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Number of items: 152.


Withers, Clare (2017) "Second Reaction: Roller Girl and the Ups, Downs, Aches, and Pains of Teen Relationships.". First Opinions. Second Reactions, 10 (2). ISSN 2152-9043


Wu, Bisheng and Liu, Tianle and Zhang, Xi and Wu, Bailin and Jeffrey, Robert and Bunger, Andrew (2017) A Transient Analytical Model for Predicting Wellbore/Reservoir Temperature and Stresses during Drilling with Fluid Circulation. Energies, 11 (1). ISSN 1996-1073

Sharma, Nitin and Kirsch, Nicholas Andrew and Alibeji, Naji A. and Dixon, Warren E. (2017) A Non-Linear Control Method to Compensate for Muscle Fatigue during Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 4. ISSN 2296-9144

Kear, Robin (2017) A Brief View of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions World Library & Information Congress (IFLA WLIC 2017) in Wroclaw, Poland. International Information & Library Review, 49 (4). pp. 316-320. ISSN 1095-9297

Subramanian, Sandeep and Ganapathiraju, Madhavi (2017) Antibody Exchange: Information Extraction of Biological Antibody Donation and a Web-Portal to Find Donors and Seekers. Data, 2 (4). ISSN 2306-5729

Collister, Lauren B and Taylor, Ashley L (2017) Altmetrics, Legacy Scholarship, and Scholarly Legacy. Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice, 5 (2). 127 - 137.

Smith, Jackie (2017) Alternative Metrics Challenge Conventions on Assessing Journals’ Impacts. PEWS NEWS, Newsletter of the American Sociological Association Section on Political Economy of the World-System. (In Press)

Gianaros, Peter J. and Sheu, Lei K. and Uyar, Fatma and Koushik, Jayanth and Jennings, J. Richard and Wager, Tor D. and Singh, Aarti and Verstynen, Timothy D. (2017) A Brain Phenotype for Stressor‐Evoked Blood Pressure Reactivity. Journal of the American Heart Association, 6 (9). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2047-9980

Gujrati, Abhijeet and Khanal, Subarna R. and Jacobs, Tevis D. B. (2017) A Method for Quantitative Real-Time Evaluation of Measurement Reliability When Using Atomic Force Microscopy-Based Metrology. IEEE Nano, 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Nanotechnology. pp. 135-138. ISSN 1944-9380

Tennant, Jonathan P and Dugan, Jonathan M and Graziotin, Daniel and Jacques, Damien C and Waldner, François and Mietchen, Daniel and Elkhatib, Yehia and B. Collister, Lauren and Pikas, Christina K and Crick, Tom and Masuzzo, Paola and Caravaggi, Anthony and Berg, Devin R and Niemeyer, Kyle E and Ross-Hellauer, Tony and Mannheimer, Sara and Rigling, Lillian and Katz, Daniel S and Greshake Tzovaras, Bastian and Pacheco-Mendoza, Josmel and Fatima, Nazeefa and Poblet, Marta and Isaakidis, Marios and Irawan, Dasapta Erwin and Renaut, Sébastien and Madan, Christopher R and Matthias, Lisa and Nørgaard Kjær, Jesper and O'Donnell, Daniel Paul and Neylon, Cameron and Kearns, Sarah and Selvaraju, Manojkumar and Colomb, Julien (2017) A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review. F1000Research, 6. 1151 - 1151.

Baker, Nancy A. and Barbour, Kamil E. and Helmick, Charles G. and Zack, Matthew and Al Snih, Soham (2017) Arthritis and cognitive impairment in older adults. Rheumatology International, 37 (6). pp. 955-961. ISSN 0172-8172

Villalba, German and Plaza, Fernando and Zhong, Xiaoyang and Davis, Tyler and Navarro, Miguel and Li, Yimei and Slater, Thomas and Liang, Yao and Liang, Xu (2017) A Networked Sensor System for the Analysis of Plot-Scale Hydrology. Sensors, 17 (3). ISSN 1424-8220

Liu, Yuzhe and Gopalakrishnan, Vanathi (2017) An Overview and Evaluation of Recent Machine Learning Imputation Methods Using Cardiac Imaging Data. Data, 2 (1). p. 8. ISSN 2306-5729

Gharani, Pedram and Suffeletto, Brian and Chung, Tammy and Karimi, Hassan A. (2017) An Artificial Neural Network for Movement Pattern Analysis to Estimate Blood Alcohol Content Level. Sensors.

