regional development policy in the United States favored
"backward" regions. More recently, there has been a shift in emphasis toward
distressed urban areas. Certain built-in political and economic biases, evident
both in this country and abroad, have led to overemphasis on place prosperity,
overproliferation of areas receiving public developmental assistance, and
underrating of the potential role of migration and mobility enhancement.
prosperity |
center |
prosperity |
effect |
Generative and
competitive growth |
Primal city |
analysis |
Functional economic
area |
Regional economic
resilience |
effect |
John Friedmann and William
Alonso, Regional Policy: Readings in Theory and Applications (Cambridge,
Mass.: MIT Press, 1975).
Gordon C. Cameron, "Growth
Areas, Growth Centres and Regional Conversion," Scottish Journal of
Political Economy, 17, 1 (February 1970), 19-38.
Ira S. Lowry, "Population
Policy, Welfare, and Regional Development," in Mark Perlman, Charles Leven, and
Benjamin Chinitz (eds.), Spatial, Regional, and Population Economics (New York: Gordon and Breach, 1972), pp. 233-261.
Niles M. Hansen (ed.), Public Policy and Regional Economic Development (Cambridge, Mass.:
Ballinger, 1974).
Harry W. Richardson, Regional Economics (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1978),
Chapters 7, 9, and 10.
E. A. G. Robinson (ed.), Backward Areas in Advanced Countries (London: Macmillan,
Norbert Vanhove and Leo H.
Klassen, Regional Policy, A European Approach (Montclair, N.J.:
Allenheld, Osmun, 1980).
The Shift-Share Analysis
of Components of Regional Activity Growth
See section 12.3.2 and 12.3.5
The overall
growth rate of a regions activity (as measured, say, by total employment
or total value added) is, of course, a weighted average of the growth rates of
the separate sectors or activities making up the regions economy. If the
regions growth rate is compared with that of some other area (for
example, the entire nation), it is possible to "explain" the difference in
growth rates statistically in terms of two components, which for convenience
can be styled "mix" and "competitive." Quantitative analysis of comparative
regional growth rates along these lines is sometimes referred to as the
"shift-share" approach.55
An example
of a regional growth differential arising exclusively from mix would be the
case of a region in which each activity grows at exactly the same rate as in
the nation as a whole. In other words, the regions share of the
national total for each industry remains unchanged over the time interval in
question, but the national growth rates for some activities are higher than
those for others. If a region contains mainly fast-growing activities and
relatively few of the slow-growing activities, it can be said to have a
"favorable growth mix" of activities, and its overall percentage growth rate
will exceed that of the nation. On the other hand, if slow-growing industries
are more than proportionally represented in the regions mix, the
regions overall growth rate will be slower than the national growth rate.
This is an example of the pure mix effect.
We can
evaluate the competitive component by imagining the case of a region that has
exactly the same mix of activities, as does the nation:
percentage share of the national total is the same for all activities. This
region will have an overall growth rate higher than that of the nation if it
increases its shares (that is, if most activities grow faster in the region
than in the nation). Such a case represents the competitive component in
In any real
situation, of course, it is nearly certain that the relative growth rates of
region and nation will show the effects of some combination of mix and
competitive components. Either effect, or the net result, can be either
positive or negative for the region.
A drastically simplified
numerical example will serve to show the way in which shift-share analysis
determines the effect to be imputed to each component. Let us take the
following Census data on manufacturing employment (in thousands):56
From these
data, we see that manufacturing employment in the United States increased by
5.79 percent (from 15,800 to 16,715 thousand) in the five-year interval. If
manufacturing employment in Pennsylvania had registered this same rate of
increase, it would have risen from 1,331 to 1,408 thousand persons. Actually,
the 1963 employment in Pennsylvania was only 1,320 thousand, so there is a
total difference of -88 thousand to be explained.
