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Number of items: 81.

Collister, Lauren Brittany (2014) Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talk #17: Lessons from OpenCon and OpenEd. In: Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talks, 05 December 2014 - 05 December 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. (Unpublished)

Potoka, Karin and Mucci, Christina and Mutchler, Stephanie and Bueno, Marta and Becker-Pelster, Eva and Stasch, Johannes-Peter and Truebel, Hubert and Straub, Adam and Mora, Ana and Gladwin, Mark (2014) Direct soluble guanylate cyclase activation improves vascular function in a mouse model of sickle cell disease. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Spicer, Michelle Elise and Booth, Robert K (2014) To plant or not to plant? Results from a century-long forest planting experiment. In: 99th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2014.

Price, William C. (2014) 4/3/2 in the 21st Century: Formative Assessment of Fluency through Digital Recording. In: Three Rivers TESOL 2014 Fall Conference, 25 Oct 2014, Pittsburgh, PA.

McKiernan, Erin C (2014) Culture change in academia: Making sharing the new norm. In: University of Pittsburgh Open Access Week 2014, 22 October 2014 - 22 October 2014, Pittsburgh, USA. (Unpublished)

Barnett, John H (2014) Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talk #16: Open Access Week 2014--What You Need to Know. In: Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talks, 14 October 2014 - 14 October 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. (Unpublished)

Deliyannides, Timothy S and Graham, Clinton T (2014) OJS and PlumX: Altmetrics at the University of Pittsburgh and beyond. In: PKP Annual General Meeting, 03 October 2014 - 03 October 2014, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada. (Unpublished)

Tomer, Christinger (2014) Building a Digital Repository on a Shoestring Budget. In: Pennsylvania Library Association, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Gabler, Vanessa and Deliyannides, Timothy S (2014) Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talks #15: Innovations in Peer Review. In: Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talks, 26 September 2014 - 26 September 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. (Unpublished)

Ding, Dan and Ka, Hyun and Chung, Chengshiu and Wang, Hongwu (2014) Shared Control of Assistive Robotic Manipulators. In: Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE International Workshop, 17 September 2014 - 17 September 2014, Chicago, IL.

Gabler, Vanessa and Collister, Lauren Brittany and Deliyannides, Timothy S (2014) Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talk #14: Traditional Scholarly Peer Review. In: Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talks, 21 August 2014 - 21 August 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. (Unpublished)

Altamimi, Mohammed and Weiss, Martin BH (2014) Enforcement and Network Capacity in Spectrum Sharing: Quantifying the Benefits of Different Enforcement Scenarios. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Collister, Lauren Brittany and Barnett, John H and Calloway, Lauren (2014) Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talk #13: Open Educational Resources and Open Textbooks. In: Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talks, 22 July 2014 - 22 July 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. (Unpublished)

Leung, Vincent (2014) A panel titled "Excavated Texts and Early Chinese Empires" at AAS-in-Asia Conference on ‘Asia in Motion: Heritage and Transformation’, from the 17th to the 19th of July 2014 in Singapore. In: AAS-in-Asia Conference on ‘Asia in Motion: Heritage and Transformation’, 17 July 2014 - 19 July 2014, Singapore.

Barnett, John H (2014) For your consideration: New approaches to scholarly communications and publishing. In: Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI) 2014, 14 July 2014 - 18 July 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. (Unpublished)

Winnica, Daniel Efrain and Baffi, Cynthia Wilson and Wenzel, Sally E and Holguin, Fernando (2014) The effect of L-arginine and L-citrulline on NOx production in primary human airway epithelial cells exposed to asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA). In: 8th International conference on the biology, chemistry and therapeutic application of Nitric Oxide (NO2014).

Yudelson, Michael and Hosseini, Roya and Vihavainen, Arto and Brusilovsky, Peter (2014) Investigating Automated Student Modeling in a Java MOOC. In: International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 04 July 2014 - 07 July 2014, London, UK.

Tse, Holman (2014) Pre-nasalized Retroflexion in Somali Bantu Kizigua: A Typologically Rare Sound Change Facilitated by Historic Contact with Related Languages. In: 12èmes Rencontres du Réseau français de phonologie / 12th Annual Conference of the French Phonology Network, 01 July 2014 - 01 July 2014, Université Charles de Gualle - Lille 3, Lille, France.