Zhang, Haihui (2017) A Book Review on Zhongguo guji yuanke fanke yu chuyin houyin yanjiu 中国古籍原刻翻刻与初印后印研究. Brill journal East Asian Publishing and Society, 7. pp. 188-189. ISSN ISSN: 2210-6278

Hosseini, Roya and Brusilovsky, Peter (2017) A study of concept-based similarity approaches for recommending program examples. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 23 (3). pp. 161-188. ISSN 1361-4568


Balderston, Daniel (2017) Borges en el mundo, el mundo en Borges. Revista Chilena de Literatura (96). pp. 55-66. ISSN 0718-2295

Hamoudi, HA (2017) Book Review: Arguing Islam After the Revival of Arab Politics. Journal of Law and Religion, 32 (3). 527 - 531. ISSN 0748-0814

Hązła, Jan and Jadbabaie, Ali and Mossel, Elchanan and Rahimian, M Amin (2017) Bayesian Decision Making in Groups is Hard.

Rahimian, MA and Jadbabaie, A (2017) Bayesian learning without recall. IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 3 (3). 592 - 606.


Londono, Ricardo and Wenzhong, Wei and Wang, Bing and Tuan, Rocky S. and Lozito, Thomas P. (2017) Cartilage and Muscle Cell Fate and Origins during Lizard Tail Regeneration. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 5 (70). ISSN 2296-4185

Crossley, Mary (2017) Community Integration of People with Disabilities: Can Olmstead Protect Against Retrenchment? Laws, 6 (4). ISSN 2075-471X

Billaud, Marie and Donnenberg, Vera S. and Ellis, Bradley W. and Meyer, E. Michael and Donnenberg, Albert D. and Hill, Jennifer C. and Richards, Tara D. and Gleason, Thomas G. and Phillippi, Julie A. (2017) Classification and Functional Characterization of Vasa Vasorum-Associated Perivascular Progenitor Cells in Human Aorta. Stem Cell Reports, 9 (1). pp. 292-303. ISSN 22136711

Corrall, Sheila (2017) Crossing the threshold: Reflective practice in information literacy development. Journal of Information Literacy, 11 (1). 23 - 53. ISSN 1750-5968

Beziau, Antoine and de Menezes, Rafael and Biswas, Santidan and Singh, Awaneesh and Cuthbert, Julia and Balazs, Anna and Kowalewski, Tomasz and Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof (2017) Combining ATRP and FRP Gels: Soft Gluing of Polymeric Materials for the Fabrication of Stackable Gels. Polymers, 9 (6). ISSN 2073-4360

Boatz, JC and Whitley, MJ and Li, M and Gronenborn, AM and Van Der Wel, PCA (2017) Cataract-associated P23T γ 3D-crystallin retains a native-like fold in amorphous-looking aggregates formed at physiological pH. Nature Communications, 8.

Fazzini, Caroline (2017) Culminating Essay- Materiality as Method: Communicating Through Form in Artists' Books. (Unpublished)

Wallisch, Jessica S. and Simon, Dennis W. and Bayır, Hülya and Bell, Michael J. and Kochanek, Patrick M. and Clark, Robert S. B. (2017) Cerebrospinal Fluid NLRP3 is Increased After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Infants and Children. Neurocritical Care, 27 (1). pp. 44-50. ISSN 1541-6933

Mulwa Kitutu, Julius (2017) Comparing Job Expectations and Satisfaction: A Pilot Study Focusing on Men in Nursing. American Journal of Nursing Science, 6 (5). 396 - 396. ISSN 2328-5745

Balderston, Daniel (2017) Cómo escribía Borges: un cuento y un poema. Lo que los archivos cuentan (5). ISSN 1688-9827


Moreines, Jared L. and Owrutsky, Zoe L. and Gagnon, Kimberly G. and Grace, Anthony A. (2017) Divergent effects of acute and repeated quetiapine treatment on dopamine neuron activity in normal vs. chronic mild stress induced hypodopaminergic states. Translational Psychiatry, 7 (12). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2158-3188

Sadowsky, David and Abboud, Andrew and Cyr, Anthony and Vodovotz, Lena and Fontes, Paulo and Zamora, Ruben and Vodovotz, Yoram (2017) Dynamic Data-Driven Modeling for Ex Vivo Data Analysis: Insights into Liver Transplantation and Pathobiology. Computation, 5 (4). ISSN 2079-3197

Hakimi, Jedd (2017) Designing Auteurs: Video Games, Authorship, and MoMA. Écrans—Politique des auteurs / Auteur theory. Lectures contemporaines, 2 (6). pp. 207-225. ISSN 2267-4357

Duchesne Winter, Juan (2017) Derrida y el pensamiento amazónico (La bestia y el soberano / el jaguar y el chamán). Cuadernos de Literatura, 21 (41). 168 - 193. ISSN 0122-8102

Jones, Kiana (2017) David Rumsey Map Collection. Multimedia & Technology Reviews.