To evaluate
the mix component, we can eliminate the competitive one by assuming that each
of the two kinds of industries grew at the same rate in Pennsylvania as in the
nation (that is, durable goods industries 9.61 percent and nondurables 2.18
percent). Had those sectoral growth rates applied in Pennsylvania, the
states manufacturing employment in 1963 would have been 718 X 1.0961=787
thousand in durables and 613 X 1.0218=626 thousand in nondurables, or a total
of 1,413 thousand. So the mix effect operating in the absence of any
competitive effect would have raised Pennsylvanias manufacturing
employment to 1,413 thousand, or 5 thousand more than what would have been
achieved by simply keeping pace with national growth (i.e., 1,413
1,408=5). We can express this result by saying that Pennsylvania had a
favorable growth mix compared to the nation (in this case, meaning a higher
proportion of durable goods industries in its mix), and the 5 thousand figure
is a measure of that advantage, or the mix component of growth.
But as
noted earlier, Pennsylvanias actual growth fell 88 thousand short of what
would have been achieved by keeping pace with the nation. The competitive
component, then, must be 88 5=93 thousand. This figure is a
measure of the result of the fact that Pennsylvanias share of the
national total dropped in both durable and nondurable goods industries;
that is, Pennsylvania industries lost out to that extent in competitive
position vis-à-vis the rest of the country.
The results
of this dissection of growth components are diagrammed in Figure 12-1-1. All the figures are expressed in
absolute terms (thousands of employees), since they are additive. In comparing
the mix and competitive shifts of different regions, however, it might
sometimes be preferable to express them in relative terms (for example, as
percentages of the initial employment in the respective region).
observed changes in Pennsylvania employment in each industrial sector can be
split into two components. If durables employment in Pennsylvania had increased
at the national rate of 9.61 percent, it would have grown to 787 thousand in
1963 (an increase of 69 thousand). Similarly, Pennsylvania nondurables
employment would have increased by 13 thousand if the states share of the
national total had been maintained. The entire set of results can be summarized
as follows for this illustrative case (all figures in thousands):
1. Some of the material in this chapter is adapted from E. M. Hoover,
Some Old and New Issues in Regional Development" (paper presented at the
International Economic Association Conference on Backward Areas in Advanced
Countries, Varenna, Italy, August-September 1967). The conference proceedings
were published in E. A. G. Robinson (ed.), Backward Areas in Advanced
Countries (London: Macmillan, 1969; New York: St. Martins Press,
2. E. M. Hoover, The Location of Economic Activity (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1948), p. 242.
3. The nonwhite population in the United States has been more urban
than the white population since some time in the 1950s.
4. The
best-known statement of this concern over the implications of slow population
growth in America is Alvin Hansens presidential address to the American
Economic Association in 1938, "Economic Progress and Declining Population
Growth," American Economic Review, 29, 1 (1) (March 1939), 1-15.
However, Hansen, unlike some of the other contributors to that discussion, did
not advocate incentives to higher fertility as a solution.
5. Data
from the annual Census sample survey indicate that over the twelve-month period
March 1980 to March 1981, about 1 American in 6 moved to a different house, 1
in 16 to a different county, and 1 in 37 to a different state. See U.S. Bureau
of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series p-20, No. 377, Geographical Mobility: March 1980 to March 1981 (Washington, D.C.:
Government Printing Office, 1983), Table 2, p. 8.
6. See the discussion in Chapter 10 on real income.
7. For a more detailed discussion of regional policy objectives, see
Charles L. Leven, "Establishing Goals for Regional Economic Development," Journal of the American institute of Planners, 30, 2 (May 1964), 99-105;
Thomas Wilson, Policies for Regional Development, University of Glasgow
Social and Economic Studies, Occasional Paper No. 3 (Edinburgh and London:
Oliver & Boyd, 1964); Wilbur R. Thompson, A Preface to Urban Economics (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1965), Chapter 5; Benjamin
Chinitz, "Appropriate Goals for Regional Policy," Urban Studies, 3, 1
(February 1966), 1-7; and Harry W. Richardson, Regional Economics (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1978), Chapter 9.