Guerra, Julio and Sahebi, Shaghayegh and Lin, Yu-Ru and Brusilovsky, Peter (2014) The Problem Solving Genome: Analyzing Sequential Patterns of Student Work with Parameterized Exercises. In: Educational Data Mining conference, 04 July 2014 - 07 July 2014, London. (In Press)

Nguyen, Huy V and Litman, Diane J (2014) Improving Peer Feedback Prediction: The Sentence Level is Right. In: The 9th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, 26 June 2014 - 26 June 2014, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Barnett, John H and Collister, Lauren Brittany and Deliyannides, Timothy S and Gabler, Vanessa (2014) Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talk #12: Kickstarting Open Access Week 2014. In: Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talks, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. (Unpublished)

Barnett, John H and Collister, Lauren Brittany and Chan, Jennifer (2014) Something Widget This Way Comes: Using Altmetrics to Illustrate the Impact of Open Access on Graduate Student Research. In: Western Pennsylvania-West Virginia Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries (WPWVC/ACRL) Spring Conference 2014, 06 June 2014 - 06 June 2014, Bethany, West Virginia.

Ding, Dan and Ka, Hyun and Cooper, Rory A and Telson, Joshua and Krishnaswamy, Kavita (2014) Focus Group Evaluation of an Overhead Kitchen Robot Appliance. In: the Annual Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering, June 2014 - June 2014, Indianapolis, IL.

Corrall, Sheila (2014) Library service capital: The case for measuring and managing intangible assets. In: Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2014, 16 June 2014 - 20 June 2014, Zadar, Croatia.

Sahebi, Shaghayegh and Huang, Yun and Brusilovsky, Peter (2014) Parameterized Exercises in Java Programming: using Knowledge Structure for Performance Prediction. In: The second Workshop on AI-supported Education for Computer Science (AIEDCS), 06 June 2014 - 06 June 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Lewis, Michael and Chien, Shih-Yi and Mehrotra, Siddharth and Chakraborty, Nilanjan and Sycara, Katia (2014) Task Switching and Single vs. Multiple Alarms for Supervisory Control of Multiple Robots. In: HCI International 2014 (16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction), 22 June 2014 - 27 June 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.

Chien, Shih-Yi and Semnani-Azad, Zhaleh and Lewis, Michael and Sycara, Katia (2014) Towards the development of an Inter-Cultural Scale to Measure Trust in Automation. In: HCI International 2014 (16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction), 22 June 2014 - 27 June 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.

Cui, Naomi and Zhu, Minyi and Law, Vina and Tse, Holman and Nagy, Naomi (2014) Exploring automated formant analysis for comparative variationist study of Heritage Cantonese and English. In: Change and Variation in Canada / Changement et Variation au Canada (CVC 8), 31 May 2014 - 31 May 2014, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada.

Collister, Lauren Brittany and Deliyannides, Timothy S (2014) The Library as Publisher. In: Open and Shut: The Case for OA in Libraries, Spring Program of the PaLA CRD, 30 May 2014 - 30 May 2014, Arcadia University, Glenside, PA. (Unpublished)

Reinsfelder, Tom and Barnett, John H (2014) Open Access: Where Are We Now and How Did We Get Here? In: Open and Shut: The Case for OA in Libraries, Spring Program of the PaLA CRD, 30 May 2014 - 30 May 2014, Arcadia University, Glenside, PA. (Unpublished)

Thomas, Amberyn and Rowlands, Ian and Mayo, Alexa and Larsen, Ronald L (2014) Bibliometrics Seminar. In: Bibliometrics Seminar, 22 May 2014 - 22 May 2014, University Library System, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished)

Yuan, Chenhui and Koes, David (2014) Computing free energies with PyBrella. In: 19th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB) 2015, 11 April 2015 - 15 April 2015, Warsaw, Poland.

Deliyannides, Timothy S and Gabler, Vanessa (2014) Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talk #11: The ULS Open Access Author Fee Fund. In: Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talks, 15 May 2014 - 15 May 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. (Unpublished)

Graur, Simona and Ladouceur, Cecile D and Manelis, Anna and Monk, Kelly and Bonar, Lisa K and Bebko, Genna and Bertocci, Michele A and Birmaher, Boris and Phillips, Mary L (2014) Early Impulsivity in Youth at Familial Risk of Bipolar Disorder. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Jones, Neil P and Conner, Olivia (2014) The Neural Mechanisms Underlying Problem-Focused Rumination in Depression. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Graham, Clinton T (2014) Revision Control in Managing Local Code. In: ELUNA 2014, 29 April 2014 - 02 May 2014, Montréal, Québec.