Aklin, Michaël and Bayer, Patrick and Harish, S. P. and Urpelainen, Johannes (2017) Does basic energy access generate socioeconomic benefits? A field experiment with off-grid solar power in India. Science Advances, 3 (5). e1602153. ISSN 2375-2548

Chattopadhyay, Aditi and Ganapathiraju, Madhavi (2017) Demonstration Study: A Protocol to Combine Online Tools and Databases for Identifying Potentially Repurposable Drugs. Data, 2 (2). ISSN 2306-5729

Remais, Justin V. and Bibby, Kyle and Fischer, Robert J. and Casson, Leonard W. and de Carvalho, Nathalia Aquino and Haas, Charles N. and Munster, Vincent J. (2017) Disinfection of Ebola Virus in Sterilized Municipal Wastewater. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11 (2). e0005299. ISSN 1935-2735

Zadorozhny, Vladimir and Krishnamurthy, Prashant and Abdelhakim, Mai and Pelechrinis, Konstantinos and Xu, Jiawei (2017) Data Credence in IoR: Vision and Challenges. Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT), 3 (1). pp. 12-17.

Zadorozhny, Vladimir and Krishnamurthy, Prashant and Abdelhakim, Mai and Pelechrinis, Kostantinos and Xu, Jiawei (2017) Data Credence in IoT: Vision and Challenges. Open Journal of Internet of Things (OJIOT), v. 3, N. 1, 114-126, 2017. Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT 2017) in conjunction with the VLDB 2017 Conference., 3 (1). pp. 114-126.

Mostafaei, Amir and Hughes, Eamonn T. and Hilla, Colleen and Stevens, Erica L. and Chmielus, Markus (2017) Data on the densification during sintering of binder jet printed samples made from water- and gas-atomized alloy 625 powders. Data in Brief, 10. pp. 116-121. ISSN 23523409

Gómez-Ruiz, FJ and Mendoza-Arenas, JJ and Acevedo, OL and Rodríguez, FJ and Quiroga, L and Johnson, NF (2017) Dynamics of Entanglement and the Schmidt Gap in a Driven Light-Matter System. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 2017.


Udeigwe, LC and Munro, PW and Ermentrout, GB (2017) Emergent Dynamical Properties of the BCM Learning Rule. Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 7 (1).

Anderson, Mark Lynn (2017) Editor's Introduction: Betterment. Feminist Media Histories, 3 (4). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2373-7492

Maries, Alexandru and Sayer, Ryan and Singh, Chandralekha (2017) Effectiveness of interactive tutorials in promoting “which-path” information reasoning in advanced quantum mechanics. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 13 (2). ISSN 2469-9896

Pelechrinis, Konstantinos and Zacharias, Christos and Kokkodis, Marios and Lappas, Theodoros (2017) Economic impact and policy implications from urban shared transportation: The case of Pittsburgh’s shared bike system. PLOS ONE, 12 (8). ISSN 1932-6203

Balaguer, Jacint and Pelechrinis, Konstantinos and Zacharias, Christos and Kokkodis, Marios and Lappas, Theodoros (2017) Economic impact and policy implications from urban shared transportation: The case of Pittsburgh’s shared bike system. PLOS ONE, 12 (8). e0184092. ISSN 1932-6203

King, Christina D. and Dudenhoeffer, Joseph D. and Gu, Liqing and Evans, Adam R. and Robinson, Renã A. S. (2017) Enhanced Sample Multiplexing of Tissues Using Combined Precursor Isotopic Labeling and Isobaric Tagging (cPILOT). Journal of Visualized Experiments (123). ISSN 1940-087X

Guo, Zong Sheng and Bartlett, David L (2017) Editorial of the Special Issue: Oncolytic Viruses as a Novel Form of Immunotherapy for Cancer. Biomedicines, 5 (3). p. 52. ISSN 2227-9059

May, Alexandra G. and Sen, Ayan and Cove, Matthew E. and Kellum, John A. and Federspiel, William J. (2017) Extracorporeal CO2 removal by hemodialysis: in vitro model and feasibility. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 5 (1). ISSN 2197-425X

Harvey, Lloyd and Chan, Stephen (2017) Emerging Metabolic Therapies in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 6 (4). ISSN 2077-0383

Klymkowsky, Michael and Wozniak, Katherine L. and Mayfield, Brianna L. and Duray, Alexis M. and Tembo, Maiwase and Beleny, David O. and Napolitano, Marc A. and Sauer, Monica L. and Wisner, Bennett W. and Carlson, Anne E. (2017) Extracellular Ca2+ Is Required for Fertilization in the African Clawed Frog, Xenopus laevis. PLOS ONE, 12 (1). e0170405. ISSN 1932-6203

Zhang, Danchen and He, Daqing (2017) Enhancing Clinical Decision Support Systems with Public Knowledge Bases. Data and Information Management. (In Press)


Esfandiari, Hamed and Loewen, Nils A. and Hassanpour, Kiana and Fatourechi, A and Yazdani, S and Yaseri, M and Pakravan, Mohammad (2017) Fuchs Heterochromic Iridocyclitis-Associated Glaucoma: A Retrospective Comparison of Primary Ahmed Glaucoma Valve implantation and Trabeculectomy with MMC. (Submitted)