8. Named after the Italian economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto
(1848-1923), a pioneer analyst of economic welfare.
9. A challenging and brilliant discussion of the actual and supposed
benefits and costs of regional growth is E. J. Mishan, The Costs of Economic
Growth (London: Staples Press, 1967). An illustration of the conflicting
interests involved in regional prosperity is the report that in June 1969, an
association of residents of Hawaii implored convention visitors from the
mainland to curb their spending, because such spending raises living costs for
the residents. The state of Oregon attracted attention (and perhaps ironically
a few additional migrants) in the early 1970s when its governor and other high
officials enunciated opposition to in-migration, rapid population growth, and
excessive tourism. More and more cities and towns are now seeking
constitutional and effective means of limiting growth.
10. Louis Winnick, "Place Prosperity vs. People
Prosperity: Welfare Considerations in the Geographic Distribution of Economic
Activity," in Essays in Urban Land Economics, in honor of the
sixty-fifth birthday of Leo Grebler (Los Angeles: University of California,
Real Estate Research Program, 1966). For a much deeper exploration of the place
prosperity concept and its relation to regional and national policy objectives,
see Marina von N. Whitman, "Place Prosperity and People Prosperity: The
Delineation of Optimum Policy Areas," in Mark Perlman, Charles Leven, and
Benjamin Chinitz (eds.), Spatial, Regional, and Population Economics (New York: Gordon and Breach, 1972), pp. 359-393.
11. See Matthew Edel, "'People versus 'Place
in Urban Impact Analysis," in Norman J. Glickman (ed.), The Urban Impacts of
Federal Policies (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980), pp.
12. Richardson, Regional Economics (Urbana:
University of Illinois Press, 1978), p. 146.
13. John H. Cumberland, A Regional Interindustry Model
for Analysis of Development Objectives," Papers of the Regional Science
Association, 17 (1966), p. 93. For a contrary view see James R. Rinehart
and William E. Laird, "Community Inducements to Industry and the Zero-Sum
Game," Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 19, 1, (February 1972),
14. See Pittsburgh Regional Planning Association, Economic Study of the Pittsburgh Region, 3 vols. (Pittsburgh: University
of Pittsburgh Press, 1963). The first volume, Region in Transition, traces the economic history of the region and diagnoses its position as of
the time of writing. The second volume, Portrait of a Region, by Ira S.
Lowry, focuses on population trends and the geographic patterns of activities
within the region. The third volume, Region with a Future, assesses
prospects for Further change and suggests some appropriate directions for
policy. A concise summary of the studys approach and findings is E. M.
Hoover, "Pittsburgh Takes Stock of Itself," Pennsylvania Business Survey, 5, 1 (January 1964), 4-9.
15. See the illustration of shift-share analysis in Appendix 12-1.
16. This question has concerned many researchers. Some
of the most notable recent contributions to this literature include William
Alonso, "The Economics of City Size," Papers and Proceedings of the Regional Science Association, 26 (1971), 67-83; Harry W. Richardson, The Economics of Urban Size (Boston: D. C. Heath, 1973); and A. M. J.
Yezer and R. S. Goldfarb, "An Indirect Test of Efficient City Size, Journal
of Urban Economics, 5, (January 1978), 46-65.
17. Werner Z. Hirsch, Urban Economic Analysis (New York; McGraw-Hill, 1973), Chapters 11-12. See also Nibs M. Hansen, Rural Poverty and the Urban Crisis (Bloomington: Indiana University
Press, 1970), Chapter 10; and G. M. Neutze, Economic Policy and the Size of
Cities (Canberra: Australian National University, 1965).
18. John L. Gardner, "City Size and Municipal Service
Costs," in George S. Tolley, Philip E. Graves, and John L. Gardner (eds.), Urban Growth Policy in a Market Economy (New York: Academic Press,
1979), pp. 51-61.