Leung, Vincent and Ing, Michael (2014) Empire, Ethics, and Tradition: An International Conference on the Han Dynasty [conference program]. In: Empire, Ethics, and Tradition: An International Conference on the Han Dynasty, 23 May 2014 - 24 May 2014, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished)

López, Claudia (2014) Investigating the adoption of local online communities. In: CHI '14: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

Malkin, Alexander D and Sheehan, Robert and Redl, Heinz and Clermont, Gilles (2014) A neutrophil phenotype model for extracorporeal treatment of sepsis. In: 34th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (ISICEM) 2014, Brussels, Belgium.

Barnett, John H and Deliyannides, Timothy S and Collister, Lauren Brittany and Gabler, Vanessa (2014) Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talk #10: SPARC and the Library Publishing Coalition. In: Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talks, 17 April 2014 - 17 April 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. (Unpublished)

López, C and Farzan, R (2014) Analysis of local online review systems as digital word-of-mouth. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Kola, Sushma and Lagouros, Evan and Kaplowitz, Kevin and Davis, Rachel and Schuman, Joel S and Loewen, Nils A (2014) Comparison of Trabectome Ab Interno Trabeculectomy to Baerveldt and Ahmed Glaucoma Implants. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Loewen, Ralitsa and Lagouros, Evan and Loewen, Nils A (2014) Trabectome-Mediated Ab Interno Trabeculectomy in Highly Complex Glaucomas. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Gomez, Marcela M and Cui, Liu and Weiss, Martin BH (2014) Trading Wireless Capacity Through Spectrum Virtualization Using LTE-A. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Barnett, John H and Reinsfelder, Tom (2014) Developing a Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal for Pennsylvania Librarians--Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice. In: Promoting Scholarly Communication through Open Access Journals, 28 March 2014 - 28 March 2014, Brockport, NY, USA.

Malki, Amer and Weiss, Martin BH (2014) Ex-Post Enforcement in Spectrum Sharing. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Zou, Xiuying and Hampton, Mariam (2014) "The Restructuring of Public Services and Opportunities for East Asian Librarians: A Case Study at the University of Pittsburgh". In: CEAL Annual Meeting, 24 March 2014 - 28 March 2014, Chicago. (Unpublished)

Barnett, John H and Collister, Lauren Brittany (2014) Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talk #9: Using Altmetrics to Demonstrate Scholarly Impact. In: Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talks, 27 March 2014 - 27 March 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. (Unpublished)

Deliyannides, Timothy S (2014) Open Access publishing at Pitt: alignment with local and global OA policies. In: Library Publishing Forum, 06 March 2014 - 07 March 2014, Kansas City, MO. (Unpublished)

Manning, Patrick (2014) A World-Historical Archive: A means to link humanities and social-science disciplines. In: Interdisciplinarity in History: An Old Method in a New World Context, 06 March 2014 - 06 March 2014, Qatar University. (Unpublished)

Barnett, John H and Reinsfelder, Tom (2014) A Library Publisher & State Library Association Working Together--Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice. In: Library Publishing Forum, 06 March 2014 - 07 March 2014, Kansas City, MO. (Unpublished)

Collister, Lauren Brittany (2014) Plum Analytics' Article-level Altmetrics Widget for Open Journal Systems. In: SPARC Open Access Meeting Innovation Fair, 03 March 2014 - 04 March 2014, Kansas City, MO. (Unpublished)

Hirtle, Stephen C and Richter, Kai-Florian (2014) Advances in Spatial Information Science. In: Advances in Spatial Information Science.

Corrall, Sheila and Pinfield, Stephen (2014) Coherence of "Open" Initiatives in Higher Education and Research: Framing a Policy Agenda. In: iConference 2014 Proceedings: Breaking Down Walls. Culture - Context - Computing.

Beaton, Brian and Jeng, Wei and Champagne, Ryan (2014) Exploring the Use of `Acknowledgement Analysis' to Map Intellectual Diversity and Cross-disciplinary Activity Within the iSchools. In: iConference 2014 Proceedings: Breaking Down Walls. Culture - Context - Computing.

Bahm, CR and Hirtle, Stephen C (2014) Textual Directions and Cognitive Workload. In: iConference 2014, 04 March 2014 - 07 March 2014, Berlin, Germany.

UNSPECIFIED (2014) iConference 2014 Proceedings. In: iConference 2014 Proceedings: Breaking Down Walls. Culture - Context - Computing.