El Shamieh, Said and Méjécase, Cécile and Bertelli, Matteo and Terray, Angélique and Michiels, Christelle and Condroyer, Christel and Fouquet, Stéphane and Sadoun, Maxime and Clérin, Emmanuelle and Liu, Binqian and Léveillard, Thierry and Goureau, Olivier and Sahel, José-Alain and Audo, Isabelle and Zeitz, Christina (2017) Further Insights into the Ciliary Gene and Protein KIZ and Its Murine Ortholog PLK1S1 Mutated in Rod-Cone Dystrophy. Genes, 8 (10). p. 277. ISSN 2073-4425

Lin, HK and Boatz, JC and Krabbendam, IE and Kodali, R and Hou, Z and Wetzel, R and Dolga, AM and Poirier, MA and Van Der Wel, PCA (2017) Fibril polymorphism affects immobilized non-amyloid flanking domains of huntingtin exon1 rather than its polyglutamine core. Nature Communications, 8.

Price, Rebecca (2017) Fragile elite : The dilemmas of China's top university students. CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 54 (5). ISSN 0009-4978


Yan, Fuyao and Xiong, Wei and Faierson, Eric (2017) Grain Structure Control of Additively Manufactured Metallic Materials. Materials, 10 (11). ISSN 1996-1944

Smith, Jackie (2017) GRASSROOTS NOTES: City-Based Movements Seek to Strengthen Local Human Rights Implementation. ASA Section on Human Rights Newsletter.

Teng, Bo and Jiang, Junguang and Zhao, Lijing and Gao, Jing and Chen, Junyu and Liu, Zhe and Wang, Hongda and Lu, Binfeng (2017) Ginsenoside PPD’s Antitumor Effect via Down-Regulation of mTOR Revealed by Super-Resolution Imaging. Molecules, 22 (3). ISSN 1420-3049

Hsiao, IH and Brusilovsky, P (2017) Guiding and motivating students through open social student modeling: Lessons learned. Teachers College Record, 119 (3). ISSN 0161-4681


Guan, Jian and Bywaters, Stephanie and Brendle, Sarah and Ashley, Robert and Makhov, Alexander and Conway, James and Christensen, Neil and Hafenstein, Susan (2017) High-Resolution Structure Analysis of Antibody V5 and U4 Conformational Epitopes on Human Papillomavirus 16. Viruses, 9 (12). ISSN 1999-4915

Newman, Ian and Ding, Lanyan and Shell, Duane and Lin, Lida (2017) How Social Reactions to Alcohol-Related Facial Flushing Are Affected by Gender, Relationship, and Drinking Purposes: Implications for Education to Reduce Aerodigestive Cancer Risks. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (6). ISSN 1660-4601

Rothenberger, Natalie and Stabile, Laura (2017) Hepatocyte Growth Factor/c-Met Signaling in Head and Neck Cancer and Implications for Treatment. Cancers, 9 (4). ISSN 2072-6694

Votruba, Martin (2017) Herder and Modernity: From Lesser-Taught Languages to Lesser-Taught Cultures. East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, 4 (1). 95 - 95.

Kay, Daniel and Buysse, Daniel (2017) Hyperarousal and Beyond: New Insights to the Pathophysiology of Insomnia Disorder through Functional Neuroimaging Studies. Brain Sciences, 7 (3). p. 23. ISSN 2076-3425

Lee, Danielle H. and Brusilovsky, Peter (2017) How to measure information similarity in online social networks: A case study of Citeulike. Information Sciences, 418-41. pp. 46-60. ISSN 00200255


Wang, Chao and Dang, Yalong and Loewen, Ralitsa T. and Waxman, Susannah and Shah, Priyal and Xia, Xiaobo and Loewen, Nils A. (2017) Impact of Pigment Dispersion on Trabecular Meshwork Cells. (Submitted)

Verma, Akash and Gaffen, Sarah and Swidergall, Marc (2017) Innate Immunity to Mucosal Candida Infections. Journal of Fungi, 3 (4). ISSN 2309-608X

Vishnubhotla, Sai Bharadwaj and Chen, Rimei and Khanal, Subarna and Hu, Xiaoli and Martini, Ashlie and Jacobs, Tevis (2017) In situ Mechanical Testing of Contacts Between Nanoscale Bodies: Measuring the Load-dependence of Contact Area. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 23 (S1). pp. 746-747. ISSN 1431-9276

Nguyen, Hieu M. (2017) Inequality in healthcare costs between residing and non-residing patients: evidence from Vietnam. International Journal for Equity in Health, 16 (1). ISSN 1475-9276

Jeng, W and DesAutels, S and He, D and Li, L (2017) Information exchange on an academic social networking site: A multidiscipline comparison on researchgate Q&A. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68 (3). 638 - 652. ISSN 2330-1635

Madison, Michael J (2017) IP Things as Boundary Objects: The Case of the Copyright Work. Laws, 6 (3). pp. 13-57. ISSN 2075-471X