19. This result lends support to arguments made by
Tolley to the effect that economies in the provision of public services are
related primarily to the density of population in the service area. See George
S. Tolley, "Comparing the Gains and Costs of City Growth," in Tolley, Graves,
and Gardner, Urban Growth Policy in a Market Economy, pp.
20. See George S. Tolley, "The Welfare Economics of City
Bigness," Journal of Urban Economics, 1, 3 (July 1974), 324-345, where
the relationship between prices and compensation for urban disamenities is
discussed in terms of a "wage multiplier." See also, Oded Israeli,
"Externalities and Intercity Wage and Price Differentials, in
Tolley, Graves, and Gardner, Urban Growth Policy in a Market Economy, pp. 159-194.
21. See Tolley, "Welfare Economics of City Bigness," pp.
22. The external diseconomies argument would also have
more weight if it could be established that personal and business migration
from large cities is somehow more inhibited than the contrary flow, or that
state and national governments are consistently subsidizing locations in large
cities at the expense of taxpayers elsewhere.
23. See Richardson, Economics of Urban Size, p.
129; and J. Vernon Henderson, "Effect of Taxation of Externalities on City
Size," in Tolley, Graves, and Gardner, Urban Growth Policy in a Market
Economy, pp. 91-97.
24. Glenn E. McLaughlin, "Industrial Diversification in
American Cities," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 45 (November 1930),
25. A cogent discussion of the effects of specialization
and business unit size on regional economic resilience is Benjamin Chinitz,
"Contrasts in Agglomeration: New York and Pittsburgh," American Economic
Review, 51, 2 (May 1961), 279-289.
26. For details on this story, see Pittsburgh Regional
Planning Association, Region in Transition, vol. 1 of the Economic Study
of the Pittsburgh Region (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press,
27. For a thorough analysis of the spatial distribution
of federal outlays (including defense expenditures) over the period 1970-1976,
see Georges Vernez, "Overview of the Spatial Dimensions of the Federal Budget,"
in Norman J. Glickman (ed.), The Urban Impacts of Federal Policies (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980), pp. 67-102.
28. The People Left Behind, Report of the
Presidents National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty (Washington,
D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1967), p. xi (italics added). Professor Mary
Jean Bowman justly observed that the inclusion of the italicized words could
make this recommendation "a prescription for national disaster." "Poverty in an
Affluent Society," in Neil W. Chamberlain (ed.), Contemporary Economic
Issues (Homewood, Ill.: Irwin, 1969), p. 99.
29. Notably John B. Lansing and Eva Mueller, The
Geographic Mobility of Labor (Ann Arbor: Survey Research Center, University
of Michigan, 1967).
30. Ibid., p. 77. See also the reference to the "Beale
hypothesis" on p. 284 above.
31. In April 1969, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a
state may not impose residency provisions "for the purpose of inhibiting
migration by needy persons into the state." Up to that time, most states had
denied welfare assistance to applicants with less than a years residence.
There are still large differentials in the level of such benefits, however,
which substantially affect interregional migration.
32. See, for example, Niles Hansen, "Policies for
Nonmetropolitan Areas," Growth and Change, 11, 2 (April 1980),
33. Relevant also is the increasing nonlinearity of costs of transfer with respect to distance resulting from the
relatively greater speed of long-distance transport and communication and the
increasing importance of time as an element in costs of transfer for goods,
people, services, and information. With respect to communication, personal
travel, and shipment of an increasing range of goods, the added time required
for an additional several hundred miles is often less than the time required
for the first 10 miles.
34. David L. Brown, "Spatial Aspects of Post-1970 Work
Force Migration in the United States," Growth and Change, 12, 1 (January
1981), 9.