Webster, Berenika M and Kear, Robin (2014) Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talk #8: Using Bibliometric (Publication and Citation) Indicators to Demonstrate Impact. In: Scholarly Communication and Publishing Lunch and Learn Talks, 2014-02-20 - 2014-02-20, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Barnett, John H (2014) PaLRaP Copyeditor Training. In: PaLRaP Copyeditor Training, 31 January 2014 - 31 January 2014. (Unpublished)

Putnam, Lara (2014) Sidney Young, the Panama Tribune, and the Geography of Black Belonging. In: American Historical Association Annual Meeting, January 2014 - January 2014, Washington DC. (Unpublished)

Thirumala, PD and Krishnaiah, B and Crammond, DJ and Habeych, ME and Balzer, JR (2014) Analysis of wave III of brain stem auditory evoked potential waveforms during microvascular decompression of cranial nerve VII for hemifacial spasm. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Goodwin, S and Jeng, W and He, D (2014) Changing communication on researchgate through interface updates. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Cai, Y and Cui, L and Pelechrinis, K and Krishnamurthy, P and Weiss, MBH and Mo, Y (2014) Decoupling trust and wireless channel induced effects on collaborative sensing attacks. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lopez, C and Farzan, R (2014) Designing for neighborhoods: Lessons learned from paper-based bulletin boards. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Cui, L and Gomez, MM and Weiss, MBH (2014) Dimensions of cooperative spectrum sharing: Rights and enforcement. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Hosseini, R and Brusilovsky, P (2014) Example-based problem solving support using concept analysis of programming content. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Khajah, MM and Huang, Y and González-Brenes, JP and Mozer, MC and Brusilovsky, P (2014) Integrating knowledge tracing and item response theory: A tale of two frameworks. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Farzan, R and Han, S (2014) My friends are here! Why talk to "Strangers"? In: UNSPECIFIED.

Waugh, A and Ahn, J and Magee, RM and Bowler, L and Agosto, DE and Subramaniam, M (2014) Youth beyond borders: Methodological challenges in youth information interaction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Verbert, K and Parra, D and Brusilovsky, P (2014) The effect of different set-based visualizations on user exploration of recommendations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Corrall, Sheila (2014) Capturing the contribution of subject librarians: Applying strategy maps and balanced scorecards to liaison work. In: 10th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 22 July 2013 - 25 July 2013, York, UK.

Collister, Lauren B and Deliyannides, Timothy S (2014) E-Journal Publishing by the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lyon, L and Webster, Keith (2014) Embedding immersive informatics research data management within the iSchool curriculum: a laboratory-based action research Case Study. In: Library Research Seminar VI, 07 October 2014 - 09 October 2014, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Leung, Vincent (2014) Excavated Texts and Early Chinese Empires. In: AAS-in-Asia: on ‘Asia in Motion: Heritage and Transformation’,, 17 July 2014 - 19 July 2014, Singapore. (Unpublished)

Hosseini, Roya and Vihavainen, Arto and Brusilovsky, Peter (2014) Exploring Problem Solving Paths in a Java Programming Course. In: Psychology of Programming Interest Group Conference, PPIG 2014.

Tsai, Chun-Hua and Lin, Yu-Ru (2014) From media reporting to international relations: a case study of asia-pacific economic cooperation (apec). In: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on Web science, 23 June 2014 - 26 June 2014, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.

Gonzalez-Brenes, Jose and Huang, Yun and Brusilovsky, Peter (2014) General Features in Knowledge Tracing to Model Multiple Subskills, Temporal Item Response Theory, and Expert Knowledge. In: The 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, London.

Le, Anh and Lin, Yu-Ru and Pelechrinis, Konstantinos (2014) Information Network Mining: A Case For Emergency Scenarios. In: The 2014 KDD Workshop on Learning about Emergencies from Social Information ({KDD}-{LESI} 2014).

UNSPECIFIED (2014) Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Guerra, Julio and Sahebi, Shaghayegh and Lin, Yu-Ru and Brusilovsky, Peter (2014) The Problem Solving Genome: Analyzing Sequential Patterns of Student Work with Parameterized Exercises. In: Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2014).

Lewis, Michael and Chien, Shih Yi and Mehrotra, Siddharth and Chakraborty, Nilanjan and Sycara, Katia P (2014) Task switching and cognitively compatible guidance for control of multiple robots. In: 2014 {IEEE} International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, {ROBIO} 2014, Bali, Indonesia, December 5-10, 2014.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 17:51:10 2025 EDT.