Peng, Zhenbo and Yang, Rui and Kim, Min A. and Li, Lei and Liu, Haitao (2017) Influence of O2, H2O and airborne hydrocarbons on the properties of selected 2D materials. RSC Advances, 7 (43). pp. 27048-27057. ISSN 2046-2069


Kostanyan, T and Shazly, T and Kaplowitz, KB and Wang, SZ and Kola, S and Brown, EN and Loewen, NA (2017) Longer-term Baerveldt to Trabectome glaucoma surgery comparison using propensity score matching. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 255 (12). 2423 - 2428. ISSN 0721-832X

Esfandiari, Hamed and Amouhashemi, Nassim and Yaseri, Mehdi and Torkian, Pooya and Pakravan, Mohammad and Jadidi, Khosrow and Loewen, Nils A. (2017) Low Iris and Anterior Chamber Volume Associated with Deepening after Laser Peripheral Iridotomy in Primary Angle Closure Suspects. (Submitted)

Stone, LB and Silk, JS and Oppenheimer, CW and Benoit Allen, K and Waller, JM and Dahl, RE (2017) Linking Maternal Socialization of Emotion Regulation to Adolescents’ Co-rumination With Peers. Journal of Early Adolescence, 37 (9). 1341 - 1355. ISSN 0272-4316

Brusilovsky, Peter and Oh, Jung Sun and López, Claudia and Parra, Denis and Jeng, Wei (2017) Linking information and people in a social system for academic conferences. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 23 (2). pp. 81-111. ISSN 1361-4568

Cox, Richard James (2017) Lester J. Cappon and the Idea of the Public Scholar. Libraries: Culture, History, and Society, 1 (1). 126 - 151. ISSN 2473-0343

Yu, Shibing and Fourman, Mitchell Stephen and Mahjoub, Adel and Mandell, Jonathan Brendan and Crasto, Jared Anthony and Greco, Nicholas Giuseppe and Weiss, Kurt Richard (2017) Lung cells support osteosarcoma cell migration and survival. BMC Cancer, 17 (1). ISSN 1471-2407

Lustgarten, Jonathan and Balasubramanian, Jeya and Visweswaran, Shyam and Gopalakrishnan, Vanathi (2017) Learning Parsimonious Classification Rules from Gene Expression Data Using Bayesian Networks with Local Structure. Data, 2 (1). ISSN 2306-5729

Smith, J (2017) Local responses to right-wing populism: Building human rights cities. Studies in Social Justice, 11 (2). 347 - 368. ISSN 1911-4788

Corrall, Sheila (2017) Library space assessment: A review and professional education case study. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 18 (2). ISSN 1467-8047 (In Press)

Smith, Jackie (2017) Local Responses to Right-Wing Populism: Building Human Rights Cities. Studies in Social Justice. (In Press)


Karimi, Maryam and Krishnamurthy, PV and Joshi, J and Tipper, David (2017) Mining Historical Data towards Interference Management in Wireless SDNs. Q2SWinet '17: Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks.

Jacobs, Tevis D. B. and Martini, Ashlie (2017) Measuring and Understanding Contact Area at the Nanoscale: A Review. Applied Mechanics Reviews, 69. 060802. ISSN 0003-6900

He, Xingsheng and Lin, Yu-Ru (2017) Measuring and monitoring collective attention during shocking events.

Preciado, VM and Rahimian, MA (2017) Moment-based spectral analysis of random graphs with given expected degrees. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 4 (4). 215 - 228.

Lauer, Aaron and Mihok, Briana (2017) Moving Beyond 20th Century Education: Emerging Trends in CTE and Project-based Learning. (Unpublished)

Toner, Alex (2017) Making it Stick: Records Management Training Approaches. (Submitted)

Silk, JS and Lee, KH and Elliott, RD and Hooley, JM and Dahl, RE and Barber, A and Siegle, GJ (2017) Mom-I don't want to hear it: Brain response to maternal praise and criticism in adolescents with major depressive disorder. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12 (5). 729 - 738. ISSN 1749-5016


Alter, Joseph and Nair, R. and Nair, Rukmani (2017) Nature Cure and Non-Communicable Diseases: Ecological Therapy as Health Care in India. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (12). ISSN 1660-4601


Mandal, A and Boatz, JC and Wheeler, TB and van der Wel, PCA (2017) On the use of ultracentrifugal devices for routine sample preparation in biomolecular magic-angle-spinning NMR. Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 67 (3). 165 - 178. ISSN 0925-2738

Martin, Katherine and Li, Noriyasu (2017) OVERLAP IN FUNCTIONAL AND ORTHOGRAPHIC WRITTEN ERRORS BY L2 LEARNERS OF JAPANESE. Proceedings of the 23rd Princeton Japanese Pedagoogy Forum. pp. 234-259.

Li, Noriyasu and Martin, Katherine (2017) Orthographical errors in beginning and intermediate learners of L2 Japanese from two L1s. Pacific Second Language Research Forum 2016 Conference Proceedings. pp. 127-132.