35. Equal opportunity here basically refers to the
removal of employment discrimination based on color, sex, or any other personal
characteristics not relevant to work performance. Open entry refers to the
removal of inappropriate restrictions on occupational or geographic mobility
imposed by union rules and employment agreements regarding hiring,
apprenticeship, union membership, or transfer of seniority and pension
36. For an overview of policies concerning interregional
labor mobility in France, Great Britain, and the Netherlands, see Norbert
Vanhove and Leo H. Klassen, Regional Policy: A European Approach (Montclair, N.J.: Allenheld, Osmun, 1980), pp. 371-379; and P. B. Beaumont,
"An Examination of Assisted Labour Mobility Policy," in Duncan Maclennan and
John B. Parr (eds.), Regional Policy (Oxford: Martin Robertson, 1979),
pp. 65-80.
37. The theory and policy of growth centers was
developed in Europe and particularly in France, in the 1950s, before attaining
much currency in the United States. The broader term "growth poles" does not
always have a spatial meaning and is quite loosely used. It refers sometimes to
larger developed regions that include centers and sometimes to specific
industry complexes, activities, or even single large installations that play a
strategic role in sparking new development. Two titles from the large
literature on this subject are: J. R. Boudeville, Problems of Regional
Planning (Edinburgh: University Press, 1966); and Niles M. Hansen, French Regional Planning (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1968).
For Further references and discussion of growth-center concepts and development
strategy, see Gordon C. Cameron, "Growth Areas, Growth Centres and Regional
Conversion," Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 17, 1 (February
1970, 19-38; and Richardson, Regional Economics (Urbana:
University of Illinois Press, 1978), Chapter 7.
38. New York Times, 8 November 1969. Some of the
same considerations have been involved in programs in Pittsburgh and other
cities to eliminate isolated pockets of settlement on steep hillsides where
costs of maintaining streets and other public services are inordinately high.
The properties are acquired by the city and all structures removed, with
appropriate landscaping and planting.
39. See Brian J. L. Berry, Growth Centers in the
American Urban System, vols. 1 and 2 (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger, 1973);
and John B. Parr, "Growth Poles, Regional Development, and Central Place
Theory," Papers and Proceedings of the Regional Science Association, 31
(1973), 173-212.
40. See Harry W. Richardson, "Growth Centers, Rural
Development and National Urban Policy: A Defense," International Regional
Science Review, 3, 2 (Winter 1978), 133-152.
41. Such limited empirical evidence as is available
concerning the spread effects associated with interindustry linkages suggests
that they are very weak. See Niles M. Hansen, "An Evaluation of Growth-Center
Theory and Practice," Environment and Planning A, 7, 7 (November 1975),
42. See Thompson, Preface to Urban Economics; and
Neutze, Economic Policy.
43. See Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission, Growth
Centers and Their Potentials in the Upper Great Lakes Region (Washington, D.C.: Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission, May 1969),
prepared by Brian J. L. Berry. Foxs ideas are set forth in "Agricultural
Policy in an Urban Society," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 50, 5 (December 1968), 1135-1148, and in "A New Strategy for Urban and
Rural America," Appalachia, 2, 10 (August 1969), 10-16. Foxs
proposal is to use functional economic areas on the order of a quarter of a
million populationnot only as units into which to aggregate small
communities and rural territory for planning, development, and administrative
purposes, hut also as units into which large metropolitan areas might be
subdivided. In short, he argues that "our metropolitan areas are too large and
our rural communities too small for effective government, a creative social
life, and an efficient community."
44. Brian J. L. Berry et al., Metropolitan Area
Definition: A Re-evaluation of Concept and Statistical Practice, U.S.
Bureau of the Census, Working Paper No. 28 (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, June 1968).
45. See Hansen, "Evaluation of Growth-Center Theory,"
pp. 826-827.