Lipski, WJ and Dibble, SM and Rinaman, L and Grace, AA (2017) Psychogenic stress activates C-Fos in nucleus accumbens-projecting neurons of the hippocampal ventral subiculum. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 20 (10). 855 - 860. ISSN 1461-1457

Primack, Brian A. and Colditz, Jason B. and Rosen, Eva and Giles, Leila M. and Jackson, Kristina and Kraemer, Kevin L. (2017) Portrayal of Alcohol Brands Popular Among Underage Youth on YouTube: A Content Analysis. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 48 (5). pp. 654-664. ISSN 1938-4114

Lin, Hang and Tang, Ying and Lozito, Thomas P. and Oyster, Nicholas and Kang, Robert B. and Fritch, Madalyn R. and Wang, Bing and Tuan, Rocky S. (2017) Projection Stereolithographic Fabrication of BMP-2 Gene-activated Matrix for Bone Tissue Engineering. Scientific Reports, 7 (1). ISSN 2045-2322

Gattu, Bharat and Epur, Rigved and Shanti, Pavithra and Jampani, Prashanth and Kuruba, Ramalinga and Datta, Moni and Manivannan, Ayyakkannu and Kumta, Prashant (2017) Pulsed Current Electrodeposition of Silicon Thin Films Anodes for Lithium Ion Battery Applications. Inorganics, 5 (2). ISSN 2304-6740

Loewen, NA and Esfandiari, H and Pakravan, M and Yaseri, M (2017) Predictive value of early postoperative IOP and bleb morphology in Mitomycin-C augmented trabeculectomy. F1000Research, 6. ISSN 2046-1402

Webster, Berenika M (2017) Principles to guide reliable and ethical research evaluation using metric-based indicators of impact. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 18 (1). pp. 5-8. ISSN 1467-8047


Jacobs, Tevis D. B. and Junge, Till and Pastewka, Lars (2017) Quantitative characterization of surface topography using spectral analysis. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 5 (1). 013001. ISSN 2051-672X


Dang, Y and Waxman, S and Wang, C and Parikh, HA and Bussel, II and Loewen, RT and Xia, X and Lathrop, KL and Bilonick, RA and Loewen, NA (2017) Rapid learning curve assessment in an ex vivo training system for microincisional glaucoma surgery. Scientific Reports, 7 (1).

Brougham, Patricia L. and Uttley, Clarissa M. (2017) Risk for Researchers Studying Social Deviance or Criminal Behavior. Social Sciences, 6 (4). ISSN 2076-0760

Weng, Jiaxin and Zhao, Shichao and Li, Zhiting and Ricardo, Karen and Zhou, Feng and Kim, Hyojeong and Liu, Haitao (2017) Raman Enhancement and Photo-Bleaching of Organic Dyes in the Presence of Chemical Vapor Deposition-Grown Graphene. Nanomaterials, 7 (10). p. 337. ISSN 2079-4991

Saaty, Thomas and De Paola, Pierfrancesco (2017) Rethinking Design and Urban Planning for the Cities of the Future. Buildings, 7 (3). ISSN 2075-5309

Boushey, Carol and Spoden, Melissa and Delp, Edward and Zhu, Fengqing and Bosch, Marc and Ahmad, Ziad and Shvetsov, Yurii and DeLany, James and Kerr, Deborah (2017) Reported Energy Intake Accuracy Compared to Doubly Labeled Water and Usability of the Mobile Food Record among Community Dwelling Adults. Nutrients, 9 (3). ISSN 2072-6643

Wang, Qingde and Li, Xiaoni and Qi, Ruofan and Billiar, Timothy (2017) RNA Editing, ADAR1, and the Innate Immune Response. Genes, 8 (1). ISSN 2073-4425

Kear, Robin and Brenner, Aaron L. and Wider, Eve (2017) Reinvigorating strategic planning: An inclusive, collaborative process. College & Research Libraries News (C&RL News), 78 (1). pp. 28-31. ISSN 2150-6698


Foster, JA and Rinaman, L and Cryan, JF (2017) Stress & the gut-brain axis: Regulation by the microbiome. Neurobiology of Stress, 7. 124 - 136.

Babaei, Mahnoush and Clement, J. Arul and Dayal, Kaushik and Shankar, M. Ravi (2017) Steering with light: indexable photomotility in liquid crystalline polymers. RSC Advances, 7 (83). pp. 52510-52516. ISSN 2046-2069

Balderston, Daniel (2017) Saer y el realismo: reflexiones sobre un ejemplar marcado de Realismo y realidad en la narrativa argentina de Portantiero. Badebec: Revista del Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literaria, 7 (13). pp. 139-154. ISSN 1853-9580

Wonch Hill, Patricia and McQuillan, Julia and Talbert, Eli and Spiegel, Amy and Gauthier, G. and Diamond, Judy (2017) Science Possible Selves and the Desire to be a Scientist: Mindsets, Gender Bias, and Confidence during Early Adolescence. Social Sciences, 6 (2). ISSN 2076-0760

Wang, Xiaojia and Li, Chenggong and Shang, Jennifer and Yang, Changhui and Zhang, Bingli and Ke, Xinsheng (2017) Strategic Choices of China’s New Energy Vehicle Industry: An Analysis Based on ANP and SWOT. Energies, 10 (4). ISSN 1996-1073

Jeng, W and He, D and Chi, Y (2017) Social science data repositories in data deluge A case study of ICPSR's workflow and practices. Electronic Library, 35 (4). 626 - 649. ISSN 0264-0473

Ropp, Patrick and Friedman, Aaron and Durrant, Jacob D. (2017) Scoria: a Python module for manipulating 3D molecular data. Journal of Cheminformatics, 9 (52). ISSN 1758-2946

Primack, BA and Shensa, A and Sidani, JE and Whaite, EO and Liu, L and Rosen, D and Colditz, JB and Radovic, AM and Miller, E (2017) Social Media Use and Perceived Social Isolation Among Young Adults in the U.S. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 53 (1).

Whaite, Erin and Shensa, A and Sidani, JE and Colditz, JB and Primack, BA (2017) Social media use, personality characteristics, and social isolation among young adults in the United States. Personality and Individual Differences, 124. pp. 45-50.


Lin, Yu-Ru and Kennedy, Ryan and David, Lazer (2017) The geography of money and politics: Population density, social networks, and political contributions.

Esfandiari, Hamed and Hassanpour, Kiana and Knowlton, Peter and Shazly, Tarek and Mehdi, Yaseri and Loewen, Nils A. (2017) Trabectome Surgery Combined with Baerveldt Glaucoma Implantation Negates Tube Fenestration. (Submitted)

Brusilovsky, Peter (2017) Toward Flexible MOOCs: Student-Sourcing of Learning Content at Scale. Computer, 50 (11). p. 96. ISSN 0018-9162

Li, Q and Vipperman, JS (2017) Two-dimensional arbitrarily shaped acoustic cloaks composed of homogeneous parts. Journal of Applied Physics, 122 (14). ISSN 0021-8979

Bocan, Kara N. and Mickle, Marlin H. and Sejdic, Ervin (2017) Tissue Variability and Antennas for Power Transfer to Wireless Implantable Medical Devices. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 5. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2168-2372

Taylor, MG and Mpourmpakis, G (2017) Thermodynamic stability of ligand-protected metal nanoclusters. Nature Communications, 8.

Taylor, Michael G. and Mpourmpakis, Giannis (2017) Thermodynamic stability of ligand-protected metal nanoclusters. Nature Communications, 8 (1). ISSN 2041-1723

Watson, Alan and Klimstra, William (2017) T Cell-Mediated Immunity towards Yellow Fever Virus and Useful Animal Models. Viruses, 9 (4). ISSN 1999-4915

Price, Rebecca H (2017) The Four-Part Literature Review Process: Breaking It Down for Students. College Teaching, 65 (2). 88 - 91. ISSN 8756-7555

Du, Wenwen and Yang, Min and Turner, Abbey and Xu, Chunling and Ferris, Robert and Huang, Jianan and Kane, Lawrence and Lu, Binfeng (2017) TIM-3 as a Target for Cancer Immunotherapy and Mechanisms of Action. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18 (3). ISSN 1422-0067

Sirleaf, M (2017) The African justice cascade and the malabo protocol. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 11 (1). 71 - 91. ISSN 1752-7716

Teng, Bo and Zhang, Xuelei and Yi, Chunhui and Zhang, Yan and Ye, Shufeng and Wang, Yafang and Tong, Daniel and Lu, Binfeng (2017) The Association between Ambient Air Pollution and Allergic Rhinitis: Further Epidemiological Evidence from Changchun, Northeastern China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (3). ISSN 1660-4601

Jeffers, Victoria and Kamau, Edwin T. and Srinivasan, Ananth R. and Harper, Jonathan and Sankaran, Preethi and Post, Sarah E. and Varberg, Joseph M. and Sullivan, William J. and Boyle, Jon P. and Phillips, Margaret (2017) TgPRELID, a Mitochondrial Protein Linked to Multidrug Resistance in the Parasite Toxoplasma gondii. mSphere, 2 (1). ISSN 2379-5042

Sybeldon, Matthew and Schmit, Lukas and Akcakaya, Murat (2017) Transfer Learning for SSVEP Electroencephalography Based Brain–Computer Interfaces Using Learn++.NSE and Mutual Information. Entropy, 19 (1). p. 41. ISSN 1099-4300