46. See Harry W. Richardson, "Growth Pole Spillovers:
The Dynamics of Backwash and Spread," Regional Studies, 10, 1 (1976),
47. The Appalachian Regional Commission (see section
12.7.1) made a sample survey of the gross migration of workers (using Social
Security records) between 1960 and 1964, and found that "the migrant workers
displayed a distinct tendency to move relatively short distances. Most migrants
from the center of Appalachia migrated to nearby areas, still within
Appalachia. Migrants from the fringes of Appalachia were more likely to move to
the ring of territory surrounding the Region, or to other parts of the United
States... All outmigrants increased their income substantially, especially
those leaving the central part of Appalachia, where hardcore unemployment has
been most severe." Appalachia, 2, 8 (May 1969), 14-15.
executive director of the Appalachian Regional Commission observed in 1967 that
there are large colonies of recent migrants from Appalachia in Chicago,
Cleveland, Cincinnati, and a number of other cities outside the region, while
"there are no Appalachian neighborhoods in Pittsburgh (despite the fact that it is the only major metropolis in the area." Some explanation for this
surprising fact, as he pointed out, lies in the structure and relatively low
growth rate of the Pittsburgh economy. But this example is useful in suggesting
that centers well outside the boundaries of a depressed or backward area can
provide employment opportunities to people living in such an area. Ralph R.
Widner, "Experiment in Appalachia," Pittsburgh Business Review, 37, 3
(March 1967), 1-15.
48. William H. Miernyk, "An Evaluation: The Tools of
Regional Policy," Growth and Change, 11, 2 (April 1980), 3.
49. U.S. Department of Commerce, 1.981 Annual Report
of the Economic Development Administration (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, undated), Foreword.
50. As a condition of eligibility, both redevelopment
areas and economic development districts are required to prepare approved plans
for their development.
51. A
redevelopment area can be eligible with as few as 1500 people (or 1000 in the
case of an Indian reservation).
52. Except in Appalachia, where the commission itself
exercised the functions performed by the EDA for the other economic development
53. What is said here applies to New England as a whole
and to the three Southern states of that region, where four-fifths of its
people live. Much of northern New England, by contrast, does share many of the
economic characteristics of backward low-income rural areas in other parts of
the country.
54. John Friedmann, "Poor Regions and Poor Nations:
Perspectives on the Problem of Appalachia," Southern Economic Journal, 32, 4 (April 1966), 472. Similar sentiments are expressed in Niles M.
Hansen. Rural Poverty and the Urban Crisis (Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 1970).
55. This approach was apparently first used by Daniel B.
Creamer in 1942 in U.S. National Resources Planning Board, Industrial
Location and National Resources (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing
Office, 1943), and was expounded and used on a large scale by Edgar S. Dunn,
Jr., in Harvey S. Perloff, E. S. Dunn, Jr., E. E. Lampard, and R. F. Muth, Regions, Resources, and Economic Growth (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1960). The basic exposition of the method is in that source.
What we are calling the "mix component" corresponds to Dunns "net
proportionality shift," and our "competitive component" corresponds to his "net
differential shift." The method was later applied still more extensively in the
U.S. Department of Commerce by Dunn and others, and comprehensive tabulations
have been prepared and published for U.S. Census regions and smaller areas. See
Lowell D. Ashby, Growth Patterns in Employment by County, 1940-50 and
1950-60 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1965).
The logic
and usefulness of the shift-share approach were attacked by David B. Houston,
"The Shift and Share Analysis of Regional Growth: A Critique," Southern
Economic Journal, 33, 4 (April 1967), 577-581. A rejoinder in defense was
given by Lowell D. Ashby in the same journal: "The Shift and Share Analysis: A
Reply," 34, 3 (January 1968), 423-425. A subsequent critique is H. James Brown,
"Shift and Share Projections of Regional Economic Growth: An Empirical Test," Journal of Regional Science, 9, 1 (April 1969), 1-18. For a thorough
review of this literature see Benjamin H. Stevens and Craig L. Moore, "A
Critical Review of the Literature on Shift-Share as a Forecasting Technique," Journal of Regional Science, 20, 4 (November 1980), 419-437.
56. Industry Group 19 (ordnance and accessories) has
been omitted from our computations, since data for that industry group for
Pennsylvania were not available. Minor adjustments in the totals have been made
to take account of rounding-off errors in adding up the figures for individual
industry groups to arrive at the subtotals for durable and nondurable goods
industries. Basic data were taken from the 1963 U.S. Census of Manufactures