Coudriet, Gina and Delmastro-Greenwood, Meghan and Previte, Dana and Marré, Meghan and O’Connor, Erin and Novak, Elizabeth and Vincent, Garret and Mollen, Kevin and Lee, Sojin and Dong, H. and Piganelli, Jon (2017) Treatment with a Catalytic Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Mimetic Improves Liver Steatosis, Insulin Sensitivity, and Inflammation in Obesity-Induced Type 2 Diabetes. Antioxidants, 6 (4). ISSN 2076-3921

Smith, J and Plummer, S and Hughes, MM (2017) Transnational social movements and changing organizational fields in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Global Networks, 17 (1). 3 - 22. ISSN 1470-2266

Ketchum, Andrea M. (2017) The Research Life Cycle and the Health Sciences Librarian: Responding to Change in Scholarly Communication. Journal of Medical Library Association, 105 (1). pp. 80-83. ISSN 1558-9439

Rosen, D and McCall, Janice and Primack, BA (2017) Telehealth Protocol to Prevent Readmission Among High-Risk Patients With Congestive Heart Failure. The American Journal of Medicine, 130 (11). pp. 1326-1330.

Collister, Lauren B (2017) Transformative (h)activism: Breast cancer awareness and the World of Warcraft Running of the Gnomes. Transformative Works and Cultures (25). ISSN 1941-2258


Haywood, Karlie (2017) Urban Agriculture: A Guide for Municipalities.

Khattak, Zulqarnain and Magalotti, Mark and Miller, John and Fontaine, Michael (2017) Using New Mode Choice Model Nesting Structures to Address Emerging Policy Questions: A Case Study of the Pittsburgh Central Business District. Sustainability, 9 (11). ISSN 2071-1050

Stein, Mary Kay and Correnti, Richard and Moore, Debra and Russell, Jennifer Lin and Kelly, Katelynn (2017) Using Theory and Measurement to Sharpen Conceptualizations of Mathematics Teaching in the Common Core Era. AERA Open, 3 (1). p. 233285841668056. ISSN 2332-8584

Bridgen, Sean (2017) Using Systems Theory to Understand the Identity of Academic Advising: A Case Study. NACADA Journal, 37 (2). 9 - 20. ISSN 0271-9517

Mendoza-Arenas, Juan Jose and Gomez-Ruiz, Fernando Javier and Eckstein, Martin and Jaksch, Dieter and Clark, Stephen R (2017) Ultra-fast control of magnetic relaxation in a periodically driven Hubbard model. annalen der physik, 529. 17 - ?.

Primack, BA and Shensa, A and Escobar-Viera, Cesar G. and Barrett, Erica and Sidani, JE and Colditz, JB and James, A. Everette (2017) Use of multiple social media platforms and symptoms of depression and anxiety: A nationally-representative study among U.S. young adults. Computers in Human Behavior, 69.


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Gomez, Marcela and Weiss, Martin B.H. (2017) Wireless Network Virtualization: Opportunities for Sharing in the 3.5 GHz Band. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Wireless Spectrum, 3 (10).

Gomez, MM and Weiss, Martin B.H. (2017) Wireless Network Virtualization: Opportunities for Spectrum Sharing in the 3.5GHz Band. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Wireless Spectrum, 17 (12).

Spicer, AM (2017) Why We ‘Speak’ APA in Academics.


Orenstein, Alexander and Berlyoung, April and Rastede, Elizabeth and Pham, Ha and Fouquerel, Elise and Murphy, Connor and Leibowitz, Brian and Yu, Jian and Srivastava, Tumul and Armitage, Bruce and Opresko, Patricia (2017) γPNA FRET Pair Miniprobes for Quantitative Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization to Telomeric DNA in Cells and Tissue. Molecules, 22 (12). ISSN 1420-3049

Silk, Jennifer S. and Lee, Kyung Hwa and Elliott, Rosalind D. and Hooley, Jill M. and Dahl, Ronald E. and Barber, Anita and Siegle, Greg J. (2017) ‘Mom—I don’t want to hear it’: Brain response to maternal praise and criticism in adolescents with major depressive disorder. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12 (5). pp. 729-738. ISSN 1749-5016

Rauktis, Mary and Rose, Lynda and Chen, Qi and Martello, Amy and Martone, Rachel (2017) “Their Pets Are Loved Members of Their Family”: Animal Ownership, Food Insecurity, and the Value of Having Pet Food Available in Food Banks. Anthrozoös, 30 (4). ISSN 0892-7936 (Print) 1753-0377

Silk, Jennifer S. and Lee, Kyung Hwa and Kerestes, Rebecca and Griffith, Julianne M. and Dahl, Ronald E. and Ladouceur, Cecile D. (2017) “Loser” or “Popular”?: Neural response to social status words in adolescents with major depressive disorder. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 28. pp. 1-11. ISSN 18789293

Good, Hiroyuki N. and Good, Kazuyo (2017) 米国大学図書館における電子書籍サービス [Current Trends of eBooks Services at Academic University Libraries in the United States of America]. 情報の科学と技術 [Journal of Information Science and Technology Association], 67 (1). pp. 19-24. ISSN 0913-3801

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